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Will baby walkers and jumpers help my baby learn to walk?

David Geller


No. In fact, studies have shown that babies who use a walker may actually learn to walk about a month later than those who don't. Walkers allow babies to move around before they are physically ready for it, which can cause unusual movement patterns and delayed muscle control.

Babies learn to walk in part by watching and understanding how their feet and legs move. If a walker has a tray, they can't see what's happening with their lower body and don't get the information they need about their motor development.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against using walkers not only because they can discourage your child from learning to walk on his own, but also because they can be dangerous. Thousands of babies end up in emergency rooms and doctor's offices from falling down stairs or bumping into furniture while in a walker. Walkers can give parents a false impression that their babies are truly mobile and can control their actions. Some parents even leave their babies alone to navigate their way around the home in a walker.

Exersaucers, as well as door jumpers, are much safer alternatives, but none of these options will help your child learn to walk earlier than usual.

Editor's note: In general, baby walkers have gotten safer since the early 2000s, when the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission worked with manufacturers to develop better safety standards for these products. Walkers on the market now should have "stair-fall protection" — either a gripping mechanism that keeps the walker from going over the edge of a stairwell or a design that prevents the walker from fitting through a doorway. However, some manufacturers continue to ignore these standards. Also, older walkers (such as those bought secondhand) may not have these safety features.

To find out whether a walker or other baby product you own has been recalled, check our Product Recall Database.

Member Comments

Its interesting how expert advice varies depending on the country. I'm European and in my country all pediatritians and physiotherapists agree, that the best way to help a baby learn to walk is to let him do it on his own. They generally even discourage helping by holding the baby's arms and walking behind them because it messes up their center of gravity. After all, the child will not walk with his arms above his head when he does it on his own. Kids who learn to walk in this way apparently tend to walk on their tip toes a lot. Exersaucers, door jumpers and the like are also seriously disscouraged because they are rarely adjusted for each individual child. It is important that the child's feet are flat on the ground in these devices, so that the baby can feel his or her whole foot. But few parents know this and so never notice. Although all babies eventually learn how to walk (dispite their parents) I think that letting them figure it out on their own will bring the best results
posted 1/27/2012 by Nanti
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I am from Bangladesh and here also the doctors encourage to use walkers when the baby can stand up on his own
posted 2/04/2012 by darkstarbd
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Every child is different. Just like everything else, if it's used safely and in moderation, it probably will not effect a child's walking. My son loved to bounce, so we got him a jumperoo at 4 months and he loved it. When he started crawling, he had no interest in it. He was introduced to a walker at four and a half months and by 6 months, he was using it for a little while each day. It actually took away a lot of his frustration because he had more independence. I think it helped him walk because when he wasn't in it, he wanted to get to places faster. Now he's walking at nine and a half months. It didn't slow him down at all.
posted 3/30/2012 by gatormic
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Walkers in general seem to be a hindrance in the long run. It's true that children want to feel mobile as soon as they can sit up, but by them having this mobility device it stops them from thinking on their own and developing motor skills.
posted 2/28/2012 by Irm_ali
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So you know from our experience: we did use a walker and he's 12 mo. old by now "running" all over the place. In fact, the walker may helped him to learn how to run because he could speedup when using it.
posted 5/14/2012 by PapiCosa
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My pediatrician didn't say either way, but my daughter was walking before 12 months. I didn't have any problems.
posted 2/26/2012 by a BabyCenter Member
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