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  • Old Today, 08:50 AM #16
    mamegoma's Avatar
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    Quote from jillyq View Post :

    OMG! Are you for real?

    OK SDer's, I think that if we all pool our money together on this board we could scrape up the $10 he/she was cheated out of and we can send it to him/her.

    If we do that will you promise NEVER to post here again?
    If he/she/it promises never to post here again, I will send him/her/it the $10 myself. SDers, you are my witnesses. Whatatay, you may PM me your address if you are interested.
    "the only thing you can do easily is be wrong,
    and that's hardly worth the effort"
    Today, 08:50 AM

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    Old Today, 08:56 AM #17
    L3: Novice
    Dec 2006
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    I can tell you from actually working for their company (Cunningham Field Services) I have inside knowledge about them. They do indeed have the worst reputation in the marketing research community. I was the one who originally posted their Data Intelligence website on the freebie message boards. A HUGE mistake I regret. Another marketing reseach company explained to me how they are able to cheat respondents out of incentive money and get away with it all the while just walking a fine line with the IRS. Again, I apologize for their even being on these boards. If only I had known then what I know now, I would never have helped them get their online survey site up and running.
    Old Today, 09:00 AM #18
    Master Of Scamps
    Scampsters's Avatar
    Jul 2004
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    BBB is a private organisation with a a financial interest - Members that pay their annual fee/dues can have negative comments removed from their rating. I hold very little value in the rating system of a company when a company can pay to have its rating changed.

    3 whiney comments on a company with 1000 of respondents is actually pretty damn good odds that the company is doing a fine job if you want to look at what that crap means.

    I think you have probably wasted countless hours whining about the company and how terrible it is. You could have very easily recovered your 'losses' even if you were paid as an illegal migrant worker picking strawberries in a field.
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    Last edited by Scampsters; Today at 09:02 AM..
    Old Today, 09:08 AM #19
    Master Of Scamps
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    Jul 2004
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    Quote from talkbackfreebie View Post :
    I can tell you from actually working for their company (Cunningham Field Services) I have inside knowledge about them. They do indeed have the worst reputation in the marketing research community. I was the one who originally posted their Data Intelligence website on the freebie message boards. A HUGE mistake I regret. Another marketing reseach company explained to me how they are able to cheat respondents out of incentive money and get away with it all the while just walking a fine line with the IRS. Again, I apologize for their even being on these boards. If only I had known then what I know now, I would never have helped them get their online survey site up and running.
    Is there some industry marketing journal where the best and worst market research companies are voted on. I would love to read the article if there is. So the opinions of an anonymous disgruntled employee who may or may not have been working at this company (we have to even take your word you did) hold any water ? Maybe you would still have your job there if you were doing your job and not posting on forums . Oh and self promotion isnt allowed on SD. So posting on this board about a company you work for is a big NO NO.
    Old Today, 09:09 AM #20
    L3: Novice
    Dec 2006
    75 talkbackfreebie will become famous soon enough
    "3 whiney comments on a company with 1000 of respondents is actually pretty damn good odds that the company is doing a fine job if you want to look at what that crap means"

    You are so clueless about The Cunninghams. If their company ever recruits you to do an alcohol taste test,unless the client is there monitoring the taste test, you will NOT be paid the full amount of money set aside for compensation. Incentive money is tax free money. The money they do not give to the respondent is tax free money for them. Even the money the client gives Cunningham to pay for snacks they skimp on. If the client is monitoring the taste test,the company puts on a huge spread: Sodas,sandwiches,chips,pretzels,cookies etc. If the client is not present, Cunningham pockets the money and pays for bottled water and either cookies or peanuts. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what I witnessed.
    Old Today, 09:16 AM #21
    L3: Novice
    Dec 2006
    75 talkbackfreebie will become famous soon enough
    They closed our offices fortunately. I was never fired if that is what you are implying. Yes there is an organzation that rates these marketing research companies. I never knew about it until my present employer who belongs to this organzation clued me in. Cunningham is not a part of it. To be a part of this group, you have to be selected based on your reputation in the marketing industry for having high standards and integrity. It's a trade publication. I only saw the magazine the one time my boss was selected to become a member of it.

    "Oh and self promotion isnt allowed on SD. So posting on this board about a company you work for is a big NO NO. "

    Fool,do you have reading comprehension problems? I said I was the one who originally posted their website to the freebie boards for them. Why do you think you know about Data Intelligence today? Cunningham never heard of freebie boards before.

    Last edited by talkbackfreebie; Today at 09:18 AM..
    Old Today, 09:17 AM #22
    Just high on life
    angelicmind's Avatar
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    They ripped you off for $10??? oh good lord, if they ripped you for $50 or a $100 that maybe a different story then you email them saying "Where is my money"....but for $10 lousy bucks?
    Angels are bright lights in the midst of our lives
    Old Today, 09:25 AM #23
    Mrs. Mark McGwire
    jillyq's Avatar
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    This thread is all sorts of crazy!

    I am always looking for Boxtops for Education. Please PM me if you have any to trade or giveaway!
    Old Today, 09:28 AM #24
    Just high on life
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    Well actually IMHO I wouldn't of done the study for 5 days and only get $10.00
    Old Today, 09:31 AM #25
    Mrs. Mark McGwire
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    Quote from angelicmind View Post :
    Well actually IMHO I wouldn't of done the study for 5 days and only get $10.00
    Hey, don't mess up the crazy in here by being rational!
    Old Today, 09:33 AM #26
    Master Of Scamps
    Scampsters's Avatar
    Jul 2004
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    Quote from talkbackfreebie View Post :
    They closed our offices fortunately. I was never fired if that is what you are implying. Yes there is an organzation that rates these marketing research companies. I never knew about it until my present employer who belongs to this organzation clued me in. Cunningham is not a part of it. To be a part of this group, you have to be selected based on your reputation in the marketing industry for having high standards and integrity. It's a trade publication. I only saw the magazine the one time my boss was selected to become a member of it.

    "Oh and self promotion isnt allowed on SD. So posting on this board about a company you work for is a big NO NO. "

    Fool,do you have reading comprehension problems? I said I was the one who originally posted their website to the freebie boards for them. Why do you think you know about Data Intelligence today? Cunningham never heard of freebie boards before.
    Please find the thread for me i don't feel like searching so I can mod alert it and get you a few warning points thanks. So one of the two comments on BBB is you and the other is Whattay (im assuming you dont have 2 ids on same computer because mods can check). That only leaves one. so of the 1000's of the respondents theres only 3 complaints and the complaints are only in the last few months to. i think thats pretty good considering how most of the people doing surveys and product tests obviously have a lot of free time on their hands.

    Quote from angelicmind View Post :
    Well actually IMHO I wouldn't of done the study for 5 days and only get $10.00
    It was maybe 2-3 mins a day hardly a huge time investment and obviously if they had completed the whole thing they would have gotten $20. I think they are spending longer making posts about it complaining and posting to BBB than what the actually study involved.

    Oh and the thumbs down are not based on the company they are a social commentary on the OP

    Last edited by Scampsters; Today at 09:39 AM..
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