adj \ə-ˈmē-nə-bəl, -ˈme-\
Definition of AMENABLE
: liable to be brought to account : answerable <citizens amenable to the law>
— ame·na·bil·i·ty \-ˌmē-nə-ˈbil-ət-ē, -ˌme-\ noun
— ame·na·bly \-ˈmē-nə-blē, -ˈme-\ adverb
Examples of AMENABLE
- <whatever you decide to do, I'm amenable—just let me know>
- <our normally balky cat becomes the most amenable of creatures when confronted with the strange environment of the veterinary clinic>
- Mr. Bush is in a position to make his party more amenable to minorities and especially blacks. He should seize the moment. —Jason L. Riley, Wall Street Journal, 16 Jan. 2003
- While no one yet knows how wide … margins can go, contracts establish royalty rates and project them far into the future. Many agents have thus pushed for a term of license of just a few years. Publishers, however, are not always amenable. —Steven M. Zeitchik, Publishers Weekly, 14 June 1999
- Some of the newer findings address a vexing flaw in the sole noninvasive screening test for detecting microscopic prostate cancer, the form most amenable to a cure. —Marc B. Garnick et al., Scientific American, December 1998
- … depression, schizophrenia and manic depression, mental troubles that are now considered amenable to treatment by drug therapy … —Sherry Turkle, London Review of Books, 19 Mar. 1998
- [+]more
Origin of AMENABLE
Anglo-French, from amener to bring, compel, from a- (from Latin ad-) + mener to lead, from Late Latin minare to drive, from Latin minari to threaten — more at mount
First Known Use: 1596
Related to AMENABLE
Related Words: predisposed, prone; accommodating, agreeable, compliant, cooperative, obedient, obliging, submissive; favorable, receptive; prepared, prompt, quick, responsive, swift; desirous, eager, enthused, enthusiastic, excited
See Synonym Discussion at responsible, obedient
Rhymes with AMENABLE
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