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Angel Funded Start-Up seeks Sr. Engineer to Lead Team (San Francisco)

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Date: 2009-05-30, 10:09AM PDT

Angel funded start up is looking for a Senior Web Engineer/Architect extremely skilled in building and leading a development team for UGC site. Candidate will have the unique opportunity to become a founding member responsible for all development, technical hiring and operations of the company. Ideal candidate will be a "tweenie" who is experienced with UGC and social networking sites. Must have in depth experience and familiarity with Twitter, Facebook Connect and other API's which are a key component and strategy to this project.

This person must be both technical and creative and able to work with the founders on their vision to transfer that vision to the web. Candidate will be responsible for choosing programming language, scaling the business, hiring and contributing UGC expertise to the site as a key member of the team.

Both founding members have had extreme success in the past on the web, and seek only the most knowledgeable and committed applicants. Do not reply if you have no knowledge of social networking sites.

To apply, send email with a cover letter and resume, preferably with salary history and requirements.

PostingID: 1196762000