Oddly Enough


Warner Bros blacks out "Dark Knight" from China Thursday, 25 Dec 2008 09:42am EST

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Warner Bros studio said on Wednesday it has canceled plans to release its blockbuster Batman movie "The Dark Knight" in China, citing "cultural sensitivities" surrounding the film.  Full Article

Chinese man detained for 3 days for smoking on train Thursday, 25 Dec 2008 09:48am EST 

BEIJING (Reuters) - A man was given three days in detention for breaking a non-smoking rule on a new high-speed rail line, Chinese state media said, an unusually severe punishment in a country where smoking bans are routinely ignored.  Full Article 

Fire on the water?

Dec 26 -An Argentine artist spent more than 7 years to build a galleon replica made out of match sticks.  Play Video

Strange and unusual

Our photographers sometimes capture moments that are strange and offbeat. Here's a recent sampling.  Slideshow 

"Valkyrie" challenges fans to rethink Tom Cruise

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - It was an improbable plot hatched during World War Two and to match it on movie screens, Hollywood offered perhaps the most unlikely casting of a hero at the holidays -- Tom Cruise playing a German army officer.  Full Article 

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