The Roman Catholic Church in New France proclaimed they are a law unto themselves,
refusing to acknowledge the supremacy of secular tribunals.
FRENCH INDEX Return to Main French INDEX
Fines in New France are levied on the fathers of unmarried men 20 years old and unmarried girls 16 years old.
From 1670 on, permanent residents were called Canadians or French Canadians.
From 1670 on, permanent residents were called Canadians or French Canadians.
SOME FILLE DU ROI who arrived 1670 and entered into contract of marriage
Marie Angelier, married Vivien Rochereau, Vivien
Denise Anthoine, married Laurent Buy, Laurent dit Lavergne, said his name is Lavergne; 2nd marriage 1704 Mathurin Banlier dit Laperle, saaid his name is Laperle
Élisabeth Aubert, b-1646, married Aubin Lambert, Aubin dit Champagne
Jacqueline Aubry, married Antoine Gros dit Laviolette, said said his name is Laviolette; 2nd marriage 1689 Guillaume Denoyon,
Isabella Aupe, married Pierre De Lavoie
Frances Baiselat, married Laurent Cambin dit Larivière, said his name is Lariviere; 2nd marriage 1670 Pierre-François Marsan dit Lapierre, said his name is Lapierre; 3rd marriage 1693 André Corbeil dit Tranchemontagne, said his name is Tranchemontagne,
Joan Barber, married Julien Plumereau dit Latreille, said his name is Latreille; 2nd marriage 1681 François Blain,
Mary Baril, married François Sauvin dit Larose, said his name is Larose,
Martha Frances Barton, married Joseph Knight,
Marguerite Berger, married Charles Courtois,
Mary Besche, married Pierre Chaperon,
Catherine Billot, married Urbain Jagot
Genevieve Billot, married Jean Denis
Margaret Binaudière, married Symphorien Rousseau; 2nd marriage 1688 Claude Guyon,
Mary Birard, married Pierre Pivin dit Larécompense, said his name is Larécompense,
Jeanne Boucault, (illegitimate child, Jacques b-1668), married Louis Colombe, b-1641
Francoise Bourgeois, (illegitimate child, Frances Vignaux b- 1670), married Paul Vignault (Vignaux) dit Laverdure, said his name is Laverdure
Marie Briere, married Jean Guay; 2nd marriage 1678 Martin Gueudon,
Brisette, Marie (arrived 1670) not married this year
Catherine Bruneau, (illegitimate child, Mary-Anne b-about 1685), married Jean Monin,
Margaret Bulte, married Jean Robitaille,
Mary Buot, married Pierre Martin
Mary Campion, married Mathurin Dubé,
Marie Carlier, Married René Fezeret,
Nicole Chandoiseau, married Étienne Benoît dit Lajeunesse, said his name is Lajeunesse; 2nd marriage 1698 Pierre Gour dit Lavigne, said his name is Lavigne,
Joan Chartier, married Thècle-Cornélius Aubry dit Tècle, said his name is Tecle,
Margaret Chemereau, married Jean Piet dit Trempe, said his name is Trempe
Suzanne Chevalier, married Robert Foubert dit Lacroix, said his name is Lacroix; 2nd marriage 1684 Jean Maranda,
Madeleine Chretien, married Pierre Chicoine; 2nd marriage Louis-Odet De Piercot,
Mary Chretien, married Paul Perrault dit Lagorce, said his name is Lagorce
Marie-Rose Colin, ,married François Deguire dit Larose, said his name is Larose,
Margaret Collet, married Jacques Bissonnet dit Dechaumaux, said his name is Dechaumaux
Isabelle Couturier, married François Chantelou,
Michelle De Lahaye, married Étienne Pothier; 2nd marriage 1690 Stephan Lair,
Madeleine Delaunay, married Pierre Guillet dit Lajeunesse,said his name is Lajeunesse
Margaret De Nevelet, married Abraham Bouat,
Mary Denoyon, married Charles Davenne,
Marie-Madeleine Deschamps, (arrived 1670) not married this year
Margaret Deshayes, married Pierre Ménard dit Saintonge, said his name is Saintonge
Madeleine Després, b-1653, married Nicolas Audet dit Lapointe, said his name is Lapointe
Catherine Doribeau, married Jacuqes Genest dit Labarre, said his name is Labarre,
Marie Dubois, b-1642, married Michel Brouillet dit Laviolette, said his name is Laviolette
Jeanne Ducorps, said her names is Leduc, married Martin Massé,
Mary Ducoudray, married François Grenet,
Joan Dufossé, married Louis Doré,
Elizabeth Durand, (arrived 1670) not married this year
Francoise Durand, b-1651, married 1671Jacques Beaudouin (Beaudoin),
Margaret Dusson, married Jean Lavallée dit Petit-Jean, said his name is Petit-Jean; 2nd marriage 1694 Charles Vanet dit Le Parisien, said his name is Le Parisien,
Margaret Evin, married Pierre Richard,
Anne Fayet, married René Siret,
Anne Foubert, married Pierre Boisseau,
Catherine Fourier, married Mathurin Mercadier; 2nd marriage Jean Bousquet; 3rd marriage 1712 François Martin dit Langevin, said his name is Langevin,
Joan Fressel, b-1653 married Étienne (Stephen) Jacob
Louise Fro, married Julien Meunier
Anne Galet, married Sylvain Veau,
Anne Galet, married Michel Hébert dit Laverdure, said his name is Laverdure
Anne Geoffroy, married Charles Flibot
Anne Gilles, married François Fleury; 2nd marriage1689 Rebé Dumas dit Rencontre, said his name is Rencontre; 3rd marriage 1704 Pierre Galet dit Laliberté, said his name is Laliberté
Marie-Madeleine Gobert, married Pierre Groleau,
Elizabeth Godillon, married Léonard Ethier
Mary Grandin, married Jean Beaudet,
Mary Grandin, Mary, married Michel Morel; 2nd marriage 1672 Claude Robillard,
Marceline Graton, married Pierre Toupin dit Lapierre, said his name is Lapierre; 2nd marriage 1710 Vincemt Brunet
Anne Grimbault, married Jean Jouanne; 2nd marriage 1691 Claude Desportes,
Joan Gruaux, married Jean René; 2nd marriage 1674 Jacques Pigeon,
Catherine Guerard, married Julien Dubord dit Lafontaine, said his name is Lafontaine,
Marie-Madeleine Hebert, married Denis Brosseau
Margaret Housseau, married Jean Meunier
Marie Hubert, b-1655 married Hicolas Fournier
Catherine Humelot, married Jacques Hardy,
Elizabeth Jossard, married Jean-Baptiste De Poitiers Sieur du Buisson,
Jacqueline Labbe, married Mathurin Colin dit Laliberté, said his name is Laliberté
Marie-Anne Lafontaine, married Martin Dalleray
Anne Lagou, married Pierre Vallière; 2nd marriage Rémi Dupil,
Margaret Lamain, married Michel Rognon dit Laroche, said his name is Laroche; 2nd marriage 1685 Mercier Pierre
Joan Lecoq, married Guillaume Dubeau; 2nd marriage 1672, Martin Moreau,; 3rd marriage Jean Fortunat dit Laverdure, said his name is Laverdure,
Elizabeth Agnes Lefebvre, married François Thibault,
Marie Lefebvre, married Louis Guibault, dit Grandbois, says his name is Grandbois; 2nd marriage Pierre Gendras,
Marie-Anne Lelong, married Joseph Bonneau dit Labécasse, said his name is Labecasse,
Catherine Leroux, married René Goulet,
Claire Levieux, said her name is Dove, married Pierre Neveu,
Marie Malo, married Jacques Brin dit La Pensée, said his name is Pensée
Mary Elizabeth Marchand, married Pierre Coeur dit Jolicoeur, lsaid his name is Jolicoeur
Madeleine Marechal, married Pierre Poupardeau
Joan Marie, married François Vézina,
Anne Masson, married Robert Galien,
Agathe Merlin, married Jean Loriot,
Marie-Louise Michaud, married Jean Daniau dit Laprise, said his name is Laprise
François Michel married Gilles Dupont; 2nd marriage Paul Hubert
Marguerite Moreau, married André Morin,
Margaret Frances Moreau, married Mathieu Faye dit Lafayette, said his name is Lafayette; 2nd marriage Jean Lefort, dit Laprairie, said his name is Laprairie,
Navaron, Marie (arrived 1670) not married this year.
Marie-Madeleine Normand, married Alphonse Morin dit Valcour, said his name is Valcour
Anne Ollery, married Thomas Frérot, Sieur de Lachenaye, Kid brother, Thomas, Sieur de Lachenaye
Margaret Paquet, married Francois Biville dit Le Picard, said his name is Le Picard; 2nd marriage 1676 Bernard Gonthier,
Perrette Parema, married François Lory dit Gargot, said his name is Gargot
Marie-Marthe Payan, married Mathurin Corneau,
Frances Pednel, married Maurice Arrivé,
Louise Petit, married Charles Delaurice dit Jambon, said his name is Jambon
Marie-Madeleine Plouard, married Jacques Viau dit Lespérance, said his name is Lesperance
Anne Poitron, (Ouestnorouest ?) married Pierre Martin; 2nd marriage 1674 Jean Verger dit Desjardins, said his name is Desjardins,
Marie Pothier, married Élie Prévost dit Laviolette, said his name is Laviolette
Marie Prevost, married Michel Aubin,
Margaret Provost, married Jacques Venne; 2nd marriage Étienne Forestier dit Lafortune, said his name is Lafortune,
Joan Raimbault, married Étienne Raimbault,
Margaret Raisin, married Bernard Deniger dit Sanssoucy, said his name is Sanssoucy
Martha Raudy, (arrived 1670) not married this year
Mary Renaud, married Charles Petit,
Anne-Francoise Richard, said her name is Martin, married Pierre Campagna,
Georgette Richer, married François Dupuis,
Joan Rossignol, said her name is Grossonneau, married Charles Petit; 2nd marriage 1674 Jean Forget; 3rd marriage 1676 Urbain Fouquereau; 4th marriage 1704 François Huard dit Laliberté, said his name is Laliberté,
Aimee Roux, married Aimard Tinon dit Desroches, et Deslauriers, said his names were Desroches, and Deslauriers
Anne Roy, married Nicolas Bouchard; 2nd marriage 1685 Claude Guimond,
Joan Roy, married Étienne Bonnet; 2nd marriage 1670 Jean Péladeau dit St-Jean, said his name is St. John,
Marie-Anne Roy, married Mathieu Binet dit Lespérance, says his name is Lesperance; 2nd marriage 1704 Abel Simon,
Isabella Salé, married Jacques Marcot,
Madeleine Theresa Salé, married Claude Raimbault,
Margaret Samson, married Jean Beaugrand dit Champagne, said his name is Champagne,
Joan Savonnet, married Jean Soucy dit Lavigne; 2nd marriage 1679 Damien Bérubé, Damien; 3rd marriage 1692 , François Miville dit LeSuisse, said his name is LeSuisse
Mary Seigneur, married Pierre Sasseville
Catherine Senecal, married Jean Lafond,
Joan Sicard, married Vincent Guillot,
Anne Talbot, married Jean Gareau dit Saintonge, said his name is Saintonge
Martinez Tavrey, married Nicolas Marcot,
Joan Tellier, married Mathurin Gerbert dit Lafontaine, said his name is Lafontaine
Marie-Madeleine Thibierge, married Pierre St-Denis,
Noelle Tiremont, married Bernard Bertin dit Languedoc,; 2nd marriage 1673 Pierre Chaperon,
Louise Valet, married René Bisson dit Lépine, says his name is Lepine
Mary Vaqueta, married Guy Dorillard dit St-Jean, said his name is St-Jean
Mary Verger, married Jean Hus,
Joan Vilain, married Mathurin Bernier dit Lamarzelle,; 2nd marriage 1678 Jacques Chevalier,
It was estimated that 600 to 700 births were recorded in New France and Fille du Roi are no longer required.
(I)-Pierre Artaut, Sieur de la Tour, b-1630 country married Louise Sauvagesse., b-1621, two Metis children are recorded,
(II)-Marie Artaut Metis b-1667 married 1680 Michel des Rosiers (Desrosiers)
(II)-Jean Artaut Metis no birth date given.
(II)-Pierre Bourgery et Bourgis Metis d-1703 Boucherville son (I)-Jean Baptiste Bourgery (Bougret) and Marie Boullard Indian or Metis b-1643; married about 1670
(III)-Leger Bourgery Metis (1671-1723) Boucherville married 1699 (II)-Marguerite Pougret et Bougret b-1680
(III)-Marie Madeleine Bourgery Metis (1672-1672) Boucherville
(III)-Claude Bourgery Metis (1674-1687) Boucherville
(III)-Ignace Bourgery Metis b-1675 Boucherville married 1702 Varennes (II)-Marie Desmares b-1682
(III)-Pierre Bourgery Metis b-1677 Boucherville
(III)-Denis Bourgery Metis (1679-1751) Boucherville married 1718 Boucherville (III)-Marie Joseph Bault b-1696
(III)-Marguerite Bourgery Metis b-1681 Boucherville married (I)-Jean Lefort b-1649
(III)-Jean Louis Bourgery Metis b-1685 Boucherville married 1717 Detroit Anne Alimacoua, Quescacan de nation (Kaskakan)
(II)-Anne Charron, Metis, b-1670, New France, daughter (I)-Pierre Charron (1640-1700) and Catherine Pilliar, ou Pilet-Pillard, b-1651?, a Filles du Roi, and Metis or Indian, of New France, baptized March 30, 1646 La Rochelle, France. DNA analysis 'suggests' she is either Indian or Metis from New France: married April 18, 1686, Boucherville, Pierre Goguet.
Simon Francois Daumont de Saint Lusson d-1677 left Ville-Marie (Montreal) using (I)-Nicolas Perrot (1644-1717) as interpreter and guide to Sault Ste Marie.
Olicer Morel de la Durantaye (1640/44-1716) married 1670 Quebec Francoise Duquet, commanded Kamouraska, Quebec in 1674 and Machillimackinac (1683-1690). The mission at Kamouraska wasn't established until 1727?
(I)-Jean-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint Castin born June 19, 1665 d-1707, married 1670 / rehabilitated Acadia 1684. 1st married 1670 Mathilde Madokawando; He married a second time 1685, Acadia to Marie Pidiwammiskawa, sister of Mathilde. Their father was Chief Madokawando an Abenaki (1630-1696). It is believed Jean was a philander before settling down. It's noteworthy he was in Acadia in 1665 and returned July 17, 1670 to live among the natives. Chief Madokawando an Abenaki (1630-1696) gave his three daughters to Vincent to entice him to stay among the Abenaki. Three sisters are (1)-Mathilda - (2)-Pidianske ( Pidi8ammisk8a) and (3)-Melchide de Nicosquone Jean spent most of his time in Pentagouet and Port Royal, Acadia. He became chief of the Abenakis in 1696.
CHILDREN WITH (I)-Mathilde Madokawando; married 1670 (Country liaison)
(II)-Claire Vincent Metis (1671-1744) married 1700 Acadia Paul Meunier
(II)-Anastasie Vincent Metis married December 4, 1707 Port Royal Alexander Leborgne de Belisle son of Alexandre Leborge b-1679 and Marie de St Etienne de la Tour Dec 4 1707 in Pentagouet
Alexandre Leborge Metis b-1708 married Marie LeBlanc in Grand Pre 1731
Two unknown Metis daughters born before 1739 census
Marie-Joseph Leborge Metis b-1711 married 1st Jacques-Philippe Urbain Rondeau; married 2nd Joseph Dupont Duvivier
Catherine Leborge Metis b-1724 Grand Pre
Marie Leborge Metis married 1739 in Port Royal, Francois Robichaud son of Francois and Madeleine Theriot
Francoise Leborge b-1715 married 1737 in Port Royal, Pierre Robichaud son Francois and Madeleine Theriot
CHILDREN WITH (2)-Pidianske aka Pidiwammiskawa ( Pidi8ammisk8a); married 1670 (Country liaison)
(II)-Robardis Vincent Metis b-1671 or 1672, he rejected his European heritage.
(II)-Velda Therese Vincent Metis (married Dec 4, 1707, Acadia Phillippe Minus d'Entiremont son of Jacques Minus and Anne de Saint Etienne de la Tour in Pentagouet
(II)-Unknown Vincent Metis married 1695 Meuneaux dit Chateauneuf; could be from his 1665 liaison with?
(II)-Unknown Vincent Metis married 1695 Philippe Meunier, could be from his 1665 liaison with ?
(II)-Therese Vincent Metis married December 4, 1707 Port Royal, Philippe Mius d’Entremont.
CHILDREN WITH (3) Marie Melchide de Nicosquone married 1684 some suggest 1685 others suggest 1688 however she was the youngest of the three sisters. Some suggest he got religion and settled on one wife in 1684-1685..
(II)-Cecile Vincenr Metis
(II)-Bernard Vincent Metis born October 15,1688, d-1704 entered the Seminary. Godfather was Renaud de Bordenave Jeane's man servent
(II)-Bernard-Anselme Vincent Metis b-1689 married October 31st 1707 in Port Royal, Charlotte D’Amour de Chauffours. Some suggest he first married Penobscot Abenaki daughter of Chief Madokawando an Abenaki (1630-1696) Anselme became the leader of the First Nation of the Pentagouet Abenaqui tribe in Penobscot after his Father died in 1707
(II)-Francois Xavier Vincent5 Metis
(II)-Anasthasie Vincent Metis
(II)-Joseph Marie Vincent Metis
(II)-Jean-Pierre Vincent b-1692 d-1701 entered the Seminary
(II)-Urseline (Ursule) Vincent Metis b-1696, married 1715 Louis d'Amour de Chauffours
(II)-Bernard Vincent Metis
(II)-Barenos Vincent Metis married around 1725 wife unknown died 1746 of a knife wound received from his nephew who was an Indian.
OTHER CHILDREN likely grandchildren
(III)-Joseph d'Abadie de Saint Castin Metis (1720-1746) married after 1728 wife unknown, he died after 2 March 1751
Louis Gaboury is sent to jail for eating meat during lent.
(I)-Louis Guillaume aka Ondieraguete a Sauvage is baptized this year at Quebec.
Augustin Larocque b-(1770-1846) and Agatha Indian; likely children
Pierre (Joseph) Felix Larocque Metis/Iroquois Sr b-1786/87 employed XL Co (1801-1804); NWC (1804-1821) as a voyageur 1804 or earlier out of Fort Dauphin )Manitoba) is in the Athabasca District (1811-1821) Thompson Valley (Kamloops); HBC (1821-1825)
Jean Baptiste Larocque Metis (1813-1850) HBC (1835-1851) Mackenzie River
Joseph Sebastian Larocque Metis b-1802 NWC (1820-1821) & HBC (1821-1847)
Francois Larocque Metis b-1822 HBC (1841-1853) Mackemzie River, (1856-1864) Swan River but 11 years on/off Red River
(I)-Martin Mace (Masse) b-1646 taillandier married about 1670 Jeanne De Cors (Leduc dit Duc, Lefrage, lefebvre) b-1649 a Indian or Metis?
(II)-Michel Mace (Masse) Metis b-1671
(II)-Andre Mace (Masse) Metis b-1676 Montreal
(II)-Jeanne Mace (Masse) Metis b-1677 Montreal d-1764 Detroit married 1696 Montreal (II)-Michel Campeau (1667-1737)
(II)-Martin Mace (Masse) Metis (1679-1692) Montreal
(II)-Marie Francoise Mace (Masse) Metis (1682-1682) Montreal
(II)-Anne Mace (Masse) Metis b-1684 Montreal d-1721 Montreal, epouse 1718 Montreal (I)-Pierre Courault b-1696, married 1704 Montreal (II)-Guillaume Mailhot (1681-1718)
(II)-Catherine Mace (Masse) Metis (1687-1699) Montreal
(II)-Marie Mace (Masse) Metis b-1673 Sorel married 1696 Montreal Jean Pothier
(I)-Pierre Martin married likely Bpucherville (II)-Anne Poitron daughter (I)-Pierre Poitron and Jeanne Tiberge, Anne epouse November 12, 1674 la Point-aux-Rrembles de Montreal Jean Verger dit Desjardins
(II)-Pierre Paradis Metis (1651-1700) son (I)-Pierre Paradis (1605-1675) and (II)-Barbe Guyon Metis; married about 1670 (II)-Jeanne Francoise LeRoy d-1700
(III)-Marie Paradis Metis (1671-1755) St Pierre married 1693 St Pierre (II)-Pierre Aubin b-1742
(III)-Charles Paradis Metis b-1674 Beauport d-1687 St Pierre
(III)-Pierre Paradis Metis b-1676 d-1702 St Pierre married (II)-Marie Ferland
(III)-Joseph Paradis Metis (1679-1749) St Pierre married 1712 Chateau Richer (III0-Genevieve Cauchon (1696-1736)
(III)-Jeanne Paradis Metis b-1682 St Pierre 1st married 1701 St Pierre (II)-Louis Dupoint b-(1676-1714); 2nd marriage 1718 Ste Famille (III)-Germain Martineau (1694-1763)
(III)-Elisabeth Paradis Metis (1684-1752) St Pierre
(III)-Claire Paradis Metis b-1685 St Pierre married 1707 St Pierre (II)-Pierre Hudon dit Beaulieu (1679-1748)
(III)-Anne Paradis Metis (1687-1728) St Pierre married 1709 St Pierre (III)-Pierre Bouchard dit Dorval b-1685
(III)-Charles Paradis Metis b-1688 St Pierre married 1714 St Jean (III)-Claire Deblois b-1697
(III)-Genevieve Paradis Metis (1690-1697) St Pierre
(III)-Angelique Paradis Metis d-1748 Ste Famille married 1715 St Pierre (II)-Francois Paquet b-1685
(III)-Madeleine Paradis Metis b-1694 St Pierre
(III)-Therese Paradis Metis (1696-1696) St Pierre
(III)-Pierre Paradis Metis (1697-1709) St Pierre
(III)-Genevieve Paradis Metis (1699-1728) St Pierre married 1724 St Pierre (III)-Pierre Paulet (1686-1748)
(II)-Catherine Peltier Metis b-1670 daughter (II)-Francois Pelletier (1635-1688) Metis, and (II)-Marguerite Madeleine Morisseau; married November 12 Sorel, Denis Foucault..
(II)-Louis Robert dit Lafontaine married about 1670 (II)-Marie Bourgery Metis daughter (I)-Jean Baptiste Bourgery d-1657 and Marie Gendre Metis/Indian
(III)-Pierre Robert Metis b-1671 Boucherville married 1698 Lachine (II)-Angelique Ptolome epouse 1716 Detroit Guillaume Boucher
(III)-Joseph Robert Metis b-1674 Boucherville d-1748 Chambly, married 1701 Boucherville (II)-Marie Josette Larrive b-1682
(III)-Francois Robert Metis b-1678 Boucherville d-1756 Longueuil married 1712 Longueuil (III)-Marie Lanctot b-1694
(III)-Marie Robert Metis b-1680 Boucherville married 1702 Boucherville Pierre Antoine Daunet [this appears to be an error see Marguerite below?]
(III)-Marguerite Robert Metis b-1683 Boucherville married 1702 Boucherville (II)-Pierre Antoine Daunet dit Fresniere b-1676
(III)-Prudent Robert Metis b-1686 Boucherville married 1711 Detroit (III)-Marie Madeleine Fafart (1691-1754)
(III)-Jean Baptiste Robert Metis b-1688 Boucherville d-1748 Lavaltrie, married 1714 Repentigny (II)-Genevieve Brabant b-1697
(III)-Louis Robert Metis (1691-1693) Boucherville
(III)-Jacques Robert Metis b-1694 Boucherville married 1718 Boucherville (III)-Jeanne Dumets b-1698
(III)-Louis Robert Metis b-1695 Boucherville married 1715 Varennes (II)-Marie Prevost b-1691
(III)-Antoine Robert Metis b-1698 Boucherville married 1721 Boucherville (II)-Charlotte Bourdon b-1701
(III)-Marguerite Robert Metis married 1732 Boucherville (II)-Charles Diel (1688-1734)
The French decision to not send colonists to Canada in 1666 had a profound impact on Canada as Acadia had a population of 400 whereas Massachusetts had a population of 40,000.
One hundred and twenty two marriages, three hundred and eleven births and eighty five deaths are recorded in New France. Some suggest that there are seven hundred births (?) this year in New France and indications that the male to female ratio is beginning to equalize. Some believe that marriages between the French and Native girls could be a useful factor to increase the population. (I)-Jean Talon (1625-1694), however reported that they did not bring many children into the world because they nursed them too long. This is from a man who never married and would return to France. The average world wide breast-feeding duration is 4.2 years at this time.
St. Xavier Dez Praiz is a little above Ville-Marie (Montreal) and contains 60 settlers.
Thomas Temple (1615-1674) is forced to return Acadia ( Nova Scotia) to the French, having been in control since 1654. The Acadian population is about 400-500, and they no longer consider themselves French. Besides being composed of French, Micmac, Scottish, Irish, English and Portuguese, they all intermarried and considered themselves Acadians. The Acadians married in their early twenties and had 10-11 children, most of whom survived to adulthood. The population doubled every 20 years, much faster than New France.
Fines in New France are levied on the fathers of unmarried men 20 years old and unmarried girls 16 years old. The Sovereign Council abolished a 10% duty on dry goods and imposed duties on liquor and tobacco.
The Recollect priests are allowed to returned to New France now that the Jesuit had lost their iron grip on the colony. They are the original order, having been displaced by the Jesuit. Louis XIV ordered 100,000 Livres of silver and copper coins minted for use in New France.
The French King established a King's gift for males who marry before age twenty and females before age sixteen. Three hundred livres to those with ten children, and four hundred livres to those with twelve.
The Northampton County of free Negroes is so successful, they are importing English and African slaves to such an extent that the assembly declared it illegal for a Negro to own a white slave or servant.
It is noted that Montreal has Indian slaves at this time.
The mission Sorel de la Province de Quebec is established this year.
Acadia had less than 500 European Settlers after nearly 3/4 century of settlement. Civil war and conflicts with the English prevented and significant settlement.
The word boucaner meaning to dry and smoke meat or fish evolved to mean to hunt on the sea for booty, as a pirate or boucanier. The English changed it to buccaneer.
(I)-Pierre Blanchet (1646-1709), married 1670 Quebec, (II)-Marie Fournier Metis b-1655 daughter (I)-Guillaume Fournier (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Henert Metis b-1638
(II)-Pierre Alphonsis Blanchet b-1672 Quebec, d-1752, married 1699 Cap St. Ignace (III)-Louise Gagne (1677-1716)
(II)-Pierre Guillaume Blanchet b-1674 Quebec, married 1705 St. Michel, (III)-Marie Anne Gagne b-1688
(II)-Marie Madeleine Blanchet b-1676 Quebec, married 1st. 1699 St Thomas, Vincent Chretien, married 2nd, 1709 St Thomas, Charles Destroismaisons
(II)-Jacques Blanchet Metis b-1677 Quebec, d-1681 I'llat
(II)-Angelique Blanchet Metis b-1679 Quebec, died 1681 I'llet
(II)-Joseph Blanchet Metis b-1681 St Thomas, likely d-1681
(II)-Joseph Blanchet Metis b-1682 St Thomas
(II)-Jean Blanchet Metis b-1684/85 Cap St. Ignace, likely d-1684, married 1st 1712 Berthier,(III)- Marie Genevieve Gagne, b-1691; married 2nd 1740 Genevieve Rousseau
(II)-Joseph Blanchet Metis (1690-1693) St Thomas
(II)-Louis Blanchet Metis (1692-1693) St Jean
(II)-Francois Blanchet Metis b-1694 St Jean, married Sebastein Morin
(II)-Louis Blanchet Metis 1701 St Thomas, married 1723, Berthier, Marie Angelique Joly b-1702
(II)-Francois Blanchet Metis
(II)-Elisabeth Blanchet Metis married Nicolas Rivard
(II)-Marie Genevieve Blanchet Metis b-1696 Jean Baptiste Dubreuil
April: (II)-Louis Garnaud is born April 2, 1670 at L'Ange Gardien son (I)-Louis Garnaud and (I)-Marie Mazoue, their second child. French policy is beginning to take hold, as one hundred and fifty King's girls arrived this year with all married except fifteen, and they are, the officials claimed, with good background and even a little education.
April 25: Ste Famille, birth (III)-Jean Cote, Metis, died March 16, 1739, Quebec son (II)-Martin Cote, Metis, b-1639 and (II)-Suzanne Page; married February 8, 1694, Beauport, Marie Anne Langlois
May 2: King Charles II of England creates the Governor and Company of Adventurers of England (Hudson Bay Company) to trade into the Hudson Bay as proposed by Groseilliers and Radisson. New France is shocked upon learning that Groseilliers and Radisson have led the English so far north to trade in the North Bay.
May 21: Montreal, birth (I)-Michelle Chauvin daughter (I)-Pierre Chauvin (1631-1699) and Marthe Autreuil (1636-1714); Married October 24, 1695, Montreal, Jacques Nepveu; three of Michelle's children were taken by the savages near Ouabache
June 1: The first ship from Greenock, Scotland, named the Falmouth, arrived at Stanhope, PEI on June 1, 1770 with 120 passengers.
June 11: Ste Famille, marriage (I)-Michel Aubin de Tourouve to (II)-Marie Madeleine Prevost, Metis, born December 28. 1647, Quebec, daughter (I)-Martin Prevost (1611-1691) and Marie Oliver Silvestre Manitouabewich, d-1665, Marie un-named 1st marriage
June 11: Trois Rivieres, birth (III)-Thomas Crevier, Metis son (II)-Nicolas Crevier dit Bellerive Metis and Louise Leloutre, b-1648
July 7: Hector d'Andigne de Grandfontaine (1627-1696) signed a treaty of restitution with Thomas Temple (1613-1674), the English Governor of Acadia, at Boston. The English handed over Pentagouet; Jemseg (St. John) on the St. John River; Annapolis Royal (Port Royal); and Fort La Tour.
July 17: Acadia, the ship Saint Sebastien arrived in Pentagoet Bay, Acadia under command of Chadreau de la Clocheterie. There were 40 soldiers Jacques de Chambly, Pierre Joybert (seigneur de Soulanges et de Marson), Sebastien de Villieu), to name a few as well as 13 officers and several gentlemen from the Académie Royale des Sciences who were supposed to help namely Hector d'Andigne, chevalier de Grandfontaine. (I)-Jean-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint Castin was on this ship including his man servant Renaud de Bordenave
August 6: Sorel, birth (III)-Francois Martin Metis son (II)-Charles Martin Metis b-1648 and Catherine Dupuy (1644-1682); 2nd marriage October 6, 1683 Boucherville Marie Attanville b-1645, veuve Jean Fauconnier. It is noteworthy that this is the first baptismal certificate to the registers of Sorel, Quebec.
Late summer: (I)-Rene Robert Cavelier de La Salle (1643-1687) resurfaced in Quebec, claiming to have discovered the Mississippi, which was really absurd given his mental condition the previous year. Some, however, believed him and he was given a commission.
October 7: Quebec birth illegitimate child, Frances Vignaux son Francoise Bourgeois, a Fille du Roi, father unknown, Francoise married November 1670 Paul Vignault (Vignault dit Laverdure,
October 19: Ste Familie, birth (II)-Anne Rate, Metis, died December 25, 1709 Chateau Richer, daughter (I)-Jacques Rate, (1630-1690) and (II)-Anne Martin, Metis, b-1645; 1st married Jacques De Trepagny; 2nd married March 8, 1707 Chateau Richer, Jean Anglais..
October 28: Montreal marriage (I)-Mathurin Bernier dit LaMarzelle (1645-1678) and Jeanne Valian (Vallain) a Filles du Roi likely Indian or Metis sent to France for an education? Epouse 1678 Pointe aux Trembles, Jacques Chevalier b-1641.
(II)-Elizabeth Bernier Metis b-1671 Montreal, 1st married 1687 Riviere des Prairies, Jacques Bietry, 2nd marriage 1705 Montreal Jean Campeau
(II)-Joseph Berner Metis (1673-1673) Montreal
(II)-Francois Bernier Metis b-1674 Montreal, d-1679 Pte aux Trembles de Montreal
(II)-Francoise Brener Metis b-1676 Montreal
October 29: Quebec marriage (II)-Guillaume Paradie Metis b-1648 d-1716 St Pierre, son (I)-Pierre Paradis (1605-1675) and (II)-Barbe Guyon Metis; married (II)-Guevieve Millouer et Milloy (1654-1712)
(III)-Genevieve Paradis Metis b-1671 Ste Famille married 1694 (II)-Adren Leclerc (!670-1746)
(III)-Robert Paradis Metis b-1673 Ste Famille
(III)-Gabriel Paradis Metis b-1675 Ste Famille married 1698 Cap St Ignace (II)-Genevieve Lemieux b-1683
(III)-Barbe Paradis Metis b-1676 Ste Famille
(III)-Guillaume Paradis Metis b-1677 Ste Famille married 1701 Riviere Ouelle (II)-Marguerite Catherine Hudon dit Beaulieu (1681/82-1754
(III)-Genevieve Paradis Metis b-1679 St Pierre
(III)-Marie Anne Paradis Metis b-1688 St Pierre married 1698 St Pierre (II)-Francois Lemieux b-1676
(III)-Jean Baptiste Paradis Metis b-1684 St Pierre d-1703 Riviere Ouelle
(III)-Elizabeth Paradis Metis b-1686 St Pierre married 1705 St Pierre (III)-Jean Baptiste Bouchard (1680-1749)
(III)-Marie Paradis Metis b-1681 St Pierre d-1738 St Ignace married (II)-Francois Lemieux
(III)-Pierre Paradis Metis b-1689 St Pierre married 1711 St Pierre (III)-Marguerite Bouchard Dit Dorval
(III)-Jean Paradis Metis b-1690 St Pierre d-1760 Kamouraska married 1718 Riviere Ouelle (II)-Marie Francoise Hudon dit Beaulieu (1696-1762)
(III)-Ignace Paradis Metis b-1694 St Pierre married 1719 Ste Famille (III)-Marie Anne Turcot b-1698
(III)-Jacques Paradis Metis b-1698 St Pierre d-1767 Kamouraska married 1730 (IV)-Rosalie Boucher b-1710
(III)-Genevieve Paradis Metis b-1699 St Laurent
(III)-Marie Paradis Metis b-1703 d-1728 Kamouraska married 1726 St Pierre (III)-Augustin Dionne b-1702
November 10: All future Fillies du Roi will be required to have a certificate of place of origin and they are to be free and of a marriageable state. This is required, as 2 or 3 previous girls are known to be of double marriages (bigamous).
November 11: Ste. Familie, birth (II)-Guillaume Lemieux, Metis, son (I)-Guillaume Lemieux b-1648 and (II)-Elizabeth Langlois, Metis, (1645-1696).
November 11: Trois Rivieres, marriage (II)-Jacques Lefervre, Metis, seigneur de la Baie St. Antoine, born January 12, 1647, Trois Riveres, died February 19, 1720, la Baie du Febvre and Jeanne Aunois, savage/Metis b-1621 of the Indian Nation, died February 11, 1697, Trois Riviers; married (II)-Marie Baudry, b-1650, died December 1, 1734 daughter (I)-Urbain Baudry..
November 14: Sillery, Quebec, birth, (II)-Louis Durand dit Couturier, Metis, son (I)-Jean Durand (1640-1671) and Catherine (Katherine) d'Annannontak Huronne b-1648; 1st marriage September 9, 1698, Quebec, Quebec (II)-Elisabeth Agnes Michel dit Taillon b-1682, died May 12, 1718 St. Antoine-Tilly daughter (I)-Oliver Michel; 2nd marriage January 30, 1719 St. Nicolas, Quebec Jeanne Houde, b-1685, died April 5, 1749 Lavaltrie, veuve de Jean Magnan. Catherine 2nd marriage 1672, Jacques Coutourier, b-1646;
November 15: Quebec, birth (II)-Joseph Soumande, Metis, died October 30, 1687, Montreal, son (I)-Pierre Soumande (1619-1689) and (II)-Simone Cote, Metis, b-1637
November 17: Quebec, birth (III)-Daniel Pinguet, Metis, son (II)-Pierre Pinguet dit La Glardiere (1630-1704) and (II)-Anne Chevalier, Metis; married November 24, 1676 Quebec (I)-Isaac Hervieux b-1751.
November 20: Ste Famille, birth (II)-Pierre Aubin, Metis son (I)-Michel Aubin de Tourouve and (II)- Marie Madeleine Prevost, Metis, b-1647; married Marie Paradis
November 25: Beauport, birth Michel Chevalier, Metis, son Rene Chevalier (1626-1679) and (II)-Jeanne Langlois, Metis b-1643, Quebec: married January 10, 1695 Beauport, Charlotie Parant.
November 27: Quebec marriage (I)-Etienne Charets (1631-1699) to (II)-Catherine Bissot Metis daughter (I)-Francois Bissot (1613-1678) and (III)-Marie Couillard Metis
(II)-Marie Charles Charets Metis b-1672 Quebec, 1st married 1687 Levis (I)-Pierre Martel DeBarhouague b-1662, 2nd married 1697 Levis (III)-Augustin Le Gardeur
(II)-Marie Ursule Charets Metis (1673-1673) Quebec
(II)-Francoise Charets Metis b-1674 Quebec, d-1725 Boucherville, married 1692 Levis (III)-Rene Jean Boucher d-1744
(II)-Genevieve Charets Metis b-1676 Quebec d-1750 Levis
(II)-Etienne Charets Metis b-1678 Quebec d-1734 Levis, married 1713 Quebec (II)-Therese Du Roy (1695-1719)
(II)-Marie Charets Metis (1680-1690) Levis
(II)-Catherine Charets (Charest) Metis b-1681 I'Ilet married 1699 Levis (III)-Pierre Trotier (1672-1736)
(II)-Jean Baptiste Charets Metis b-1683 Levis, d-1715 Quebec, 1st married Marie Jeanne Carie, 2nd married 1714 Quebec (II)-Louise Allemand
(II)-Jean Charets Metis married 1727 Marie Jeanne Carrier
(II)-Marie Madeleine Charets Metis (1690-1691) Quebec
(II)-Marie Ursule Charets Metis b-1692 Levis
December 15: Quebec, birth/death (III)-Marie Langlois, Metis, daughter (II)-Jean Langlois dit Boisverdun, Metis (1641-1687) and (II)-Francoise Charlotte Belanger, epouse 1695 Thomas Rousseau:
The population of Acadia numbering 340 is enumerated for its first census. Others suggest Port Royal, Acadia alone numbered 361 souls, 580 cattle, 406 sheep and 364 acres of land under cultivation.
Some claim this year, nearly 700 children were born by Les Filles du Roi marriages.
(II)-Etlienne Brault dit Pominville, b-1671 Quebec son (I)-Henry Brault b-1640 and * Claude De Cheurenville dit Lafontaine a fille du roi (1665) who said her name is Lafontaine; 1st married June 8, 1716 Quebec (II)-Marie Louis Palin (1697-1717) daughter (I)-Mathurin Palin dit D'Abonville (1649-1756) and (II)-Louise Renaud. d-1744; 2nd marriage October 15, 1718 Rimoiski, Marguerite Sauvagesse; * Tanguay says she (II)-Claude De Cheurenville is daughter (I)-Jacques De Cheuraineville and Marguerite Bauden. Claude is likely the daughter Lafontaine who drown November 6, 1646 Kebec and was sent back to France for education and possibly a Metis. Henry 2nd marriage August 11, 1692 Quebec (II)-Marie Ursule Bouduc b-1675 epouse August 11, 1700 Levis, Jeam Baptiste Drapeau
(I)-Pierre Brebant dit Lamothe (1645-1677) married about 1671 likely Sillery to (II)-Anne Goupil Metis b-1653 Sillery, epouse 1679 (I)-Aime Lecompte (1644-1699) also epouse 1701 Montreal, Simon Mongeneau; daughter (I)-Nicolas Goupil dit Laviolette and (II)-Marie Pelletier Metis
(II)-Pierre Brebant Metis b-1672 Sillery
(II)-Marie Brebant Metis b-1675 Chateau Richer
(II)-Michel Brebant Metis b-1678 Sillery
(II)-Marie Anne Brebant Metis b-1679, married 1703 Montreal (I)-Etienne Joseph Martel (1667-1729)
(I)-Cybar Courault (Coureau, Sieur de la Cote) b-1643 married about 1671 Quebec to (II)-Marie Francois Goupil Metis, epouse 1704 Montreal Julien Bloys; daughter (I)-Nicolas Goupil dit Laviolette and (II)-Marie Pelletier Metis
(II)-Francoise Courault Metis b-1672 Quebec married 1688 Lachine Rene Antoine De La Faie (Faille)
(II)-Suzanne Courault Metis b-1677 Lachine
(II)-Suzanne Courault Metis b-1678 Montreal, 1st married 1697 Lachine (II)-Jean Gateau, d-1703, 2nd married 1704 Montreal (II)-Julien St. Aubin b-1683
(II)-Helene Courault Metis b-1680 Lachine, married 1699 Lachine (II)-Jacques Goguet b-1674
(II)-Genevieve Courault Metis b-1682, d-1730 Montreal, 1st married 1694 Montreal (II)-Pierre Heurtebise d-1705, 2nd married 1716 Montreal (II)-Nicolas Lecours (1677-1749)
(II)-Marie Madeleine Courault b-1683 Lachine, d-1757 Quebec (*adopted girl of Mathieu of the Barn and Gabrielle Danneville) 1st married 1699 Beauport Rene Parent, 2nd marriage 1704 Pierre La Valle
(II)-Angelique Courault Metis b-1686 Lachine, d-1752 Montreal, married 1705 Montreal (II)-Pierre Lupien b-1683
(II)-Marie Anne Courault Metis b-1689
*(II)-Gabrielle Danneville 1st married 1665 Louis Blanchard, 2nd married 1684 Mathurin de la Grange, 3rd married Hilaire Bernard dit Lariviere; who Marthieu of the Barn is not known, likely an affair?
(II)-Guillaume DeNevers Metis b-1754 son (I)-Etienne DeNevers b-1622 and (II)-Anne Hayot Metis b-1640; married 1671 Louise Vitard b-1619
(II)-Anne Catherine DeNevers Metis b-1672 Sillery married 1689 Cap Sante (II)-Gervais Houde
(II)-Louis DeNevers Metis b-1677 Quebec
(II)-Francois DeNevers Metis b-1674 d-1753 Lotbiniere, married 1698 Cap Sante (II)-Marie Anne Marcot b-1680
(II)-Marie Anne DeNevers Metis b-1678 d-1712 St Nicolas, married 1728 Ste Croix Francois Rondeau
(II)-Jacques Alexandre DeNevers Metis b-1679 Quebec
(II)-Jean DeNevers Metis (1681-1681) Quebec
(II)-Guiliaume DeNevers Metis b-1682
(II)-Alexis DeNevers Metis b-1699 d-1774 Grondines married 1734 (II)-Catherine Charlotte Hamlin b-1716
(II)-Simon Jean DeNevers dit Brentigny Metis (1667-1742) son (I)-Etienne DeNevers and (II)-Anne Hayot Metis b-1640; married about 1671 (II)-Madeleine Tousignan (1672 1756)
(II)-Jean Jean Dit Denis Metis son (I)-Denis Jean dit St. Onge and Marie Peltier Metis; married Marie Peltier veuve Nicolas Goupil; daughter (I)-Nicolas Peltier and Jeanne de Voisy Roussey b-1622 d-1689 Sorel Indian/Metis; (II)-Jean Jean Metis married Genevieve Billot likely a Metis
(III)-Anne Jean Metis b-1672 Quebec
(III)-Jean Jean Metis b-1674 Quebec
(III)-Marie Jean Metis b-1676 Quebec, 1st married 1691 Pierre Bourget, 2nd marriage 1704 Beaumont, Jacques Turgeon, this 2nd marriage says father of wife is (I)-Vivien Jean b-1618 and gives wife (II)-Marie Jean b-1669 SEE November 29, 1671 (III)-Marie Jean b-1676
SOME FILLE DU ROI who arrived 1671 and entered into contract of marriage
Anne Adam, married Jean Poliquin,
Anne Arinart, married Jean Réal; 2nd marriage 1678 Antoine Lefort,
Mary Ariot, married René Vandet
Catherine Auger, (arrived 1671) not married this year
Joan Auger, married Sébastien Nolet dit Larivière, said his name is Lariviere
Madeleine Auvray, married Nicolas Matte, Nicolas
Anne Barillet, married Guy Vacher
Catherine Beaudin, married Pierre Coquin dit La Tournelle, said his name is La Tournelle
Marthe Beauregard, married Gabriel Lemieux
Catherine Beuzelin, married Jean Lonlabard
Joan Blondeau, married René Abraham dit Desmarais, said his name is Desmarais
Antoinette Bluteau, married David Lacroix
Marie-Louise Bolper, b-1652, married François Marceau; 2nd marriage 1687 Gabriel Roger; 3rd marriage 1701 Antoine-Olivier Quiniart dit Duplessis,
Joan Caillé, married Jacques Renouard dit St-Étienne, said his name is St-Etienne
Mary Caille, married Jacques Pepin
Mary Magdalene Canard, married Crespin Thuillier dit La Tour, said his name is La Tour,
Henrietta Cartois, married Michel Audebout dit Belhumeur, said his name is Belhumeur; 2nd marriage 1675 André Patry; 3rd marriage 1702 Jean Coutelet dit La Rochelle, said his name is La Rochelle
Marie-Reine Charpentier, married ouis Prinseau, Louis; 2nd marriage 1681Étienne Domingo dit Carabi, said his name is Carabi
Joan Chevalier, married Guillaume Lecanteur dit Latour; 2nd marriage 1679 Robert Lévesque; 3rd marriage 1701 François Deschamps de La Bouteillerie
Catherine Clerice, married Jacques Lussier
Elizabeth Cretel, married Nicolas Langlois
Mary Croiset, married Jean Laquerre dit Rencontre, said his name is Rencontre; 2nd marriage Pierre Lévesque
Anne Dailly, married Jacques Lesot
Marie De Bérunine, (arrived 1671) not married this year
Nicole De Bonin, married Damien Quatresous
Catherine De La Tour Envoivre, (arrived 1671) not married this year
Madeleine De Roybon D'Alonne, (arrived 1671) not married this year
Jeanne-Marie De Guesnel, married Jean Castineau
Elizabeth De Laguéripière, married Jean De Rainville
Catherine De Lalor, married Louis Badaillac dit Laplante, said his name is Laplante
Diane De La Motte, (arrived 1671) not married this year
Margaret De Laplace, married Pierre. Lesiège dit Lafontaine, said his name is Lafontaine; 2nd marriage 1696 Pierre Brébant dit Lecompte, said his name is Lecompte
Joan Languille, married François Allard
Nicole Philippeau, b-1655 married 1671 (I)-Mathurin Gauthier (Gautier) dit Landreville (1643-1711)
Margaret Poignet, said her name is Beauregard, married François Cousson dit Langoumois, said his mame is Langoumois
Madeleine Raclos (Raclot) (1656-1724) married (I)-Nicolas Perrot (1644-1718)
Margaret Sel, m. Contrat Noël,
(II)-Jean Jean dit Denis Metis son (I)-Denis Jean dit St. Onage and (II)-Marie Peltier Metis; married Genevieve Billot
(III)-Anne Jean Metis b-1672 Quebec
(III)-Jean Jean Metis b-1674 Quebec
(III)-Marie Jean Metis b-1676 Quebec 1st married 1691 (I)-Pierre Bourget, 2nd married 1704 at St. Etienne de Beaumont, Jacques Turgeon
(II)-Jean Martin, Metis born 1671 son (I)-Pierre Martin and Anne Ouestnorouest; married1696 Madeleine Babin b-1678 daughter Antoine Babin and Marie Mercier
(III)-Claire Martin, Metis 1697, married Pierre Vinet; 2nd marriage Julien Plessis
(III)-Cecile Martin Metis, b-1698/1704, married 1720 Montreal (I)-Etienne Trunet dit Francoeur (1681-1746)
(III)-Anne Martin, Metis, 1699, married Jean-Baptiste Jehannot
(III)-Marie Josephe Martin, Metis b-1700, married Jean Bourhis
(III)-Isabelle (Elizabeth) Metis, b-1702, married Philibert Pineau
(III)-Marguerite Martin, Metis married Jean Guilton
(III)-Jean-Baptiste Martin, Metis b-1709
(III)- Metis daughter b-1707
(III)-Joseph Martin, Metis b-1713, married Julienne Paul
(III)-Francois Martin, Metis b-1715
(III)-Metis daughter b-1717
(III)-Pierre Martin, Metis b-1722
(III)-Louis Martin, Metis b-1724
(I)-Nicolas Perrot (1644-1718) married Madeleine Raclot, (1656-1724) an orphaned Filles du Roi, of mother. Nicolas was a great explorer of the Upper Mississippi, an interpreter of many languages, a fur trader having formed his own company and commandant and diplomat working out of Green Bay and Mackinac.
(II)-Nicolas Perrot, b-1674, married Marguerite Bourdeau.
(II)-Michel Perrot b-1677, married 1712, Three Rivers, Francoise Bigot.
(II)-Marie Anne Perrot, b-1681, married 1715 Francois Bigot.
(II)-Pierre Perrot, b-1682 married twice, 2nd time 1718 Marie Anne Lescarbot.
(II)-Claude Perrot, b-1683, married 1714, Marie Goulet.
(II)-Jean Perrot, b-1690, married 1714, Marie Quintin
(II)-Claire Vincent Metis b-1671 daughter (I)- Jean-Vincent d'Abbadie de Saint Castin and Mathilde Madokawando; He married a second time 1685, Acadia to Marie Pidiwammiskawa, sister of Mathilde. Their father was Chief Madokawando an Abenaki (1630-1696).
(II)-Anonyme Garnaud is born and died January 29, 1671 at Chateau Richer. (II)-Charles Garnaud is born August 9, 1671 L'Ange Gardien and assumed to have been stillborn. They are both the children of (I)-Louis Garnaud and (I)-Marie Mazoue. The population of Acadia is four hundred and forty one.
Virginia passed a law declaring that neither baptism nor conversion could affect a persons bondage or freedom.
St. Lusson at Sault Ste. Marie, claiming the Ojibwa Nation to the West for France. The People were not amused when they discovered the intention of his act.
Father Charles Albanel (1616-1696), a Jesuit, is ordered by Intendant (I)-Jean Talon to go to the Hudson Bay to verify reports of the presence there of French speaking Europeans in the service of the Hudson Bay Company.
France, already mistress of Acidia and Canada as far as Lake Ontario, took possession of all the regions, discovered or to be discovered, from the Northern Sea to the Southern Sea and from the Western Sea to Lakes Huron and Superior. She appointed herself the exclusive dominion of all North America except the British colonies boarding on the Atlantic and Mexican territories.
Simon Francois Daumont de Saint Lusson, the infamous, on his return to Quebec, called for the seizure of the furs brought back by (I)-Nicholas Perrot (Pere) dit Turbal, a.k.a. Joly Coeur (Jolly Soul) (1644-1717), a freeman ( Coureurs des Bois). Although Perrot was in the employ of the Jesuits or maybe because of his relationship with the Jesuits, this action humbled Perrot, forcing him into debt to his creditors. It was because of Perrot that the French could make claim (although a false claim) on all lands West, North and South of Sault Ste Marie. It was he who brought the fourteen Nations together with the French at Sault Ste Marie on June 4. Nicolas Perrot, this year, married Madeleine Raclos, and like many Coureurs des Bois, settled in Trois Rivers and raised 11 children. He would continue to serve New France in the 1680's; a true masochist. In 1696 he would retire in poverty with no recognition of his contribution to Canada. He couldn't even afford paper to complete his memoirs. "Shame on the French Regime".
March 20: Pointe aux Trembles, birth (II)-Joacqine Francois Lienard Durbois died February 25, 1724 Pointe aux Trenbles son (I)-Sebastien (1628-1701) and (II)-Francoise Pelletier d-1707 veuve Jean Beriau; 1st married Marie Madeleine Arpot Wabanquiquois, resulting in one son (III)-Francois Lienard Metis; 2nd marriage October 16, 1713 Marie Agnes Cormeau resulting in three children..
April 21: Quebec, birth (III)-Jeanne Miville. Metis, daughter, (II)-Francois Miville and (II)-Marie Langlois, Metis (1636-1687); married November 21, 1689, Quebec, Denis Boucher.
May 2: Quebec, birth (II)-Francoise Fournier, Metis daughter (I)-Guillaume Fournier, (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Hebert, Metis b-1637: married April 21, 1686, St. Thomas, Jacques Boule.
May 31; Quebec, birth (II)-Piere Vachon, Metis, died January 17, 1703 Beauport, daughter (I)-Paul Vachon (1630-1703) and (II)-Marguerite Langlois, Metis (1639-1697); married March 5, 1696 Quebec, Marie Catherine Soulard.
August 6: Trois Rivieres, birth (III)-Jeanne Lefebvre, Metis daughter (II)-Jacques Lefervre, Metis, seigneur de la Baie St. Antoine, (1647-1720), and Jeanne Aunois, savage/Metis b-1621 of the Indian Nation, died February 11, 1697, Trois Riviers;
August 12: Three Rivers, Quebec, Julien de la Touche b-1641 at age 30 married (II)-Elizabeth Therese Bertault b-1659 at age 12, daughter (I)-Jacques Bertault, b-1626 and (I)-Gillette Bonne, b-1636. Julien would be murdered in 1672 by (I)-Gillette Bonne and her husband.
September 7: Father Charles Albanel (1616-1696), a Jesuit, arrived Lac Saint Jean where he wintered for his quest to determine the presence of Europeans on the shores of the Northern Bay. He wintered with the Mistassini Peoples.
September 14, Ste Family, birth (II)-Jacques Cordeau, Metis son (I)-Jean Cordeau dit Desloriers b-1636 and Catherine Latour dit Simonet Metis (1638-1678); married August 22, 1702, Chateau Richer Marguerite Toupin
September 17: Ville-Marie (Montreal), birth (II)-Cecile Gervaise, Metis, daughter, (I)- Jean Gervaise (1621-1690), and (II)-Anne Archambault, Metis (1621- 1699); married November 20, 1684, Ville-Marie (Montreal), (II)-Francois Prudhomme, (1651-1741).
September 27, Quebec, birth (III)-Charles Pelletier, Metis, died October 8, 1713, Quebec, son (II)-Jean Pelletier (1631-1698) and (II)-Anne Langlois, Metis, (1637-1704); 1st married January 7, 1697 Riviere Ouelle, Therese Ouellet; 2nd marriage January 12, 1711 Riviere Ouelle, Barbe St. Pierre
September 28: Quebec, marriage (I)-Louis Gesseron dit Brulot b-1639 to (II)-Agathe Fournier, Metis, b-1657 daughter (I)-Guillaume Fournier (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Hebert, Metis b-1638.
(II)-Jean Baptiste Gesseron Metis b-1674 Quebec
(II)-Francois Gesseron Metis b-1677 Quebec
(II)-Marie Gesseron Metis (1680-1756) , married 1699 Levis, Charles Carier
(II)-Joseph Gesseron Metis , married 1718 Quebec Marie Anne Pelisson
(II)-Joseph Gesseron Metis (1690-1690) Levis
(II)-Catherine Gesseron Metis (1693-1693) Levis
(II)-Ignace Gesseron Metis b-1695 Levis
(II)-Jean Francois Gesseron Metis b-1700 Levis
(II)-Louise Gasseron Metis married 1707 Levis Pierre Boissel
(II)-Louis Gesseron, Metis b-? and (II)-Angelique Gesseron, Metis b-?
(II)-Angelique Gesseron Metis
(II)-Charles Gesseron Metis, married 1712 St. Etienne de Beaumont, Margerite Nadeau.
October 21: (I)-Jean Talon, Intendant of New France, issued an ordinance compelling bachelors to marry the King's Girls within 15 days of the arrival of the vessels bringing the women, or be prohibited from fishing, hunting and trading for furs.
November 2: (I)-Jean Talon (1625-1694) complained that 15 girls (Filles du Roi) of quality arrived in Quebec when only 4 were requested. He said it is difficult to find appropriate matches. (I)-Louis de Bunde, count de Frontenac (1620-1698), would also complain, later this month, that it is difficult to find appropriate matches for ladies of quality. It is not clear if 'ladies of quality' means the ability to read and write or of a special social standing. He went on to write that the birth of six to seven hundred babies this year confirmed the fertility of the country. He advised it would not be necessary to send more girls the next year in order for the colonists to more easily give their daughters in marriage.
November 29: Quebec marriage (II)-Jean Jean Metis b-1651 son (I)-Vivien Jean (1618-1708) and Isabelle Drouet dit Deoit Metis; married Catherine Gateau b-1651
(II)-Noel Jean Metis b-1672 Quebec
(II)-Ignace Jean Metis b-1673 Beaufort
(II)-Marie Catherine Jean Metis b-1676 Quebec [see (II)-Jean Jean dit Denis married 1671 Genevieve Billot] I think Tanguay was confused with the Jean family.
(II)-Joseph Jean Metis b-1679
The New Governor of New France (I)-Louis de Baud Count Frontenac (1620-1691) had marching orders from King Louis XIV to make the clergy especially the Jesuits subordinate to the Governor of New France. He lost no time in denouncing them for failure to teach the Indians to speak French. The Jesuits countered by stating their objective was to teach Christianity, not the French language. The also suggested they had to protect the Indians from French vice and immorality. The real issue was power and control through Religion or through language which was deemed to represent culture. Few Canadian French realize how the French Language issue became so pathological and ingrained belief as the basis of culture rather than Principles, Beliefs and Values.
Marie Deschamps, (around in 1643), married Pierre Pouillard, October 12, 1667
Marie Deschamps, (around in 1647), married Michel Verret, Michel, dit Laverdure, October 13, 1669 Michel Verret,
Marie Deschamps, (around in 1656), married 1672, Martin Marais dit Labarre, said his name was Labarre, 1672;
Possibility Marie Deschamps is a savague?
SOME FILLE DU ROI who arrived 1672 and entered into contract of marriage
Louise Andre, married Nicolas Bossu dit Le Prince, said his name is Prince
Antoinette Bagau, said her name is De Beaurenom, married Pierre Roberge dit Lacroix, lsaid his name is Lacroix
Madeleine Bailly, (illegitimate child, Marie-Jeanne b-1692), married Guillaume Vanier dit Lafontaine, said his name is Lafontaine; 2nd marriage 1697 Joseph Fernando
Stephanie Beaudon, married Tugal Cotin,
Renee Biret, married Pierre Balan dit Lacombe, said his name is Lacombe; 2nd marriage Jean Brias dit Latreille, said his name is Latreille; 3rd marriage 1709 François Lavergne,
Anne Blainvillain, married Louis Charbonnier dit St-Laurent, said his name is St-Laurent
Mary Charebert, married Jean Lesieur dit Calot, said his name is Calot; 2nd marriage 1694 Louis Defoy,
Marie-Reine Charpentier, married Louis Prinseau; 2nd marriage 1681 Stephen Domingo dit Carabi, said his name is Carabi
Marie-Marguerite De Provinlieu, married Jean Houssy dit Bellerose et L'Irlande, said his name is Bellerose and Ireland
Marie Deschamps, (see above 1643, 1647 & 1656), married Marin Marais dit Labarre, said his name is Labarre,
Catherine Desenne, married Jean Senécal
Catherine De Valois, married Benoît Laîné dit Leboesme, said his name is Leboesme,
Catherine Ducharme, married Pierre Roy dit St-Lambert, said his name is St-Lambert
Marie-Madeleine Duval, married Jacques Joubert
Michelle Duval, married Pierre Bon dit Lacombe, said his name is Lacombe,
Mary Halay, married ? Pierre Petit, (in France); 2nd marriage 1672 Antoine Augeron,
Suzanne Lacroix, married Jacque Savaria
Jeanne Lecomte, married Oliver De Laroux dit Desroches, said his name is Desroches; 2nd marriage 1677 Julien Averty dit Langevin, said his name is Langevin
Marie Lecomte, married Jacques Habert,
Margaret Lemerle De Hautpré, married Laurent Bory dit Grandmaison, said his name is Grandmaison
Catherine Lemesle, married Pierre Morin
Jeanne-Marie-Anne Liniere, married Louis Aumeau
Catherine Louvet, married Guillaume Brassard
Mary Masseron, married François Marset,
Mary Moitie, married Jean Magnan dit Lespérance, says his name is Lesperance,
Margaret Moutrachy, married Antoine Dupré dit Champagne, said his name is Champagne
Madeleine Papin, married Jacques Cachelièvre
Mary Pechina, married Guillaume Gourault dit La Gaillardise, said his name is Gaillardise
Jeanne Petit, married François Séguin dit Ladéroute, said his name is Ladéroute
Joan Quelvé, married Jean-Baptiste Brassard
Anne Rabady, married Antoine Lécuyer
Jeanne Renard, said her name is Lecointe married Jacques Dion
Margaret Richer, married Jean Verdon
Marie Riviere, married Ratier dit Dubuisson,
Marie-Jeanne Toussaint, married Noël Carpentiertour
Margaret Viard, married Mathurin Bénard dit Lajeunesse, said his name is Lajeunesse; 2nd marriage 1682 Jean Inard dit Provençal, said his name is Provencal; 3rd marriage 1684 Joseph Serran dit L'Espagnol, said his name is L'Espagnol,
(II)-Pierre Charron, Metis, b-1672, New France, son (I)-Pierre Charron (1640-1700) and Catherine Pilliar, ou Pilet-Pillard, b-1651?, a Filles du Roi, and Metis or Indian, of New France, baptized March 30, 1646 La Rochelle, France. DNA analysis 'suggests' she is either Indian or Metis from New France: married November 4, 1697, Boucherville, Marie Robin.
(I)-Jacques Couturier b-1646, married likely Sillery, Quebec Catherine Annennontank, Huronne, (also Anota, Anenontha, Annanonis, Ananontha), sauvageese, b-1649, veuve September 23, 1662, Quebec de (I)-Jean Durand (1640-1671) veuve 1692 (II)-Jean Lafond (1646-1716) veuve 1697 Batiscan (II)-Pierre Courcambec dit Lagoumois.
(II)-Denis Joseph Couturier Metis b-1681 Lorette, 1st married 1712 Batiscan, (II)-Catherine Proteau (1691-1717), 2nd married 1718, Cap Sante, (III)-Angeelique LeTeller (1699-1729), 3rd marriage 1733 Deschambault, Therese Hamel (1707-1737) veuve Jean Tousignan
(II)-Noel Langlois dit Traversy, Metis d-October 9, 1693 Beauport son (I)-Noel Langlois (1606-1684) and Francoise Grenier (Garnier) sauvagesse: 1st married most likely 1672, Beauport (II)-Aymee Caron d-October 5, 1685: 2nd marriage December 2, 1686, Beauport, (II)-Genevieve Parent.
Father (I)-Claude Jean Allouez (1613-1689) and Father Claude Dablon prepared a map of Lac Tracy (Lake Superior) likely based on maps by Etienne Brule's expedition of 1616 and/or Grosseilliers and Radisson expeditions of 1659-1660 and likely the maps of the Ojibwa People.
(II)-Marie Rence Lamoureaux Metis b-1672 daughter (II)-Pierre Lanoureux dit St. Germain and Marguerite Pigarouiche Sauvagesse b-1747; married 1693 Montreal Jacques Hery
Pierre de Saurel de Sorel and wife Jeanne de Giraud is granted the seigneury of Sorel, Quebec. Sorel is at the mouth of the River Richelieu 88 km northeast Ville-Marie (Montreal) on the St. Lawrence River. In 1787 it was renamed William Henry but again renamed Sorel in 1860. A mission was established at Sorel in 1670.
War again breaks out in Europe, England declared war on Holland and France joined the English against Holland. Immigration to New France stops for the next three generations. A generation is usually considered to be 15-20 years. It is noteworthy that 15,000 people came to New France between 1608 to 1672 but only 3,000 stayed in the colonies. The exodus of the French to become Coureurs des Bois ran from 40 to 50% most years. It is significant that the King's Daughters are estimated to number some 1,000 women, and given their husbands, they account for 2/3 of the New France Colony. The Metis at this time likely outnumbered the New France Colony, but are spread over a wide territory.
The further dispatch of 'Filles du Roi' to New France ended because of the war with the Dutch. As a result of the war with Holland, a Dutch squadron captured New York, August 9, 1673.
The Jesuits are accused before the French King of baptizing more beavers than Indians.
The horse population of New France had risen to 100.
It is suggested this year is the first time the term 'Couteurs des bois' was recorded in New France.
The French Minister wrote to Intendant Talon of New France "as after the increase of the colony, there is nothing more important for the colony than the discovery of a passage to the south sea, his majesty wishes you to give it your attention." Talon chose Jollet and Marguette to discover the South Sea by the Maskoutens Country. It was believed the Mississippi River emptied into the California Sea. They were unaware the Spanish last century had already explored this route to Chicago. They eventually realized the Mississippi River emptied into the Gulf of Mexico that was controlled by the Spanish and aborted their mission so as not to fall into Spanish hands. They failed to reach the mouth of the river.
French explorer (I)-Nicholas Deny (1598-1688) arrived Acadia 1632 and discovered abundant coal (“a mountain of very good coal four leagues up the river”) on Cape Breton Island in 1672. Within a few years, miners were prying coal from rock outcroppings along the coast with crowbars. He married Marie Sauvagesse and Marguetite De La Fitte which could be the same person?
(II)-Richard Deny (Denis de Fronsac) (1649-1692) born La Rochille, married 1680 Anne Parabego Sauvagesse
January 12: Montreal marriage (I)-Antoine Jean Baptiste Barrois to (II)-Anne Leber likely Metis b-1636 daughter (I)-Francois Leber b-1626 and Marguerite Leseur likely Metis/Indian
(II)-Philippe Barrois Metis b-1672 Laprairie d-1722 Kaskakia Illinois
(II)-Catherine Barrois Metis b-1674 Kaskakia Illinois
(II)-Francois Barrois dit Lothman Metis married 1717 Montreal (II)-Marie Anne Sauvage b-1697
(II)-Marie Anne Barrois Metis b-1680 Kaskakia Illinois married 1697 MontreaL (I)-Francois Hardouin b-1674
January 13: Quebec, birth (II)-Marie Madeleine Soumande, Metis daughter (I)-Pierre Soumande (1619-1689) and (II)-Simone Cote, Metis, b-1637
January 19: Chateau Richer, birth (III)-Angelique Genevieve Cloutier, Metis, died April 15, 1699, Chateau Richer, daughter (II)-Jean Cloutier, (1621-1690) and (II)-Marie Martin, Metis, (1635-1699);
January 26: Ville-Marie (Montreal), birth, (II)-Jean Baptiste Tessier, Metis, died May 20, 1736, Ville-Marie (Montreal), son (I)- Urbain Tessier, (1624-1689) and (II)-Marie Archambault, Metis baptised, 1636, died August 16, 1719 Pte Aux Trembles, Ville-Marie (Montreal); married, November 4, 1698, Ville-Marie (Montreal), (III)-Elisabeth Regnaut, b-1681, died November 11, 1747, Ville-Marie (Montreal), daughter (II)-Antoine Regnaut.
February 3: Quebec, birth (II)-Laurent Du Bocq (Dubeau), Metis, died July 15, 1731 St. Augustin, son (I)-Laurent Du Bocq (Dubeau) b-1636 and Marie Felix Arontio, Huronne, Sauvagesse, d-1689; 1st marriage September 23, 1697 St. Augustin, Francoise Campagna; 2nd marriage September 10, 1718, St. Augustin, Marie Sevigny.
February 14: l'Ange Gardien, birth (II)-Elizabeth Lemieux, Metis, daughter (I)-Guillaume Lemieux b-1648 and (II)-Elizabeth Langlois, Metis, (1645-1696): married January 21, 1691 St. Thomas, Jacques Couillard.
February 21: Chateau Richer, marriage (II)-Louis Prevost, Metis, b-1651, died May 27, 1686, Beauport, son (I)-Martin Prevost (1611-1691) and Marie Oliver Sylvestre, Sauvagesse (1626-1665): married (II)-Francoise Gagnon, b-1655: second marriage February 17, 1681 (II)-Marguerite Careau, b-1662.
March 19: Sillery, birth (III)-Angelique Pinguet, Metis, died May 13, 1744, daughter (II)-Pierre Pinguet dit La Glardiere (1630-1704) and (II)-Anne Chevalier, Metis; 1st married June 7, 1688 Quebec (I)-Pierre Bodin b-1641; 2nd marriage April 30, 1703, Quebec Francois Laraue.
April 6: (I)-Louis de Buade de Fontenac et de Palluau (1622-1698), godson of Louis XIII, is appointed Governor of New France and served September 12, 1672 to September 1682 and again from October 12, 1689 to 1698. It is reported that he accepted this assignment to escape his creditors. He quarreled with the Jesuits, Intendent (1675-1682) (I)-Jacques Duchesneau (d-1696) over the fur trade. All three parties were deeply involved in the fur trade to their own benefit. (I)-Louis de Bunde, count de Frontenac (1620-1698), defied the policies and guidelines established by France to pursue his own fur trade empire. Some believe his actions set the stage for the loss of New France to the English.
April 23: Quebec, birth (III)-Genevieve Langlois, Metis, daughter (II)-Jean Langlois dit Boisverdun, Metis (1641-1687) and (II)-Francoise Charlotte Belanger, epouse 1695 Thomas Rousseau:
May 15: Three Rivers, Quebec, (I)-Jacques Bertault, b-1626 wife (I)- Gillette Bonne, b-1636 and their daughter (II)-Isabelle Elizabeth Therese Bertault La Touche, b-1659, attempted to murder Julien de la Touche, b-1641, by poison in his soup. This failed.
May 16: Three Rivers, Quebec, (I)-Jacques Bertault, b-1626 wife (I)- Gillette Bonne, b-1636 and their daughter (II)-Isabelle Elizabeth Therese Bertault La Touche, b-1659, murdered Julien de la Touche, b-1641, by beating him to death.
May 20: Three Rivers, Quebec, (I)-Jacques Bertault, b-1626 appear in court for murder but his wife (I)- Gillette Bonne, b-1636 and their daughter (II)-Isabelle Elizabeth Therese Bertault La Touche, b-1659, fled into the woods.
May 20: (I)-Jacques Bertault, b-1626 wife (I)- Gillette Bonne, b-1636 and their daughter (II)-Isabelle Elizabeth Therese Bertault La Touche, b-1659, were sent to Quebec for trial for the murder of Julien de la Touche, b-1641, husband of Elizabeth.
June 8: Quebec (I)-Jacques Bertault, b-1626 wife (I)- Gillette Bonne, b-1636 and their daughter (II)-Isabelle Elizabeth Therese Bertault La Touche, b-1659, are sentenced to death for the murder of Julien de la Touche, b-1641, husband of Elizabeth. (II)-Isabelle Elizabeth Therese Bertault La Touche, b-1659, was excluded from hanging because of her age, 13.
June 9: Quebec (I)-Jacques Bertault, b-1626 and his wife (I)- Gillette Bonne, b-1636 were hanged and (II)-Isabelle Elizabeth Therese Bertault La Touche, b-1659, was ordered to watch for her part in the murder of her husband Julien de la Touche, b-1641.
June 28: Father Charles Albanel (1616-1696), a Jesuit, and company reached the mouth of the Rupert River, James Bay. Albanel claimed the Bay for France. He confirmed that the Coureurs des Bois, (II)-Pierre Esprit Chouart dit Radisson, Metis (1636-1710) and (I)-Medard Chouart Des Groseilliers (1618-1696?), were indeed with the British. They found a British ship and two deserted houses but no Europeans.
July 7: Quebec, birth (II)-Pierre Alphonses Blanchet, Metis son (II)-Pierre Blanchet, b-1646 and (II)-Marie Fournier, Metis, b-1855 daughter (I)-Guillaume Fournier (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Hebert, Metis, b-1638; married November 18, 1699 Cap St. Ignace, Louise Gagne.
August 9: Ste Famille, birth (III)-Marguerite Cote, Metis, died March 3, 1709, Beauport son (II)-Martin Cote, Metis, b-1639 and (II)-Suzanne Page; 1st married Andre Parent; 2nd marriage February 2, 1701, Beauport, Noel Marcoux.
September: Louis de Baude, Comte de Palluau (1620-1698), Governor (1672-82 & 1689-98), in September, arrived in Fort Quebec as the new Governor and Lieutenant General with Intendant Duchesneau. The former Governor, Daniel de Remy, Sieur de Courcelle (1665-1672), and Intendant (I)-Jean Talon (1625-1694) are to shortly leave for France. Intendant (I)-Jean Talon (1625-1694) referred to the Coureurs des Bois as those woodsmen engaged in trading without permits and therefore are outlaws. He also wrote those traders are men without Christianity, without sacrament, without religion, without priests, without magistrates and are sole masters of their own actions and of the application of their wills. The number of permits issued each year is limited to twenty-five. Once a Coureurs des Bois, they could not return to New France. Anyone going into the woods without a permit is whipped and branded for the first offense. The directive from France set life in the galleys of the Mediterranean for second offenses. Only the Jesuit Bishop, Father (I)- Francois Xavier de Laval Montmorency (1623-1708), remained of the old guard and is quick to use Duchesneau to attack (I)-Louis de Bunde, count de Frontenac (1620-1698); the Huguenot.
October 17: Quebec, marriage (I)-Jacques Savariaux (1636-1724) the son of Simon Savaria and Anne Moisty both born France; to (I)-Suzanne Lacroix, (1653-1718) fille du Roi, daughter of Jacques LaCroix and his 2nd wife Francoise Anne Perrot. Jacques Lacroix’s son from his previous marriage was David Joseph Lacroix half brother of Suzanne. Source Jackie
November 13: Trois Rivieres, birth (III)-Marie Renee Lefebvre, Metis, died December 24, 1672, Trois Rivieres, daughter (II)-Jacques Lefervre, Metis, seigneur de la Baie St. Antoine, (1647-1720), and Jeanne Aunois, savage/Metis b-1621 of the Indian Nation, died February 11, 1697, Trois Riviers;
November 17: Quebec, (II)-Francoise Duverger daughter (I)-Jean Jacques Duverger and (I)-Suzanne of the Valley married and killed Simon Galbrun and then married Jean Boutin, she also aborted several children in infanticide. She was hung and strangled this day.
November 21: Chateau Richer (II)-Guillaume Boucher Metis son (I)-Martin Boucher (1589-1671) and Perinne Malet Metis (1606-1687); married (II)-Marguerite Jeanne Thibaut
(III)-Marguerite Boucher Metis (1675-1709) Chateau Richier married 1692 Chateau Richer (II)-Francois Laberge
November 27: Montreal, marriage (I)-Pierre Hogue dit St. Malo b-1648 to Catherine Nachita the nation Puteotamite Sauvagesse (1654-1676)
(II)-Claude Hogue Metis d-1673 Montreal
(II)-Pierre Hogue Metis (1675-1697 Montreal
December 11: Quebec, birth (III)-Marguerite Prevost, Metis, died May 14, 1684, Beauport, daughter (II)-Louis Prevost (1651-1672) and (II)-Francoise Gagnon
The mission Beauport de la Province de Quebec is established this year.
There are 852 Filles du Roi accounted for in the records kept by Quebec officials, during the ten-year period 1663-1673
SOME FILLE DU ROI who arrived 1673 and entered into contract of marriage
Joan Amiot, married Nicolas Pion dit Lafontaine, said his name is Lafontaine; 2nd marriage 1704 François Chicoine,
Margaret Andrieu, married Pierre Augran dit Lapierre, said his name is Lapierre,
Marie-Anne Bamonte, married Vincent Morisseau
Anne Bauge, married Guillaume Corruble,
Mary Beaugrand, married Charles Marquis
Joan Beauveau, Joan, married Jean-Pierre Blet dit Gazaille, said his name is Gazaille
Mary Bellehache, married Gillis Bourret dit Lépine, said his name is Lepine
Margaret Berrin, (illegitimate child, Jean-Baptiste b-1673), married 1675 Julien Bouin
Barbara Boyer, Barbara, married Paul Cartier; 2nd married 1698 Nicolas Foulon dit Dumont, said his name is Dumont
Jeanne Braconnier, married Crespen Thuillier dit La Tour, said his name is La Tour; 2nd marriage 1675 Charles Édeline,
Helen Calais married Blaise Belleau dit Larose, said his name is Larose
Mary Chancy, married Michel Prézeau dit Chambly, said his name is Chambly
Denise Colin, Denise, maaried Roch Thouin; 2nd married Antoine Gloria dit Desrochers, said his name is Desrochers
Marie-Madeleine Charbonnier, said her name is Seigneur, married François Lenoir dit Rolland, said his name is Rolland,
Charlotte De Larue, married Jean Lavanois,; 2nd marriage Andre Morin,
Mary Leroux, married Jacques Enaud dit Canada, said his name is Canada before 1673; 2nd marriage 1691 Pierre Borneuf,
Marie Denise Marier, b-1654 married Jean Quenneville
Frances Paris, married Pierre. Petitclerc, ; 2nd marriage Pierre Élie
Barbara Roteau, married Pierre Moisan,; 2nd marriage Jacques Renaud
Marguerite Roussel, b-1646, married Mathurin Duchiron dit Deslauriers, said his name is Deslauriers; 2nd married Étienne Burel,
Margaret Rousselot, married Charles Flibot
Catherine Roy, married Pierre Salvail; another marriage before 1669 Jean De Miray, Jean, avant 1669 De Miray
Marie-Madeleine Sel, married Louis-Pierre Auriot; 2nd marriage 1681 Pierre Chaussé dit Lemeine, said his name is Lemeine
Madeleine Tisserand married Pierre Parenteau dit Lafontaine, said his name is Lafontaine; 2nd married Jean Charpentier
Anne-Marie Vanzègue, married Hubert Leroux dit Rousson, said his name is Rousson; 2nd marriage Gabriel Cardinal, Gabriel
The population of New France is 6,705.
(I)-Rene Robert Cavelier de La Salle (1643-1687), a would be Jesuit with mental instability, joined the coterie of Governor General (I)-Louis de Bunde, count de Frontenac (1620-1698), with whose support he obtained letters of nobility. At the French Court, two clerics, Abbes Eusebe Renaudot Renaudot and Claude Bernou, to advance their own careers on La Salle's coattails, obtained a commission for him to explore the mid-west.
Trois Tivieres, Quebec, birth (II)-June Couc dit Lafleur, Metis, daughter (I)-Pierre Couc dit Lafleur (1624-1665) and Marie Mite8ameg8k8e (Miteouamigoukoue), an Algonquine, sauvagesse, (1631-1699). might be an error or baptism not birth see below;
Trois Rivieres, birth (III)-Jean Baptiste Couc dit Lafleur, Metis, b-1673, son (II)-Pierre Couc dit Lafleur (1624-1690), and Marie Mite8ameg8k8e, Algonquine sauvagesse (1631- 1699); married before November 24, 1706, Lachine, Anne Sauvagesse (Algonkin or Sokokoi) b-1705, Lachine.
(I)-Louis de Baud Count of Frontenac (1620-1698) wrote that (I)-Rene Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (1644-1687) and the Jesuit Fathers suggest that the English are attempting to break the treaty between the Ottawas and Canada. (I)-Louis de Baud, Count of Frontenac (1620-1698), the Huguenot, went to Fort Ville-Marie (Montreal) on January 13 to imprison Governor Francois Marie Perrot (1644-1691) of Fort Ville-Marie (Montreal) for his dealings with the Coureurs des Bois.
Charles Bayly (1630-1680), Governor of the Hudson Bay Company, returned to Charles Fort then went on to establish a post at Moose River on Hayes Island.
Quebec birth illegitimate child, Jean-Baptiste b-1673 of Margaret Berrin, father unknown Margaret married 1675 Julien. Bouin, Julien, dit Dufresne
(II)-Pierre Paradie Metis b-1651 son (I)-Pierre Paradie (1605-1677) and (II)-Barbie Guyon Metis; married (II)-Jeanne Francoise LeRoy
(III)-Charles Paradie Metis b-1674Beauport, d-1687 St Pierre
(III)-Marie Madeleine Pinguet b-1673, died June 19, 1743 Quebec, daughter (II)-Pierre Pinguet dit La Glardiere (1630-1704 and (II)-Anne Chevalier, Metis; married (II)-Francois Mercan
Father Charles Albanel (1616-1696), a Jesuit, is ordered to return to the Hudson Bay to persuade (I)-Medard Chouart Des Groseilliers (1618-1696?) to return to France's service. He is detained by the English and did not return to New France until 1676. He then went to the Western district where he served until his death.
Intendant Duchesneau contended that eight hundred men, about forty percent of the adult male population, had taken to the woods. The New France population is 6,705. (I)-Louis de Baud, Count of Frontenac (1620-1698), the Huguenot, wanted to teach the Natives French. The Jesuit wanted to retain their control and argued this would have no spiritual benefit. (I)-Louis de Baud, count of Frontenac (1620-1698), is more blunt and said the Jesuits want to keep the Natives in their control. They think more of beaver skins than of souls. Their missions are pure mockeries. Both Frontenac and Talon sought to reduce the overwhelming religious influence and make the Roman Church obey the state. The State assumed more control over education, marriage and the keeping of registers. The bottom line issue was Papal infallibility and those who didn't believe it was dogma.
(II)-Anonyme Garnaud is born and died October 7, 1673 at L'Ange Gardien, New France child (I)-Louis Garnaud and (I)-Marie Mazoue.
(I)-Pierre Lagrave married possibly Champlain Francoise Ouabanois Sauvagesse
(II)-Charles Lagrave b-1692, d-1727 married 720 Ste Anne de la Perade, Marie Anne Guibord
The Dutch being at war with France attacked and plundered Fort Jemseg at the mouth of the St. John River and went on to attack Fort Penobscot which was then abandoned by the French.
A French priest wrote his superior in France about maple sap. The first record of the French making maple syrup until 1706. The Indians have been making maple syrup for centuries. Legend suggests a lazy Indian woman was too lazy to walk to the stream for water, used tap sap for boiling venison. Her husband found the taste extremely pleasent ands by dropping hot stones into the sap it made it stronger, thicker, dark and smoky.
February 1: A four point decree is issued in New France:
- Merchants are forbidden to go to Trois Riveres, Ville-Marie (Montreal) or other places on the Upper River for the purpose of selling or delegating the sale of merchandise, in large or small quantities, to the French or Natives, directly or indirectly, and they are not allowed to be present in such locations from June 1st to the last day of October.
- No owner of a dwelling above the City of Ville-Marie (Montreal), or any other city is allowed to prevent Natives, directly or indirectly, from getting to the location of the fair, nor to stop them upon their return, under what ever pretext.
- When Natives are in Ville-Marie (Montreal) for the purpose of trading, it is forbidden to influence where and with whom they trade. They must be left entirely free to go trading where or with whom they wish (within those authorized merchants of Ville-Marie (Montreal)).
- No person without a family, except children of the land (Metis?), is allowed to trade with the Natives for his own profit or someone else's, also under penalty of a fine of 200 livres.
February 4: Sorel, birth (III)-Antoine Martin Metis son (II)-Charles Martin Metis b-1648 and Catherine Dupuy (1644-1682); 2nd marriage October 6, 1683 Boucherville Marie Attanville b-1645, veuve Jean Fauconnier; married January 16, 1698 Francoise Fevrier.
March 1: Quebec, birth, (II)-Charles Couturier, Metis, died April 25, 1699, Batiscan, Quebec, son (I)-Jacques Couturier b-1646, and Catherine Annennontank, Huronne, b-1649, veuve September 23, 1662, de Jean Durand (1640-1671).
April 4: Quebec, birth (III)-Anne Miville. Metis, died March 11, 1717, Ste Anne, daughter, (II)-Francois Miville and (II)-Marie Langlois, Metis (1636-1687); married May 13, 1691 Riviere Ouelie, Mathurin Dube.
April 24: Quebec, birth (II)-Louis Fournier, Metis, died November 3, 1674, Quebec, son (I)-Guillaume Fournier, (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Hebert, Metis b-1637
May 14: Beauport, birth Jeanne Chevalier, Metis, died April 4, 1746 Quebec, daughter Rene Chevalier (1626-1679) and (II)-Jeanne Langlois, Metis b-1643, Quebec: married November 24, 1692, Beauport
June 4: Ste. Familie, birth (II)-Pierre Lemieux, Metis, son (I)-Guillaume Lemieux b-1648 and (II)-Elizabeth Langlois, Metis, (1645-1696).
June 5: Quebec, marriage (I)-Jean Prou (1647-1703) to (II)-Jacquette Fouenier, Metis, born April 10, 1659, Quebec daughter (I)-Guillaume Fournier (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Hebert, Metis, b-1638
(II)-Denis Prou Metis b-1676 Quebec married 1699 Cap St. Ignace, Anne Gagne
(II)-Jean Baptiste Prou Metis (1678-1756) St Ignace, married 1701 St. Thomas, Louise Rosseau
(II)-Louise Prou Metis b-1679 St Ignace, married 1700 St. Ignace, Pierre Gagne
(II)-Pierre Prou Metis b-1681 St Ignace, married 1711 Agatha DesTroismaisons Picard b-1691
(II)-Marie Anne Prou Metis b-1683 St Thomas, married 1703 St. Thomas, Jacques Tibaut
(II)-Marie Barbe Prou Metis b-1685 Riviere Ouelle, married 1704 St Thomas, Louis Isabel
(II)-Thomas Prou Metis (1686-1753) St Thomas, married 1714 St Thomas, (III)-Marie Catherine Caron (1695-1744)
(II)-Angelique Prou Metis b-1688 St Thomas,d-1763 I'Islet, married 1705 Jean Francois Tibaut
(II)-Joseph Prou Metis (1690-1693) St Thomas,
(II)-Catherine Prou Metis (1692-1692) St Thomas,
(II)-Marie Anne Prou Metis (1693-1749) St Thomas, married 1720 St Thomas Henri Ruel
(II)-Louis Prou Metis (1696-1848), St Thomas, married 1730 St Laurent Marie Dufresne
(II)-Joseph Prou Metis (1698-1767), St Thomas, married 1st 1729 Dorothee Bouchard; married 2nd 1736 St Thomas, Angelique Laberge
(II)-Francois Prou Metis b-1701, St Thomas, married 1729 St Thomas Alexander Gagne
June 12: Quebec marriage (I)-Louis Maheu d-1683 to (II)-Genevieve Bissot Metis daughter (I)-Francois Bissot (1613-1678) and (III)-Marie Couillard Metis
(II)-Louis Francoise Maheu Metis (1684-1685) Quebec
June 22: Quebec, marriage (II)-Nicolas Pelletier Metis b-1649 son (I)-Nicolas Pelletier (1596-1679) and Jeannie Rouset Indian/Metis (1622-1689);
1st married 1673 Quebec (Saguenay) Madeleine Tegoussi (Montagnaise), died April 13, 1661, Quebec, veuve d'Augustin Sauvage;
(III)-Marie Jeanne Pelletier Metis b-1676 Sorel
2nd marriage 1677 Tadoussac (II)-Francoise OuechipichnokioueLamy daughter (I)-Isaac Lamy.
(III)-Marie Genevieve Pelletier Metis (1683-1763) married 1704 Ste Foye (I)-Pierre Janson (1661-1743)
3rd marriage 1715 Quebec, Marie Outchiouanich daughter of Grand Chief Jean Baptiste Nanabesa;
June 22: Quebec marriage (II)-Nicolas Pelletier, Permission was granted to marry the widow a sauvagesse of Augustin Sauvage on the condition they live among the French and that there children be brought up speaking French.
1st marriage 1673 Madeleine Tegoussi a montagnaise sauvagesse (1622-1689) veuve Augustin Sauvage.
(III)- Jeanne Rousey Metis b-1676,
2nd marriage (II)-Francoise Lamy
June 29: Ste Familie, birth (II)-Jacques Rate, Metis, son (I)-Jacques Rate, (1630-1690) and (II)-Anne Martin, Metis, b-1645.
July 17: The Dutch attacked Ferryland, Newfoundland.
July 23: Beauport, birth (II)-Nicolas Jacques Savariaux son (I)-Jacques Savariaux (Metis?) (1636-1724) and Suzanne Lacroix, (Huron?) (1653-1718), this family is most likely sauvage or Metis family
July 28: (I)-Louis de Baud, count Frontenac (1620-1691), built Fort Frontenac at Cataraqui (Catarakoui) (Kingston, Lake Ontario). (I)-Rene Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle (1644-1687) received the fur-trading rights for this military Fort. This Fort threatened the trade lines of the Mission of the Mountain of Montreal and the Iroquois. Some suggested that (I)-Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle (1644-1687) and Frontenac are partners. Others, at the time, suggested that Katarakouy or Fort Frontenac is established as a refuge and port of entry for the Coureurs des Bois who are scattered among all the Ottawa Nations to ensure their trade does not fall to the Dutch, English and Iroquois.
September: The last shipment of Filles du Roi arrived Quebec from France, and the program ended. The population of New France had risen to 6,700 people, an increase of 168% in the eleven years since the program had begun. This didn't include the thousands of Coureurs des Bois who took native wives and escaped to freedom of the interior (Indian Country). Not to mention the growing Metis population. Acadians who married native women numbered 400-500 about this time.
October: (I)-Louis de Baud Count of Frontenac (1620-1698), is warned by the Kings Minister in France, never to give corporate form (Estate General) to the people of Canada. For it is God's will that whoever is born subject should not reason, but obey. Frontenac is also ordered to quietly suppress the Syndicate of Settlers. France ordered the Governor to consolidate and concentrate the population into towns and villages for better defense and control. The Jesuit held firm to the belief that all male citizens should remain at home to become good husbands and fathers to the glory of God and mother Church. The Coureurs; those runners of the woods, debauched the Natives and endangered their own souls. The Jesuits wanted absolute control of the fur trade and these free traders are defeating their goal. The Sovereign Council ordered all beggars to leave Fort Quebec. Five women had begun begging last year. The King of France sent sixty young women to New France, but promised to give no more assistance to Canada this year.
October 3: Trois Rivieres, birth (III)-Rene Lefebvre, Metis son (II)-Jacques Lefervre, Metis, died April 28. 1749 Baie du Febvre, seigneur de la Baie St. Antoine, (1647-1720), and Jeanne Aunois, savage/Metis b-1621 of the Indian Nation, died February 11, 1697, Trois Rivieres; married July 7. 1700 Trois Rivieres, Gabrielle Francoise Foucault
October 28: Beauport, birth (III)-Francois Langlois, Metis son (II)-Noel Langlois dit Traversy, Metis d-1693 and (II)-Aymee Caron d-1685: married September 17, 1696 Beauport, Jeanne Baugis.
November 18: Chateau Richer, birth (III)-Agnas Cloutier, Metis, daughter (II)-Jean Cloutier, (1621-1690) and (II)-Marie Martin, Metis, (1635-1699); married October 25, 1691, Chateau Richer, Joseph Fortin.
December 8: Ville-Marie (Montreal), birth (II)-Urbain Gervaise, Metis, son, (I)- Jean Gervaise (1621-1690), and (II)-Anne Archambault, Metis (1621- 1699); 1st married October 1, 1696, Ville-Marie (Montreal) (II)-Marie Caron, died August 8, 1699, Ville-Marie (Montreal); 2nd married March 19, 1701, Ville-Marie (Montreal) (II)-Genevieve Perthus.
The mission Pointe aux Trembles, Ville-Marie (Montreal) de la Province de Quebec is established this year.
SOME FILLE DU ROI who arrived 1674 and entered into contract of marriage
Anne Aubry, married Antoine Caillé dit Brûlefer & Biscornet, said his name is Brûlefer & Biscornet
Frances Aubry, married Antoine Mercier dit Lépine, said his name is Lepine; 2nd marriage Vincent Chatigny, said his name is Lepine
Anne Beraud, said her name is Dubreuil, married Mathieu Jarosson
Marie-Claude Chamois, married François Frigon
Frances Dufaye, married Martin Pire dit Henne, said his name is Henne
Margaret Jasselin, (illegitimate child, Jean, b-1674), married 1676 Mathurin Lelièvre (1646-1683); 2nd marriage Nicolas Lemoine
Constance Lepage, married François Garinet,
Denise Marie, married Jean Quenneville; 2nd marriage Jean Guilbert dit Laframboise, said his name is Laframboise,
(I)-Louis de Baud, Count of Frontenac (1620-1698), the Huguenot, arrested and imprisoned for one year Francois Marie Perrot (1644-1691), Governor of Fort Ville-Marie (Montreal) and nephew of Talon, for illegal dealings with the Coureurs des Bois. He is accused of sedition, illicit trade and for his violent conduct. He is sent to the Bastile in Paris but is shortly freed and appointed Governor of Acadia. Frontenac also complained to Colbert that the Jesuits stated their mission was to instruct the Indians or rather to get beavers and not to be parish priests to the French.
Quebec, birth Marie Therese Chevalier, Metis, daughter Rene Chevalier (1626-1679) and (II)-Jeanne Langlois, Metis b-1643, Quebec: married February 1696, Beauport, Etienne Parant.
(II)-Pierre Lamoureux de St. Germain b-1649 son (I)-Jean Lamoureux; married likely Bout de I'lle, Ville-Marie (Montreal), Marguerite Pigarouiche, sauvagesse
Quebec birth illegitimate child, Jean, b-1674 son Margaret Jasselin and unknown father, Margaret married Mathurin Lelièvre; 2nd marriage Nicolas Lemoine
(II)-Jean Paradis Metis b-1658 son (I)-Pierre Paradis (1605-1675) and (II)-Barbe Guyon;
1st married about 1674 Claude Damize
(III)-Andre Jean Paradis Metis b-1676 Repentigny d-1745 Beauport married 1697 Beauport (II)-Marguerite Menard b-1681
2nd marriage 1679 Quebec (III)-Jeanne Pasquier b-1666, d-1711 Charlesbourg
(III)-Jean Paradis Metis (1682-1683) Quebec
(III)-Marie Paradis Metis (1684-1715) Charlesbourg 1st married 1703 Charlesbourg (II)-Jean Baptiste Pageot (1682-1708); 2nd married 1709 Charlesbourg (III)-Louis Thibaut (1682-1758)
(III)-Anne Paradis Metis (1686-1707) Charlesbourg married 1705 Charlesbourg (II)-Francois Gilles Boure b-1683
(III)-Marie Louise Paradis Metis b-1689 Charlesbourg married 1708 Charlesbourge Noel Duprac?
(III)-Marie Madeleine Paradis Metis b-1692 Charlesbourg
(III)-Jeanne Paradis Metis b-1694 Charlesbourg married 1718 Charlesbourge (III)-Jean Baptiste Bedard (1695-1742)
(III)-Jean Paradis Metis (1697-1722) Charlesbourg married 1718 Beauport (II)-Marie Francoise Tessier b-1696
(III)-Marie Jeanne Paradis Metis b-1699 Charlesbourg
(III)-Pierre Paradis Metis b-1702 Charlesbourg married 1725 St Laurent (II)-Marie Louise Papineau b-1709
(III)-Louis Charles Paradis Metis (1703-1708) Charlesbourg
(III)-Anne Paradis Metis (1706-1757) Charlesbourg married 1727 Quebec (II)-Jacques Loisel b-1705
(III)-Michel Pelletier Metis b-1674 son (II)-Francois Pelletier (1635-1688) Metis, and (II)-Marguerite Madeleine Morisseau; married July 9, 1697 Ste. Famille, Francoise Meneux..
The Roman Catholic Church in New France proclaimed they are a law unto themselves, refusing to acknowledge the supremacy of secular tribunals.
Jean Du Val and Thomas are habitants of Isle Jesus not far from Mont Royal.
January 1: Sorel, birth (III)-Joseph Martin Metis died July 28, 1685 Boucherville son (II)-Charles Martin Metis b-1648 and Catherine Dupuy (1644-1682); 2nd marriage October 6, 1683 Boucherville Marie Attanville b-1645, veuve Jean Fauconnier.
January 1: Sorel, birth (III)-Marie Anne Martin Metis daughter (II)-Charles Martin Metis b-1648 and Catherine Dupuy (1644-1682); 2nd marriage October 6, 1683 Boucherville Marie Attanville b-1645, veuve Jean Fauconnier.
February 19: The Treaty of Westminister returned New York to the English.
February 26: Sorel, birth (II)-Therese Charron, Metis, b-1667, New France, daughter (I)-Pierre Charron (1640-1700) and Catherine Pilliar, ou Pilet-Pillard, b-1651?, a Filles du Roi, and Metis or Indian, of New France, baptized March 30, 1646 La Rochelle, France. DNA analysis 'suggests' she is either Indian or Metis from New France: married January 30, 1701, Sorel, Antoine Piette.
March 4: Quebec, birth (II)-Jean Baptiste Gesseron, Metis son (I)-Louis Gesseron dit Brulot b-1639 and (II)-Agathe Fournier, Metis, b-1657
April 29: Beauport, birth (III)-Jean Francois Prevost, Metis, son (II)-Louis Prevost (1651-1672) and (II)-Francoise Gagnon
June 3: Ste Famille, birth (III)-Marie Madeleine Langlois, Metis, daughter (II)-Jean Langlois dit Boisverdun, Metis (1641-1687) and (II)-Francoise Charlotte Belanger, epouse 1695 Thomas Rousseau:
June 18: Quebec, birth (II)-Guillaume Blanchet, Metis son (II)-Pierre Blanchet, b-1646 and (II)-Marie Fournier, Metis, b-1855 daughter (I)-Guillaume Fournier (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Hebert, Metis, b-1638; married November 9, 1705 St. Michel, Marie Anne Gagne
July 15: The seigniory of Kamouraska (where their are rushes on the other side of the River), Quebec is established by Olivier Morel but he does nothing to develop the area.
July 23; Beauport, birth (II)-Anne Therese Vachon, Metis, daughter (I)-Paul Vachon (1630-1703) and (II)-Marguerite Langlois, Metis (1639-1697); married November 8, 1691 Beauport, Jean Turgeon.
August 8: Boucherville, birth, (II)-Guillaume Froget, Metis, son (I)-Nicolas Froget dit Despatis, b-1620 and (II)-Madeleine Martin, Metis; married November 24, 1698, La Pointe aux Trembles de Montreal, Barbe Beauchamp
August 10: Jurriaen Aernoutsz, a Dutch privateer, captured Pentagouet in Acadia and captured Jacques de Chambly (d-1687) Governor Acadia. After plundering the French posts along the Bay of Fundy, Aernoutsz took Jemseg (St. John) and its commander, Pierre de Joybert de Soulanges et de Marson (1641-1678). Aernoutsz claimed Acadia for Holland and took his booty and prisoners to Boston.
August 30: Father Charles Albanel (1616-1696), a Jesuit, was for the second time at Ruper River where the British seized him and his companions and sent them to prison in London.
August 31: The Sovereign Council ordered all beggars to leave Quebec. This is caused by five women that were begging in 1673.
October 7, Beauport, birth (III)-Marie Charlotte Pelletier, Metis, died September 3, 1699 Riviere Ouelle, daughter (II)-Jean Pelletier (1631-1698) and (II)-Anne Langlois, Metis, (1637-1704); married November 10, 1693 Riviere Ouelle, Andre Mignier
The Iroquois began attacking Indian allies of the French.
From 1675 to 1680, seven colonists from Beauport established themselves and their families in the seigneury of Marie-Anne Juchereau, in La Pocatière aka Riviere Ouelle. They were:
1. Noël Pelletier, son of Jean Pelletier, husband of Marie-Madeleine Mignot
2. Guillaume Lizot, husband of Anne Pelletier, Jean's daugther
3. Nicolas Lebel, husband of Thérèse Mignot, daughter of Jean
4. Jean Mignot, husband of Louise Cloutier and father of Marie-Madeleine and Xaintes
5. René Ouellet, who later wed Thérèse Mignot, widow of Nicolas Lebel
6. Nicolas Huot-Saint-Laurent, husband of Marie Fayet
7. Jean Grondin, husband of Xaintes Mignot
(III)-Francois Lamoureux, Metis, b-1675, died December 30, 1740 Bout De I'lle, Ville-Marie (Montreal) son (II)-Pierre Lamoureux de St. Germain b-1649 and Marguerite Pigarouiche sauvagesse, b-1647; married Marguerite Menard et Benard..
Mission Notre Dame De Foye now called Mission Dame De Lorette is for the Huron and Iroquois People.
Marriage, likely Trois Rivieres (III)-Pierre Noel Le Gardeur to (II)-Marguerite Volant, Metis born November 25, 1659, Trois Rivieres daughter (I)-Claude Volant de St. Claude, b-1636 and (II)-Francoise Radisson, b-1636
Birth (II)-Louise Savariaux dit Savaria daughter (I)-Jacques Savariaux (Metis?) (1636-1724) and Suzanne Lacroix, (Huron?) (1653-1718), this family is most likely sauvage or Metis family; 1st Married October 29, 1697, Beauport, Louis Metivier; 2nd marriage August 17, 1712 Beauport, (II)-Joseph Fisque, b-1675.
January 28: St. Per, a Repentigny, birth (IV)-Francois Le Gardeur (godfather was brother Pierre b-1657 and godmother was Marie Makais8ing8ots, Algonquine Sauvaggesse) son (III)-Jean Baptiste Le Gardeur De Repentigny and (II)-Marguerite Nicolet
February 11: Quebec, birth, (II)-Jacques Couturier, Metis, son (I)-Jacques Couturier b-1646, and Catherine Annennontank, Huronne, b-1649, veuve September 23, 1662, de Jean Durand (1640-1671).
March 2: Ville-Marie (Montreal), birth (II)-Jacques Tessier, Metis son (I)-Urbain Tessier (1624-1689) and (II)-Marie Archambault, Metis (1636-1719); married May 10, 1699, Ville-Marie (Montreal) (II)-Marie Adhemar b-1679, died May 17, 1754, Ville-Marie (Montreal), daughter (I)-Antoine Adhemar.
April 29: Quebec, birth (III)-Jacques Miville. Metis, son, (II)-Francois Miville and (II)-Marie Langlois, Metis (1636-1687)
May 11: Jean Oudiette is awarded a monopoly for beaver trade for a period of seven years. At this time, France has at least twice the population of England and many times her wealth. The French, with their Coureurs des Bois, are better explorers and negotiators with the Native peoples; yet with all these advantages she proved incapable of peopling the American Empire that she claimed. Their Policy of one King and one faith (French and Roman Catholic) is the major factor in the decline and fall of the French Empire. This inward myopic focus, even to present times, is destroying their culture and faith.
May 30: (I)-Jacques Duchesneau de La Doussiniere et d'Ambualt (d-1696) is appointed Intendant of New France, taking office on September 16, 1675 and serving until September 1682. He had difficult relations with Governor (I)-Louis de Baude, comte de Frontenac (1620-1698). Duchesneau denounced the illegal trafficking of many of the Coureurs des Bois and suggested that the Governor's attitude was so permissive as to smack of desire for personal gain. When he backed the Jesuit Bishop, Father (I)- Francois Xavier de Laval Montmorency (1623-1708), in his fight against the sale of alcohol to the Amerindians, Frontenac accused him of being the clergy's tool. The two antagonists were recalled to France simultaneously: their disputes had injured the colony and angered the minister.
June 5: A edict reorganized the Sovereign Council, now called the Superior Council, being, now, seven members vs. five of old.
August 6: Quebec, birth (II)-Joseph Lemieux, Metis, son (I)-Guillaume Lemieux b-1648 and (II)-Elizabeth Langlois, Metis, (1645-1696): married October 24, 1712, Quebec, Elizabeth Franquelin.
August 9: Quebec, birth (II)-Madeleine Fournier, Metis daughter (I)-Guillaume Fournier, (1619-1699) and (III)-Francoise Hebert, Metis b-1638: married May 2, 1707, St. Francois, Ile-Jesus, Pierre Laporte.
August 11: Ste Famille, birth (III)-Marie Madeleine Cote, Metis, died April 13, 1723, Quebec daughter (II)-Martin Cote, Metis, b-1639 and (II)-Suzanne Page;
August 20: Ste Familie, birth (II)-Pierre Rate, Metis, son (I)-Jacques Rate, (1630-1690) and (II)-Anne Martin, Metis, b-1645.
September 7: Quebec marriage (I)-Jacques De La Lande b-1648 to (III)-Marie Couillard Metis daughter (II)-Guillaume Lespinacy Couillard (1591-1663) and (II)-Marie Guillaumette Hebert Metis (1608-1884), epouse 1648 Quebec (I)-Francois Bissot (1613-1678)
(II)-Jacques Marie De La Lande Metis b-1677
September 24: Quebec, birth (II)-Jean Baptiste Reaume died about 1747 likely Green Bay, Wisconsin son (I)-Rene Reaume (1643-1722) and Marie Chevreau b-1652; married Michilimackinac 1720 Simphorose Puaouagoukoue (Symphorose 8a8ab8k8e born before 1695 Upper Country/Great Lakes area, died after 1747 likely Green Bay area.
October 7: Quebec marriage (II)-Louis Jolliet b-1701 to (II)-Claire Francoise Bissot Metis d-1710 daughter (I)-Francois Bissot (1613-1678) and (II)-Marie Couillard (1633-1703)
(III)-Louis Jolliet Metis b-1676 Quebec
(III)-Charles Jolliet Metis (1678-1746) Quebec married 1714 (III)-Jeanne Lemelin d-1762
(III)-Francois Jolliet Metis 1679 Quebec
(III)-Marie Genevieve Jolliet Metis b-1681) I'IIet married 1696 Quebec (II)-Jean Grignon
(III)-Anne Jolliet Metis 1682
(III)-Jean Baptiste Jolliet Metis b-1683 Quebec married 1708 Quebec (II)-Marie Mars b-1688
(III)-Claire Jolliet Metis b-1685 Quebec d-1706 married 1702 Quebec (II)-Joseph De Fleury dit D'Eschambault (1676-1755)
October 29: Quebec, birth (II)-Philippe Du Bocq, Metis son (I)-Laurent Du Bocq b-1636 and Marie Felix Arontio, Huronne, Sauvagesse.
November 26: Marie-Anne Dusauçay, Fille du Roi married Louis Rouer, Sieur de Villeray
December 5: Quebec, marriage (II)-Jean Langlois, Metis b-1648 son (I)-Noel Langlois (1606-1684) and Francoise Grenier (Garnier) d-1665: married (II)-Marie Cadieu, epouse June 19, 1694, Quebec Jean Gosselin.
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