Tuesday, August 24, 2010

10 Reasons Cell Phones Should Be Allowed In Schools

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Vicki Davis shares 10 reasons cell phones should be allowed in schools. Visit Making the Case for Cell Phones in Schools for a description and details around each of the reasons below. Here is a recap of the list. 

Ten reasons to get off the cell phone ban wagon
  1. Cell Phones Can Save Us Money
  2. Cell Phones Can Help Students Be More Organized
  3. It Makes Kids More Safe
  4. It Allows Sensitive Issues to be Kept Private
  5. It Alleviates Strain on the Network.
  6. It Alleviates Strain in the IT Department
  7. It Speeds Up Information Retrieval
  8. It Allows Us to Teach Kids Digital Responsibility and Citizenship
  9. It Sets a Model for Effective Change and Innovation
  10. You're fighting a losing battle.
Davis also provides ideas for dealing with the use of cell phones in schools which she explains simply, that we deal with mobile phones “Just like we "deal" with scissors.” Read the complete post here for just how to do that.

For dozens more articles about using Cell phones in Education, visit this link. For ideas about how to break the ban where you teach and  / or begin using cell phones for learning in your school or classroom, order Teaching Generation Text


  1. And there are so many cool apps that help with education!

    1. I also agree....you can learn a lot from typing in an app and getting it right then and there....it's great to have a phone for school but only if you don't have it to just get on Facebook or YouTube and text people.

    2. i think kids should have cellphones in school they should have the right to do the same thing audlts do kids might be small and dont know wat audlts know but we are smart and awesome im not audlts arent awesome they are cool my friend sydnee agrees with me thanks sydnee so kids should be aloud to have phones in school also it saves money for the school because if we have phones in school the school wont have to pay for the schools phones

    3. kids should have cell phones in school it is good for teacher as well....they dont see it that way they see it as a playing enviroment but they dont relize it can be a teaching inviroment too:)

    4. Maybe just for high school students as they are more mature and are more responisble

    5. i agree with what you say but there is also application that can be bad for students and they can download them without the permissin of their parents

  2. If every kid had a cellphone with web access, you could do something. Since some kids don't have cellphones (or are out of minutes) it is more difficult to bring them into the game. The digital divide still exists. Perhaps a grant that provides a class set of iPhones would offer a good way to experiment. You could have kids work in teams with each team using a web phone owned by a class member. In the 3rd world, a smartphone can be a school in a kid's hand.

    1. "If every kid had a cellphone with web access, you could do something." - If all students turn on the wifi on their cell phones in the school or even just the students with iphones, it will slow down the internet tremendosly. Nothing would get accomplished with that?

  3. @Douglas W. Green, EdD, I am glad you brought this up. I think this is a misstep in thinking held by many educators. We DO NOT need one-size fits all solutions for students nor does every student need to have the same phone provided by a school. We never said don't use computers in schools unless you could be a one-to-one school. Teachers don't decide not to do a lesson because there aren't enough books or someone forgot their notebook.

    Why would we deprive most of a 21st century education because of a few? Instead we need to figure out smart ways to provide those in need with the tools necessary for success today.

    Students can share and collaborate as necessary. Schools can have spares on hand. Partnerships can be formed with cell phone providers. A much more cost-effective option then purchasing class sets and easier to implement then a grant with all it’s outside rules, regulations and evaluations.

    Educator Jason Suter has his students who have cells use those and the others can use a school netbook, laptop, or desktop. Benefit is that we're empowering most students to use the tools they already own and we're multiplying the amount of tech available to students exponentially...thus indeed moving leaps and bounds toward narrowing the digital divide and finding ways to provide a 21st century education for all.

  4. I agree with her. I have 3 kids with kajeet phones. We LOVE the parental controls and the prices. I set the restrictions up based on my kids ages…for example my 9 yr old really doesn’t need to be walking around talking on a cell phone so we set the phone up so that only calls and texts from mom, dad and grandma are allowed. I consider his phone an “Emergency Backpack Phone” and we pay just $4.99! All of the kids phones are restricted between 9-3pm M-F (school hours) You can turn picture messaging on and off= no sexting! We’ve used the GPS service to keep track of our 14 yr old and to locate a lost phone. LOVE kajeet. I used a coupon code to save 15% off: 1115

    1. Lady people have phones for a reason if u just restrict everything because it saves you money you are ridiculous picture messaging can also be fun things to share with friends if your 14yo sends nude pictures to people u suck at raising children.I know i'd hate being your child parents wonder why their kids rebel, this is why strict BS.

  5. just what I needed for debate club...

    1. Me too but im doing it for an english class debating assignment

    2. even ive gttn ths tpic for english debate.. hard 2 decide-for/ against!

  6. I still feel cells are unneeded in schools, your child gets on a bus goes to school, they are in school all day, they get back on the bus they are home, where is the need for a phone? If they need to call a parent they get a pass from teacher and go to office most school have a phone in the classroom and that's even better. Now if your child had to walk a great distance to get to school,then back home, yes a phone for emergency only would be good, they get to school they turn it in to teacher or office for safe keeping, pick it before they leave. Older kids who maybe go to sports practice, library or such same thing applies phone for emergency. If they want to spend time on phone to talk to friends use house phone where parent can restrict phone time just like they should TV or video game time. I'm in the education business every class does not have computers for each child why would they need phone. PC can be connected to TV or project on large screen so any lesson the teacher wants a student to do off the internet can be seen by the whole class. No it is not a losing battle, the school or district sets the rules for phones use, they are abided by or they suffer the punishment, maybe 1st or even 2nd time they break the rule, the phone is taken and parents can come pick it up, 3rd time it confistcated till end of school year parent picks it up, 4th the phone is not returned, and donated to a worthy cause. Parents and students sign an agreement so they know the rules up front.

    1. but wat if the th school phones are down, then wat. Thats my point EXACTLY i think our phones should be allowed at school, but either way it go i bring mine to any way unless im on punishment soo..............

  7. If more and very costly electronic devices are needed for our student to learn, explain why test scores are going down all across this national in public schools. Then take a look at test scores for students who are in Montessori be it public or private ones. They are consistantly at the top of the schools with high test scores. They use limited tech. devices. They start at a very young age learning to read and write and do math. You can find 3 and 4 year olds who can read on 1st and 2nd grade levels. They learn to write in cursive from the very start. Handwriting which is neglected in public schools in favor of doing it on a computor and printing it off, dulls the brain. It has been proven that handwrinting improve brain activity, increases left and right brain developement. You will find 4 and 5 years old who can do Adding, Subtracting, Multiplcation. By the time they are 5 and 6 they can tell you the name of the states and captial cities. They can put together a map of Africa, Asia, ect without looking at a chart or pictures. They explore, they discover, everything is a learning adventure to them. They learn to be patient to take turns and wait to use a piece of equipement. They learn to put it away and leave it in a clean and neat working condition. They learn to clean up after themselves and not exspect others to do it for them. They learn it's okay to make mistakes, it's all a part of learning. They learn to be forgiving. They learn to respect all thing aroound them including themselves and others. They use computors mostly in a lab. They do all this without cell phones in the classroom, without major amounts of printed out lessons where all they do is fill in a blank or mark a choice A B C or D. Take the time to think about this, that even after they leave the Montessori setting and go off to other public or private schools that aren't, they still stay at the top of their class, while others are struggling with simple reading, math, and so forth skills.

  8. @Anonymous, to understand why cell phones are a powerful learning tool, you’d be best served by reading the posts tagged cell phones and education in my blog. When you do, you’ll realize that once an educator is enlightened they can be used for much more than just a device to chat with friends or use in an emergency. You state that your kids don’t have much access to technology in school and they’re fine. I maintain that in school we are not preparing students to just be successful in school. We should be preparing them to be success in the world outside of school. When students feel they need to power down to participate in the disconnected, and frankly, boring environments they often encounter in school, we are not doing our jobs. The use of technology opens up possibilities and allows students to make global connections with others who share talents, passions, and interests. For me school is about giving every possible opportunity for students to succeed with tools they’ll encounter in the real world. That my anonymous friend is why we need to go from banning to embracing.

  9. @Anonymous
    I’m not sure how much of my blog you’ve read, but I’m not suggesting purchasing new costly devices for learning. I’m suggesting we let students use the devices they are already own. You ask why test scores are going down. There are many reasons.
    1-Kids are bored in school. 2-School feels disconnected from the outside world and students power down. 3) Traditional tests assess traditional kids who are just not doing work the same way. We need to update these tests to assess the relevant skils of today’s learners.

    Regarding Montessori schools, I agree. They are fantastic. I am a proponent of such type of learning environments, but they certainly don’t need to be devoid of technology. I’m sure if there were iPads/iTouches in those classrooms kids would be engaging in some incredible work in that environment.

    As far as handwriting, this is not something I care about. As I’ve shared on my blog I believe there is something mightier then the pen when it comes to the sword and that is digital publishing. I haven’t used a pen in five years. Publishing online opens many more opportunities for students to create, publish and connect...all of which earn the Montessori seal of approval.

  10. And most of those same student who can text faster than the wind, and spend all their time on computers, are the same kids looking for jobs at McDonalds and the same ones who can not count change, tell time on a real clock, or read books at grade level. All I'm saying is if teachers want to give students work to do on a social site or research using the phone those assignments should be done at home. You should do some research on how handwriting developes certain areas of the brain. Does not matter if you use a pen now, but it does to young developing brains. You had to do handwriting as a child it helped to develope yours.

    1. I'm one of those kids who txt like the wind, spend lots if time on the cumputer, but yet I'm a striaght A student

    2. u dont no wat u tlkin bout i am one those kids 2 wit all A's hlf of my skool is honor roll but we txt nd play nd be a kid nd we dont hav cell phones in skool but we go hard on our work after skool hw done,then we get on fb,chat,chill wit our homies . im a 5th grade girl nd all im sayin is that your wrong some kid r like that but not all others care bout learnin . i got something 4 u get it striaght boo boo

  11. I think cell phones are good for school to keep children safe as it says up there. It can also be for the adult to be able to get a hold of the child in case of planning of family in a text.

  12. It really is a losing battle to deny a child a cell phone. How the child uses the phone is a reflection on the parent. With proper guidance, a cell phone is a very good thing for both children and for the peace of mind parents have in knowing they can always contact them.

  13. Well, honestly I am a student in high school and most people say this and that about cell phones. How they are distractions or how they cause the learning to be affected. I can say this, there are teachers who keep their cell phones on loud and on their desk, and it can go off a billion times during one class period, yet "our" phones cause distractions? There one teacher in our school that can give us the freedom to use our cell phones during class to help with our calculations and other scientific methods. She makes our learning fun, and gives us freedom at the same time. It makes us want to learn more. Students are excited to get to that class almost everyday. Since she's given us this freedom our scores have raised dramatically. Cell phones can be for more than just emergencies. There's always a good reason to having a cell phone, and being able to have them in schools. Most people always see the bad sides of it!

  14. I have read up so much about the subject of whether children should be using cell phones but that is another subject in itself. My main concern is when they are at school they should have total concentration on the matters in hand. There should be no distractions for children while in class. After all it is not fair on the teachers to be constantly interrupted. Cell phones should be turned off during classes or be confiscated until the end of class. Robert

  15. Excellent post and intriguing comments. I think, though, you meant to say: on the bandwagon, not off? A bandwagon references something that's trending. Actually, since bandwagon also references something faddish, and cell phones are here to stay, maybe you really meant to say "off the dime." Quibbling here, yes, but your message is powerful -- deserves equally powerful language. ;-)

  16. Actually, @Anonymous, I was trying a clever play on words that I have used before. I am trying to point out "ban." So a ban wagon would be a wagon where things are banned. Not sure it really worked here, but that was my intent.

  17. I think cell phones should be allowed in school because when a emergency comes up nobody is thinking about going to the front office to dial 911. The amount of time teachers spend calling up to the office to tell them to dial 911 the call could've already been made. And teachers can't tell us to put our cell phones away when they are taking them out and using them in front of us texting their husbands.


    1. dude some people dont even pay attention soooo..............

  19. cell phones should be used for school

  20. well i think it just depends on the maturity level of the kid

    1. Well you can't let some kids have phones, while others can't. That would just cause more problems

  21. i think that cellphones should be used in school because parents can keep in touch with thier children, know their whereaboutes, ask qouestions,change plans or just to say hello. well they can be distracting in school. besides that the parents can reach their kids more easily.

    1. I think they should try cell phones in school before they decide its's a destraction. It's just my opinion. Also it could really safe the schools money.

  22. children should not take cell phones to school !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Why? You have no reason to say not to. Cellphones are incredibly useful in school. Sure they can be a distraction, but if let the teacher know what your doing, like my teacher lets us do -ie- texting parents or takinga picture of a worksheet - then they are perfectly fine.

  23. I strongly believe tht cell phones should be allowed in school because they cn help u in school and save the school money!!!!!!!!!

  24. They should be allowed they will save schools in money on tools. And I know my school needs money.

  25. I think they should be allowed in all schools.
    -Cellphones should be allowed because they would allow us students to look up definitions either online or through a built in app.
    -Cellphones should be allowed in school because they provide access to the internet and a wide range of sources and articles for students to refer to.
    -Parents can contact their children in case of emergencies, and vice-versa.
    -Parents can know the whereabouts of their kids.
    -If your kid's sports practice or any other activity after school is altered, he/she can call you up for an early pickup from school.
    -All phones are capable of voice recording and have inbuilt cameras which not only aid in recording lectures and taking snaps of projects and diagrams or assignments, but can also be used to capture special school memories.
    -Cell phones have calender, notes, tasks and reminder apps which helps students organize their work effectively.

    Source - http://dragon-void.blogspot.in/

  26. Cell phones rule! Simple as that.


  28. i think it is wrong for kids to not have a cell phone, because if they were at school and it catched on fire and destroyed records or somethng i think kids would need a way to get ahold of somebody to come and get them.

  29. i think students do feel disconnected from the outside world. i am 16 years old and in high school, and let me tell you from expirience, it is BORING! If my teacher let us use cell phones in our english class so much more would get done and test scores would improve. also back to Kayla, shes right. if the school burnt down and all the phones went down how would we call for help? i ask you... chew on that

    1. lmfaaao ^ i totally agree with youu ... if cell phones were alllowed in math and engilsh i would sooo do more work (:


  30. I think cell phones should be used i live in alabama and we hsve had to tornadoes barely miss our school and we werent aloowed to have our cell phones on us to tell our parent we are ok. Another reason is a school predator we cant have our phones on us to call our parents and we arent allowed to go to our lockers with someone in our school.

  31. Where is the proof to all of these statements?

  32. i think that they should be in schoo l cause what if someone dies wouldn't you want to know that moment.

  33. how about this kids need phones

    1. i think cellphone should be allow in schools because we can keep in touch with our parents.and through the use of internet we can get more GK.we can increase our knowledge.if you have any problem you can call your parents and you can safe your life.

  34. "It Makes Kids More Safe"

    While I agree that mobile devices are excellent teaching and learning enhancements, you don't do your campaign any justice if you, yourself don't use correct grammar while making your points. The comparative form of safe is "safer" not "more safe".

    1. @Anonymous,
      You don't do yourself any justice when you comment without the courage to use your name. You don't do yourself any justice when you write to the publisher rather than the author. You don't do yourself justice when you write publicly rather than privately to someone who publishes content for free everyday without the benefit of an editor. Finally you don't do yourself justice when you get so caught up in the manusha that you can't even focus on the message.

      Do you know that I can find a typo or grammatical error nearly every day in the major newspapers I read...despite all their paid for editorial help?

      I think it would make a lot more sense for you to focus on the message and if you have some helpful advice about typos, just write privately to the author or publisher of the post.
