SBDisc · SouthBayDiscussions

Group Information

  • Members: 147
  • Category: Groups
  • Founded: May 13, 2003
  • Language: English
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25 New Messages - New Questions



SouthBayDiscussions is an open group welcoming people from all walks of life.

The only qualifications are to be open-minded AND tolerant!

The idea is to engage in dialog and and have an intelligent IN-PERSON discussion. This is a forum where you can debate AND learn: there may be times when you may just want to learn from others, and at other times when you'd like others to hear your perspectives, and yet others when you want them to agree with you ;)

A willingness to question, ponder, and concede will foster a friendly yet passionate environment for discussions. We talk about EVERYTHING under the face of the Sun: right from religion to politics, and science to fiction AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN. (In the past we have talked about Capitalism, Social Evolution, Caste System, Abortion, Conception, Relativity, Taxation...)

We meet once a week at a cafe in the Sunnyvale area. We've been meeting weekly since 2003.

Note: If you'd like to come & listen that's ok too.

=========================== RULES ====================================
1. Please do not "own" an idea - listen to others' views, assimilate & absorb them; then respond.
2. Please do NOT disparage any member or their views - verbally or by body language - no snickering etc.
3. Only ONE person to speak at any time - NO side conversations!
4. This is not a debate - no one wins or loses: the idea is to get a better understanding of issues.
5. If you don't like this or ANYTHING else about this group - please let me know, I am human & prone to mistakes like everyone else! :(

Message History

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2010 46 32 41 15 53
2009 23 28 47 81 115 140 38 32 11 18 60 60
2008 73 47 32 36 25 50 39 6 10 11 26 8
2007 39 91 75 40 47 84 68 29 8 39 71 33
2006 36 265 105 130 101 191 78 32 62 28 47 62
2005 9 15 18 89 132 58 13 39 44 56 53 22
2004 16 21 60 17 65 56 14 8 9 9 6 12
2003 24 57 54 17 45 16 3 14
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