Hardy County Queries 2011
To add your queries: Use either the
Query Form or send e-mail to me.
Margaret Lew, Page Manager.
Ann Sedlacek
13 November 2011
Searching for the parents of both John Oliphant Reynolds and his wife Mary
Ann Patterson. John O was born 15 Mar 1806 (could be as late as 1814 per
census records) in Hardy county, VA and Mary was born 22 Nov 1813 in
Hampshire county, WV. He died 1894 in WI; she died 1885 in WI. Would be very
interested to hear from anyone who is working on the same family.
Patrick Connell
26 October 2011
I am looking for the birth record and especially the parents
of William H. Connell. He stated that he was born in
Hardy Virginia around 1834. Any information about
his birth and his parents would be helpful. I do
know he moved just before the Civil War to Cambria
County Pennsylvania.
J. D. Wilson
17 October 2011
Looking for any information available on:
John Wilson
b. 16 Jun 1761 in Hampshire County, VA (that portion that is now Hardy
County, WV)
d. 13 Apr 1809 in Greeneville, Greene County, TN
married abt 1781 in Moorefield, Hampshire County, VA (now Hardy County, WV)
Susannah Kautzman
b. abt 1763 in Moorefield, Hampshire County, VA (now Hardy County, WV)
d. 18 Jul 1857 in Cass, Sullivan County, Indiana
Their first child, Adam Wilson, was born in Virginia. The family moved to
Tennessee circa 1784.
According to several approved DAR and SAR applications this John Wilson was
a private in the Virginia Militia during the Revolutionary War. One
application implies that this John Wilson was the John Wilson listed as a
member of Captain William Foreman's group that fought in the Grave Creek
Thank you!
Barbara Weese
12 October 2011
Ocie Raines home
The Ocie Raines home on Rt 220 between Moorefield and Durgon, is now owned by my mother Nancy Hambleton. Someone told me
they saw an article somewhere stating that in the 1800's it was called the Fisher Tenament house and there was a picture of
it. Does anyone know anything about this? Thanks, Barbara Weese
12 October 2011
Looking for information on Zachariah Hedger born 1799 in WV and died 1842 in KY.
Any information you can help me with would be greatly appreciated. Thanks,
Fae Logsdon
7 October 2011
I have been told that a newspaper published in 1802 describes a house fire in which Abraham Stuckey and Barbara Shobe were burned to death. Their children are listed in the article. Does anyone have a copy of this article or can anyone tell me where to find a copy? Thanks, Fae
Christopher J. Stump
2 October 2011
Largely due to the power of Google, we came across Evelyn Blakes's Stump Pioneers a page on this web site concerning the Stump genealogy, and found it most
interesting. FYI, I was born in London but have lived in the U.S. for the past 13 years. My grandfather claimed to have
traced our ancestry back to William Stumpe of Malmesbury. My grandfather ran a hotel, and the hotel cutlery was engraved
with the gryphon family crest.
In case you don't know, there is a famous anecdote of William Stumpe hosting Henry VII at dinner after the king had been
hunting in the area; since Henry had arrived uninvited and at short notice, the royal party were given the food that had been
set aside for the servants. Surprisingly, this proved to be a good move on William's part since he was able to cut the deal
to acquire Malmesbury Abbey from Henry VIII many years later, as you note. A visit to Malmesbury today still reveals plenty
of evidence of William's industrious past, and the Abbey is in excellent condition for its age.
Regards, Christopher J. Stump, Lancaster, PA
Note: Evelyn Blake's e-mail address is no longer working. Please send her new address if you know it.
Pat Taylor
27 September 2011
I am looking for documentation for the parentage of Reese McNeill
(spelled different ways). I have the following information:
Reese McNeill born 19 Aug 1785, Hardy, WV; died 24 Jun 1823, Pike, OH. Parents:
Daniel McNeill, 1745-1806, Elizabeth McDougall Pritchett, 1754-1842.
I need documentation so that I may apply for an application to the
Daughters of the American Revolution.
Thank you, Pat Taylor
George Snider
20 September 2011
I am researching George W. Snider (born circa 1819 in Ohio, death 1884 in Hardy), who per census of 1850 to 1880 lived in the
Wardensville area of Hardy. He was married first to Elizabeth A. Anderson of Virginia in 1838 by whom he had 9 children and
in 1878 married Francelia Cootes, no children. One of his sons, George Washington Snider Jr, was my great grandfather. I
have found numerous documents in the county clerk's office in Moorefield re GW Snider, including his will. GW Sr. was the
postmaster in Wardensville during the Civil War.
I have hit a stone wall, however, determining the parents of GW Sr. From the census data, he said his father was from
Virginia (possible WV) and his mother from Ohio.
Any information on who GW Sr's parents were would be most appreciated.
Thank you! George Snider, Berkeley County, WV.
Ken Theobald
12 September 2011
I am trying to find information on the Skidmore's who came to Canada as runaway slaves possibly through the Underground
Railway arriving in Canada in 1843. The family consisted of two brothers - Nathaniel (b. 1813) and Samuel (b. 1816) - and
Mary Anne Skidmore (b. 1825). In census records they listed Hardy County as their place of birth. They crossed the border at
Niagara and settled in Welland County just over the Canadian border. Mary Anne, who married into an Irish family, is my
great-great-grandmother. Would love to hear any tips you have for my search.
Thank you sincerely, Ken Theobald, Toronto,
Polly Birmingham
31 August 2011
Michael Stump Sr. of Virginia 1709-1768
Is there is a copy of Thurman Stump's book Michael Stump Sr. of Virginia 1709-1768 in the library in Romney or somewhere else for the general public to view? I found what was on the Hardy County genweb site but the photocopies of George Washington's Diary won't print. Do you know if there is somewhere that I can obtain a photocopy of the pages in the diary pertaining to Michael Stump? I would love to have a copy of that book if you know where one might be obtained. McClain is no longer printing it.
Note: The broken links on the pages have been fixed. Refresh your browser to make sure the latest version of the page is being used. M. Lew.
Tammy Leeper
28 June 2011
I am looking for the Parents of William McClellan(d) Reel. On his death certificate, it states his mother is Elisa Reel, however there is not father listed for him. William was born 2/5/1861, died 10/7/1954 in WV. I was told that he may have been out of wedlock and he is buried in the Reel cemetery in WV. I have been looking at the possiblity that his mother married a John George?
Monica Watkins Wagner
3 July 2011
Please help me solve this mystery:
There is a tombstone in Mt. Olivet Cemetery with the name Charles Watkins. I believe this person to be Charles W.
Watkins who served with McNeils Rangers.
I have a Charles B. Watkins in my line and I am bothered by the fact that on most documents most midddle names or initials
were hardly used, making researcher's work, like my 30-yr search, so difficult. I would love to know for sure: Who is buried in
Mt. Olivet?
Thank you for any help or for any other person who might be able to answer my question.
Monica Watkins Wagner in S. C.
Heather Fishel
25 June 2011
I am looking for any information on Millers that lived in Lost River. Particular names I am searching for are Minnie M.
Miller, born about 1890. She was the wife of Jacob Charles Halterman, and the mother of my great grandmother, Gladdis
Virginia Halterman. I am pretty sure she was the daughter of George Miller, born about 1850. I know she had a sister Nettie
Miller, born about 1898. The spouse of George Miller I am not sure about, possibly Eliza but my grandmother doesn't think
that is correct. Any information you have would be greatly appreciated!
William Claypool
11 June 2011
I'm looking for all history and genealogy for The Claypools. I find information of an AARON CLAYPOOL both born and married in 1803. It is possible that Aaron was married and had a son the same year. That would make AARON's birth approx 1783-87 (which I have seen other information reflecting that.)
My line starting with me: William Clyde Claypool > Walton Clyde Claypool > William Clyde Claypool (called Clyde) >James Stephens (sp) Claypool > Aaron Claypool b1837. It seems plausible that there could have been an Aaron b1803, who was also m1803, but his father may have been born 1783-87. It is also plausible that John Claypool(e) b1733 was Aaron b1783-87. I hope you can direct me to any and all information re The Claypool(e)s
Donna K. Whitehill
8 June 2011
I am researching James Bryan m. to Mary Viney.
Here are the land records I have. They came from the book: Early Records
Hampshire County Virginia Now West Virginia
- 1762 KIMZEY, William (w.Elizabeth) to James Bryan pg32
8-10 (Kunzey, Kinzey?) of Hampshire Co.
of Hampshire Co. (lease and release)
270 a. near Frederick Co. line; rec.8-10-1762
wit. Gabriel Jones, Sam Dew.
- 1770 BRYAN, James (w. Mary) to Andrew Viney pg58
3-2 of Hampshire Co (lease and release) of Hampshire Co.
270 a. near line of Frederick Co.; rec. 5-8-1770.
wit.: John Roussaw, William Baker
- 1770 VINEY, Andrew (w. Susan) to William Wilson pg6
of Hampshire Co. (lease and release) of Hampshire Co.
386 a. on Lost River; rec. 5-8-1770
Would love to hear from anyone that may have information about this!
Donna Bryan Whitehill
Phyllis Moore
24 May 2011
Is there anyone that will look up information on Elizabeth (Chaney)
Davis She died after 1835 in Hardy Co.VA now West VA.She was the wife of
William Davis who died and has a will in the Court house at
Moorefield,West VA. in 1835.
Their children are:
- John Davis b.June 5,1800 in Albermarle Co. VA. He moved
to Ross Co. Ohio and married Catherine Stookey in Ross Co. 1823. They are
both buried in the Union Cemetery near Clarks Hill Laramie Twp., Tippecanoe Co., IN.
- Nancy Davis b.June 5,1800 twin of John, married Andrew Tevenbaugh- or
Andrew Hite. in Hardy Co.?
- There was a Sarah Davis married to a John Davis that lived in Albermarle
Co.VA.She sold her part of land to Andrew Tevenbaugh.
- Lewis Davis
- Robert Davis all listed in the Will of their father (William Davis)
I would gladly pay for copies of information. I am in hopes that
Elizabeth (Chaney) Davis will have her maiden name on her death record.
Maybe Chaney is not her maiden name? I did find a marriage for
William and Elizabeth if it is the right people.
I did research in Moorefield probably twenty years ago but I did not
find a death record for Elizabeth but I may have just missed it.
Thank you,
Phyllis (Davis) Moore
Arthur Hopkins
22 April 2011
When Samuel L. Boone died in 1909, he left a framed picture of
himself and his wife to his daughter, Mary Catherine Conrad. Does
anyone know whether this picture still exists, and who has it now?
David Kidner
6 April 2011
I am looking for information about the children of Jacob Kidner
who married Marry Simmons in Hardy county in Nov 1808. I believe one of
his sons is Amos Kidner who was born in Licking county Ohio Oct 1815. I
have been trying to find proof of this.
Thank You.
Leon Schnur
16 March 2011
Are there any written accounts for the Neff family in Hardy County, Virginia.
I see that it is now part of West Virginia, but the family member for whom I
am searching would have been there pre-Civil War. My grandmother, Ida Lillian Hoff nee Neff,
is part of the family who arrived in the US in the 1720's aboard the James Goodwill.
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards.
Randy Merritt
6 March 2011
Can anyone provide me with information on the Merritt families from the Flats, Old Fields area of Hardy County.
Specifically information on Adam Merritt who was married to a Brbara McNemar. The had a son John T. Merritt married to Esther
Ann Huffman whom both are buried in Green Hill cemetery.
Note: In the Census of 1870 found John T. Merritt, age 20, occupation farm labor, in the household of Samuel Leatherman, farmer in Moorefield Township. M. Lew
Larry Baxter
4 March 2011
I'm looking for information on Johnathan Wilkins and Scottia or Scotta Wilson,
who married about 1829. Miss Wilson was born 9-21-1807. Any help would be appreciated.
Phyllis A. Harman
19 February 2011
My current research project is the Gilmore/Gilmer: specifically
the family of Nancy Gilmore (Mrs. Jacob) Shobe of Petersburg
and Nancy Gilmer (Mrs. Isaac) Means of Hampshire Co.
(Mechanicsburg), both of whom were living in 1800. I have
always thought it interesting that we have 2 ancestors of the
same maiden name living on the South Branch.
I believe I have located the family of Nancy Means, but am still
searching for the parents of Nancy Gilmore Shobe.
Sue Erickson
12 February 2011
I am looking for information on Elizabeth Bell b. 1767 who married Benjamin Jones b. 1768. They had a son James
Jones who I believe was born 1796 in Hardy County. They were married in 1790. Since their son was born in Hardy County I am
thinking that Elizabeth Bell and her family may be from Hardy County. I do not have any other information on Elizabeth's
parents etc.
Dennis Boone
7 February 2011
My 5th great grandfather James D. Boone was Postmaster of Bakers run in Hardy
County in 1851. Are there any documents of him there? Is there anything with
signatures or maybe even a photo? And how long was he a postmaster? Any
information would be very helpful.
Pam Stone Eagleson
2 February 2011
Does anyone know if anyone has done any land platting for Hardy
County? Does anyone have maps to recommend. I am trying to locate the
lands of my ancestors James Stone & Christian Wise. James had several
tracts in the Lost River area.
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© Margaret C. Lew
Last Updated: 17 October 2011