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Getting started?
Advertise on Google with AdWords
You can advertise your business on Google even if you don't have a lot to spend. Your ad appears on Google and connects you with customers when they're searching for your keywords.

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Earn revenue with AdSense
Earn more revenue from your website, while providing visitors with a more rewarding online experience. Google AdSense delivers ads that are precisely targeted to your site.

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Get listed on Google Maps
Millions of people search local listings each day; help them find you. You can even create coupons to reward customers and attract new ones. And it's free.

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All of our business solutions
Put your information on Google
By putting your business, product, and website information on Google, you'll make it easier for new customers to find you and your products.
You can submit your:
Submit your business information to Google Maps
Submit your classfied listings to Google Base
Submit your web pages to Google Sitemaps
Upload your video to Google Video
Upload book content to Google Book Search
Enhance your website
Accept Google Checkout on your website to convert more customers and lower your transaction processing costs.

Sell online and process transactions for free until the end of 2007.
Use easy-to-understand visually enhanced reports to help you make profit-generating improvements to your website.
Search for your website
Provide Google search results to users who want to search the web or just your website.
Increase your productivity
Enhance your company's productivity with collaboration, search and information visualization solutions.
Email, calendar and IM
Get private-labeled Gmail, Google Calendar and Google Talk accounts, plus collaboration and publishing tools. No hardware or software required.

New! Try Google Apps Premier Edition for free through May 31st, 2007. Standard Edition is always free.
Find information in your organization
Help your employees find information faster with integrated desktop, corporate network and web search.
Maps for Enterprise
Add the visual data power of Google Maps and Google Earth to your company's applications.
Can't find what you're looking for? Check out other Google products.
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