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For sale - moved from larger home to mobile - Prices reduced this week
1. (2) 3 globe -Tulip Glass & brass light fixtures - great for bathroom or vanities - $20 each
2. Black/White striped living room couch - needs cleaned - in good shape otherwise - $50 obo
Glass/chrome glass dining table and 4 cube stools - 70's contemporary antique - great for the little nook to feed extra guests or play cards
- $60 or best offer
4. Blue/Grn cloth recliner - great condition - $75 obo
5. (40) White laminate shelving from walk in type closets - 40 boards from $5 to $20 per board (depending on size) or best offer for whole bunch - some already have holes for pegs
Call Kim at 740-244-3064 cell/941-706-2752 home (lv msg) or email kimbnr@yahoo.com for information or additional picts
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- Location: University Pkwy Sarasota
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PostingID: 1212898973