Sunday, January 11, 2009


Melissa Gordon, left, and Laura Barnett spoke to Joy Bland as they campaigned door to door against the language proposal.
Josh Anderson for The New York Times

Melissa Gordon, left, and Laura Barnett spoke to Joy Bland as they campaigned door to door against the language proposal.

Councilman Eric Crafton hopes to make Nashville the largest city in the United States to prohibit the government from using languages other than English.

A Public Servant’s Private Stint Is at Issue

Republicans will press Eric Holder, the attorney general nominee, about his past work as a high-priced lawyer.

At Key Moment, Diverse G.O.P. Leadership Choice

In an increasingly diverse country, the Republican Party is considering two black candidates for chairman.

Inquiry Highlights New Mexico’s Few Ethics Laws

An investigation of aides to Gov. Bill Richardson has focused attention on the state’s lack of caps on campaign donations.

Report Outlines a High Life for Advocates of Avocadoes

The audit showed that California Avocado Commission employees were buying season tickets to sports games, getting paid gym memberships and running up large clothing bills.

For Bush and His Staff, a Season of ‘the Lasts’

As life inside the White House winds down for President Bush, the legacy-building is gearing up.

Obama Raises Estimate of Job Creation in Plan

Barack Obama said that his economic recovery plan would create or save three million to four million jobs.

Economy May Delay Work on Campaign Pledges

Barack Obama and Democrats are planning to delay some campaign promises to focus on the economy.

From the Magazine and Week in Review

Who Would Jesus Smack Down?

The Seattle minister Mark Driscoll is out to transform American evangelicalism with his macho conception of Christ and neo-Calvinist belief in the total depravity of man.

U.S. Presidents: The Very Elite Club That Never Meets

With only a handful of living members, the Presidents Club sometimes looks more like a dysfunctional family than a collection of august world leaders.


Video: Forming Simple Priests in Complex Times

A priest shepherds young men through seminary in India, where bishops trek from the U.S., Europe, Latin America and Australia looking for spare priests.

2008 — The Year in Pictures

Wind combined with rain to tear up the Gulf Coast once again; it combined with fire to sow destruction in California. But not all havoc was wrought by nature.

Interactive Map: A Growing Detention Network

A map showing facilities where people detained on suspicion of immigration violations are being held.

Interactive Feature: Casualties of the Afghan War

A listing of the 563 American service members who have died in Operation Enduring Freedom. Of those deaths, 510 occurred in Afghanistan or are directly linked to the war. (August 7, 2008)

Faces of the Dead

An interactive look at the American service members who have died in Iraq.

Detroit Goes for Electric Cars, but Will Drivers?

Ford and other carmakers are betting billions on electric cars despite questions about consumer demand.

Coal Ash Spill Raises Broader Questions

A billion gallons of coal ash breached a holding pond at a Tennessee power plant, reigniting a debate over the safety of the byproduct of clean coal technology.

A 24/7 Faith

What started as a round-the-clock vigil has become a lifestyle for a group of parishioners at St. Frances, a church the Archdiocese of Boston ordered closed.

For Sale: The McWhite House

A tour of a scaled-down version of the presidential mansion in suburban Atlanta owned by an Iranian-American real estate developer.

Education Life
Bright Ideas
23 Student Innovations

On campuses across the country, students have been building practical inventions, starting novel businesses and generally alpha-testing their ideas.

National Columnists

Dan Barry

“This Land” explores obscure and well-known corners of the U.S.

Adam Liptak

“Sidebar” covers and considers developments in the world of law.

New Old Age Blog

Jane Gross blogs about aging parents and the adult children struggling to care for them.
