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Creating the HTML File

Here is a sample of a very basic web page. Note that the HTML file (shown on this page) which makes the page possible is simply comprised of text. You can either type the text, including the codes, or open a file you have already created and add the codes to the text.

There are a number of ways to create the HTML file.

  • You can use a basic text or word processing program. You must remember, however, to save the file as text only. Most word processors have a Save As option under the File menu where you can select Text Only or Text (ASCII) format.

    Most word processors, such as Microsoft Word, offer an option under the File menu to save a file in HTML format. This option automatically converts the document formatting (such as bold characters or line breaks) to HTML coding for you. Desktop publishing programs, such as Adobe PageMaker, also offer this option. For tips on using Microsoft Word to create your page, see the Computer Services Web Kit.

  • You can also use a web editor which is a program developed specifically for creating web pages. These programs include web formatting tools that you select to automatically insert HTML coding. Commercial web editors include Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver. Netscape also comes with a web editor called Composer. See Using Netscape Composer to create a web page for instructions on how to use the program.
Learning how HTML works just takes some practice. It's best to start by creating a simple page.

**To continue, click here to see the underlying codes for this sample page along with an explanation of the codes.
You many also view the codes page and the explanation of the codes page separately.

Back to Creating a Web Page at Temple

Revised May 2002

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