The 1950s: Lifestyles and Social Trends: People in the News

American Decades | 2001 | Copyright


On 12 April 1956 Mrs Joseph Wright Alsop, wid-owed mother of columnists Joseph and Stewart Alsop, married Francis W. Cole, retired chairman of the board of Travelers Insurance Company, on 12 April 1956.

Josephine Baker filed charges of sexual discrimination against Sherman Billingsley's Stork Club in New York City on 21 December 1951.

Malcolm Bingay, editorial director of the Detroit Free Press, was critically injured on 17 January 1950 at a gourmet dinner sponsored by the AFL Cooks' Union when a container of hot coffee and brandy exploded.

Actress Ingrid Bergman on 25 January 1950 filed suit for divorce from Dr. Peter Lindstrom so she could marry Italian film director Roberto Rossellini.

Radcliffe College senior Audrey Bruce, the heiress to the fortune of Andrew Mellon, revealed on 22 April 1956 that she had married Boston art-gallery consultant Stephen Currier on 15 November 1955.

Dr. James Lee Dickey, a black physician in Taylor, Texas, was named "Man of the Year" in Taylor on 28 January 1953.

C. L. Grimes, a moonshiner, walked fourteen miles to Savannah, Georgia, with severe stomach cramps to surrender to authorities. He pleaded with them to confiscate his entire supply. "If it did this to me, it would probably kill anybody else."

Bill Hendrix, member of the Imperial Council of the Ku Klux Klan, announced that the organization will accept Catholics as members, since its fight is against "integration, communism, and federal controls."

Skater and actress Sonja Henie was sworn in as a U.S. citizen on 3 January 1950.

Socialite Barbara Hutton was married to her sixth husband, former tennis star Baron Gottfried von Cramm, on 8 November 1953.

Helen Keller received the first award of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 14 November 1955.

Richard Knerr and Arthur Melin, the owners of Wham-O Manufacturing, introduced to the public two of the most popular toys of the decade, the frisbee and the hula hoop.

Erma Leach, 25, set the world flagpole-sitting record on 1 January 1951, when she ended a 152-day stay on top of a sixty-foot pole.

John Maragon, who rose from bootblack to Truman White House confidante, was indicted on four counts of perjury on 3 January 1950.

Rosemary Meyer, a former secretary for Perry Como, married singer Julius La Rosa on 7 April 1956.

On 14 February 1950 Nancy Sinatra announced she was seeking a divorce from singer Frank Sinatra.

In January 1953 Hugh Alexander Morris Gene Saul Ralph Giles Gilbert Motoer Marquis Miles Marion Mayo John Charles James Gordon Bennett Adams Christopher Columbus Elijah Green Eversole Bradley Kincaid Robert Jefferson Breckenridge Stallard was inducted into the U.S. Navy. On the navy roster his name read Bennett (NMI) Stallard. The NMI stood for No Middle Initial.

In August 1958 Trigger, Roy Rogers's costar for twenty years in numerous movies retired to "a life of ease at Rogers' California ranch."

Pamela Wilde became engaged to "Today" host Dave Garroway on 23 March 1956.

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