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Mark B. Wenneker, MD, MPH

Associate Practice Director, Integration Strategy

Dr. Mark B. Wenneker provides physician leadership development and clinical process improvement consulting for medical staffs, hospitals, health plans, and managed care organizations. He specializes in quality measurement, management, and improvement, with a focus on the role of physicians as leaders in the healthcare system.

Dr. Wenneker practiced general internal medicine for seventeen years prior to becoming a full-time consultant. He began to make the transition to medical and quality management after five years as a general internist and health services researcher, and received his MPH in 1989. He has been at the forefront of national efforts to develop quality improvement initiatives for managed care and other healthcare organizations, developing curricula for educational conferences sponsored by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), and founding Eye on Improvement, the journal of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement (IHI). 

Dr. Wenneker’s client engagements include Massachusetts General Hospital, the University of Washington Medical Center and Department of Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, SETON Healthcare Network, the Bon Secours Health System, and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

By Mark Wenneker, MD, MPH

The Physician-Hospital Team