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Gary Stockman, Porter Novelli CEO

Gary Stockman, Porter Novelli CEO

Following: 18
Followers: 160
Updates: 37

Favorite Twitter user to follow:
There is a tie for my favorite Twitter user. The first one is @NYTimes, as their posts keep me up to date on the latest news from around the world. My second favorite is @Zappos; I truly enjoy reading Tony Hsieh's updates because I find his tweets to be refreshing and entertaining.

How Twitter helps him run Porter Novelli:
Twitter has become a real asset to Porter Novelli. It allows us to communicate with one another around the world in real time, and to engage in truly global conversations. It also enables us to do incredible things for our clients, including rapid-response consumer research, direct dialogue with stakeholders, and real-time dissemination of information, which can be especially useful in a crisis.

Recent tweet:
"Some say Twitter et al is a giant echo chamber. But fresh content is out there."

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