Obama’s Jedi Mind Trick: We’ve Been Put on Notice

by Cam Cannon

That’s right. Obama’s putting everyone on notice. Dare not oppose him and bet not against him. Enough of the chatter.

I keep waiting for the liberal cynics to step up and be, oh, I don’t know…CYNICAL about this guy, but maybe George Lucas is right. Maybe Obama is a Jedi.  Because when there is cynicism, it melts…

“Henry Waxman’s in charge of the health plan?” says the cynic, “Oh, Lord. He’s an idiot! This thing’ll never happen!”

Obama appears, waving his hand like Obi-Wan Kenobi, “I’m putting you on notice.”

I’ve been put on notice.

I heard a lot of chatter.

Sorry for the chatter.

This thing will happen.

This thing will happen. Obama’s gonna change it. Obama’s gonna change it –

Stephen Crowder is lying about Canada.

I hate Canada — no, wait, I love Canada!

I first noticed Obama’s Jedi mind trick back when he and his team began calling Rush Limbaugh the de facto leader of the Republican Party…and my liberal friends, the ones who used to want to move to Scandinavia, claimed that Rush had in fact claimed himself to be the de facto leader of the Republican Party.

He’s their messiah. The chosen one. I rejected that line of criticism for a long time. Sure, it was amusing, but it felt like an attempt to marginalize Obama supporters. I’m starting to come around, though.

One interpretation of Christ’s life and ministry contends that the Jewish people believed their Messiah would be a political leader, someone who would get them out from under Roman rule. But when He was being led to his death, even Peter saw that this wasn’t to be. Only through His resurrection did Peter and others realize that Christ was apolitical (I don’t know how they missed the hints, Jesus clearly put Peter on notice on more than one occasion), and came to free their hearts from sin.

I’m not calling Obama the Antichrist, but in this context he is the opposite of Jesus. It seems like his supporters are looking for the divine, but what they’ve got is a politician. When are they going to realize it?