Acai Berry was named the #1 Superfood in the world by Perricone.
The Acai fruit has been featured on Oprah, The Today Show, The CBS Early Show, in the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times to name a few.

Acai only grows in the Amazon Rainforest. When Acai is picked, it is a delicate fruit that must be processed within 24 hours as it is highly perishable.

You CANNOT buy Acai as a whole fruit in North America. You can only get Acai in powder or pulp form. The best way to make acai powder is to freeze-dried the fruit. When done properly Acai can be turned into a powder that has all the nutritional power of fresh Acai.

This powder can be inserted in capsules as a supplement or sold as just a powder. This powder can be use to mix with a drink or sprinkle over your favorite food.

There are other methods of making powder such as spray drying, but do not buy from companies who use this technique.

The products that are spray-dried are considered poor and in lower in potency. Learn more about recommendations.

We learned very quickly that the vast majority of Acai powders on the market is not legitimate and has very LOW quality in antioxidant effects.

Therefore, we wanted do some more research. After months of seeking the right material on this subject – we have learned a great deal about the acai berry.

Things to Take Into Account Before Buying Açaí

With the price of açaí products being quite high, there are a few things you may want to consider before buying.

So let us start from the beginning…

What is Acai Berries?

Acai, (pronounced ah-sigh-ee), is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. This little berry, about the size of a blueberry, is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world! Amazingly, this berry is being called by many the miracle berry.

Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, Acai berry tastes like a vibrant blend of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its royal purple pigment is the magic that makes it nature’s perfect energy fruit.

Acaí is packed full of:


amino acids

essential fatty acids

vitamins and minerals

The Açai Berry has the highest antioxidant score of any fruit or vegetable tested to date.

Unlike other fruits, the Açai Berry contains protein, fiber, Omega 6 and Omega 9 essential fatty acids. It is incredibly alkaline, assist the body with detox and maintaining optimum health in balancing ph levels. This is the most important aspects of living healthy.

If your ph levels are not right, this is when you body chemistry goes haywire.

Acai has twice the antioxidants of blueberries, 30xthat of red wine! Acai is 100x more potent than Goji, Noni or Mangosteen.

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There is no such thing as using the pit of the acai berry or the seed of the acai berry in any puree or powdered acai product. I have written this because I just surfed around the web recently and saw some sites and companies stating that they use the pit or seed!

Our recommendation – steer clear of any product that is made with the Acai seed!

I buy only the purest Organic & Kosher Acai in the world! Perfect Acai supplements are made with EarthFruits 100% Freeze Dried, 100% Organic, and Fairly-Traded Acai.

Who is EarthFruits?

The mission of EarthFruits is to protect the Amazon Rainforest and improve the lives of the people living there. EarthFruits leads the way in providing full potency ingredients, with optimal nutrient content and the highest ORAC values (700/gm) and they are able to freeze the berries within 12 to 18 hours after harvesting.

Perfect Acai has no preservatives, no caffeine (guarana) and no added sugar. It is the purest organic Acai on the market today with no preservatives!

Our Recommendations.

What makes Acai so special?

While Acai may be small in size, it packs a nutritional punch unlike any other food in the world. Here are a few highlights to wet your appetite:

Dr. Perricone, in his bestseller – “The Perricone Promise” picks Acai fruit as the #1 Super Food in the world.

In 2005, Oprah name Acai the #1 Super Food, saying “This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world.” See our recommendations.

“Rich in antioxidants and amino acids, açaí is thought to be one of the most nutritional fruits of the Amazon basin.” New York Times, 8/4/2004

Acai has 10 times the antioxidant power of red grapes and twice that of blueberries.

The Health Benefits that have made Acai Berry Famous

Boosts energy levels

Improves digestive function

Improves mental clarity/focus

Promotes sound sleep

Provides all vital vitamins

Contains several important minerals

Is an extremely powerful free radical fighter

Fights cancerous cells

Slows down the aging process

Promotes healthier and younger-looking skin

Alleviates diabetes

Normalizes and regulates cholesterol levels

AND THESE ARE JUST A FEW!! See more on Health Benefits of Acai-Berry.

While other sites make claims about Acai curing every disease known to man, we would never make those claims. What is clear is that Acai has tremendous health properties and may be one of the best possible foods you can eat to stay healthy.

How Does Acai Taste?

Terrific! Acai has a berry flavor with a subtle chocolate.

Can I buy fresh Acai at my local market?

No – unless you live in the middle of Amazon Rainforest! Fresh Acai can only be obtain in the Amazon. Acai is very perishable and spoils within about 24 hours of being picked from the Acai Palm tree.

How can I get Acai fruit?

- Acai pulp from the Amazon can be frozen and shipped to your country.

- Acai pulp can also be dehydrated into a powder and freeze dried. This powder can then be put into capsules to make pure Acai supplements that maintain all the nutritional properties of fresh Acai – just in a concentrated form.

Can I just buy any Acai supplement?

Not exactly. There is a world of difference between the various Acai supplements on the market. Some are manufactured in such a way that they maintain almost NO nutritional value of a fresh Acai. See all Acai Berry are NOT equal.

We have found some quality Acai supplements.

Remember, most the ones you see in a health food store are processed in such a way that they maintain almost NONE of the nutritional benefits of fresh Acai. Most companies use the word “acai berry” on products just to get the consumers to buy it, but majority of the time there is very little acai and very little nutritional value associated with this berry. Very sneaky and devious by these manufacturers.

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