September 17, 2009

Fear tactics in health reform

Bishop Gene Robinson Pt.2: The struggle for reform should be fierce but never return "evil with evil"


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Robinson: When the "other side isn't willing to play, you have to get done what you have to on your own"

Paul Jay speaks to Bishop Gene Robinson at the Tides Foundation's Momentum conference in San Francisco. They talk about the demonization of the two sides of the health reform debate. Robinson says that the "loving your enemy has nothing whatsoever to do with liking your enemy. For me, as a Christian, I am never given the license of treating my enemy as anything less than a child of God. I don't resort to the kinds of tactics that I would describe as immoral to fight an immoral attack on me. I think each side demonizes the other. I think the antidote to that is to believe, as I do, that that opposition comes out of fear, it actually doesn't come out of hatred. I think that what we've failed to do is to ask the question of "what are they afraid of?" and try to speak to that, not to the presenting issue." Full presentation at the Momentum conference found at


Gene Robinson is the ninth bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire in the Episcopal Church in the United States of America. He is considered the first internationally recognized and ordained a bishop in a major Christian denomination to be openly queer and non-celibate. In 2009 he gave the opening prayer at Barack Obama's inaugural concert at the Lincoln Memorial, and was later honored by the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) with the Stephen F. Kolzak Media Award.

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runiter 2009-09-19

I enjoyed this interview with Bishop Gene Robinson. He presented a perspective that I didn't thought about before. The perspective of people don't necessarily hate eachother, they are just often afraid of possible outcomes of new ideas. In an unrelated topic, how come RealNews doesn't cover Iran's stories anymore? I enjoyed the coverage TRR had right after the election, but now they seem to have stopped!

gegenwarst 2009-09-17

Mr. Jay,Today (09/17/09) Asia Times online has published another article written by Pepe Escobar titled �More questions on 9/11� ( Unless Mr. Escobar no longer collaborates with your so-called �independent� channel, why TRNN doesn�t prepare a whole coverage of this topic? Are you afraid of some type of government retaliation? Forget about those idiots who labeled themselves as �Progressives� since these good-for-nothing (I�d rather say bullshitters) won�t bring any change to this country. Investigate 9/11.

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