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classroom image from High School by Frederick Wiseman

Photo credit: © 1968 Frederick Wiseman

For Educators

P.O.V. documentaries are a valuable resource for teachers and students. Use these companion lesson plans to present P.O.V. films to your class.

These classroom activities include: learning objectives; an outline of the relevant national standards met by the plans; a list of necessary tools and materials; a notation regarding the total time needed to complete the individual lessons; a teaching strategy; assessment recommendations; and extension ideas.

Note: P.O.V. documentaries can be taped off-the-air and used for educational purposes for up to one year from the initial broadcast.


LESSON PLANS 1-10 of 83



Soldiers of Conscience
Perspectives on the Morality of Killing in Wartime
launched: October 16, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film Soldiers of Conscience, which explores the morality of killing in wartime. Classrooms can use this lesson to help students consider opposing arguments on this issue and then develop and defend their own positions.


Up the Yangtze
Images of Change
launched: October 08, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film Up the Yangtze, which shows how China's Three Gorges Dam project is changing the Yangtze River and the lives of those who live along its path. Classrooms can use this lesson to explore the social, economic and political changes caused by technological advances. Also, students will increase their skills for analyzing visual imagery.


In the Family
Genetic Testing and Hereditary Cancer
launched: October 01, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film In the Family, which explores issues related to genetic testing and the difficult decisions some must face when they learn they are at high risk for certain forms of cancer.


Critical Condition
The U.S. Health Care Crisis
launched: September 30, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film Critical Condition, which tells the stories of four uninsured Americans as they battle illness over a two-year period. Classrooms can use this lesson to examine health insurance coverage in America and create public service announcements to connect the uninsured with free and subsidized health care services.


Calavera Highway
Connect Family Stories With History
launched: September 16, 2008

This lesson plan is for use with the film Calavera Highway, which follows the road trip of two Mexican-American men who reunite with their five brothers and try to piece together their family's history. Classrooms can use this lesson to connect the family experiences of students to larger events or periods in history.


The Judge and the General
Looking at Human Rights Abuses Around the World
launched: August 19, 2008

Grade Level: 9-12
*Bonus Material Streaming video clip from the film.

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film, The Judge and the General, the story of the criminal investigation of General Augusto Pinochet, a dictator who ran a military regime in Chile for 17 years. Classrooms can use this lesson to learn more about Chilean history, human rights abuses worldwide and what can be done to help stop the abuses.


Belarusian Waltz
Art as a Form of Protest
launched: August 12, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film, Belarusian Waltz, which shows various ways that an artist protests the virtual dictatorship that governs his homeland of Belarus. Classrooms can use this lesson to explore the use of art as a form of protest and means of bringing about change. Note: This film has English subtitles.


Johnny Cash: The Man, His World, His Music
Personal Narratives Inspired by Johnny Cash
launched: August 05, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the 1969 documentary, Johnny Cash: The Man, His World, His Music, which shows a collection of scenes from Cash's life and a number of concert performances. Since Cash's songs frequently reflected his life experiences, classrooms can use his music to inspire personal narratives.


Campaign Lesson Plan
launched: July 29, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film Campaign, a peek into political campaigning in Japan as experienced by a man running for a critical seat on a suburban city council. Classrooms can use this lesson to examine Japanese campaign strategies that are restricted and permitted by law, and then discuss how these activities could affect the strength of the country's democracy.


9 Star Hotel
Borders Around the World
launched: July 22, 2008

This lesson plan is designed to be used with the film, 9 Star Hotel, which shows the daily struggles of Palestinian men who have illegally crossed the border to work in construction in Israel. Classrooms can use this lesson to examine and compare borders around the world and their related issues. Note: This film is in Arabic with English subtitles.



LESSON PLANS 1-10 of 83


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"The programs I use pique the interest of my students. They become aware of different points of view ... so it opens their world to potential alternative solutions to social problems. You will never hear a moan of boredom when a P.O.V. film is shown in the classroom — it has everyone's interest."

"The films and guides deal with subjects that are pertinent to today's youth. The guides are wonderful in that they offer many activities and ideas for discussions. Keep up the great work!"

"Watching the P.O.V. film (Farmingville) opened my students' eyes to the growing problem in US of immigrant assimilation. They could scarcely believe the ethnocentric attitudes of the townspeople and the lack of conflict negotiation skills."

"The guides are great for me as a teacher because I rarely have time to develop resource materials and my students need all the direct help they can get."

"Finding P.O.V. was just perfect in helping me to round out my lesson plans"


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Special Feature

A series of video clips from "Love & Diane" has been digitized by P.O.V. Interactive and the Enhanced Television group at the Georgia Institute of Technology and provided for you online.

Love & Diane Timeline

What is it?
The Interactive Timeline presents a visual representation of key events in the lives of Love and Diane. Video clips are embedded into the timeline, which users can sort thematically.

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Note: This application will open in a new browser window in full-screen mode. It is best viewed with 1024x768 screen resolution. You will need the Flash Player version 7 installed on your machine. Get Flash Player.

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