Class IX, NCERT (CBSE) Chemistry | Chapter 3, Atoms and Molecules | Extrascore MCQ

December 13, 2009, Posted by admin at 10:04 am


Class 9, NCERT (CBSE) Science (Chemistry) - Atoms and Molecules
Multiple Choice Questions
Q.1: Select the ionic compound -
(a) Sulphur molecule, S8 (b) Phosphorous molecule, P4
(c) Methane, CH4 (d) Copper nitrate, Cu(NO3)2
Q.2: Which of the following does not change when a chemical reaction takes place?
(a) volume (b) mass (c) physical properties (d) chemical properties
Q.3: One atomic mass unit is equal to weight of -
(a) one atom of hydrogen (b) 1/16th of oxygen atom
(c) 1/12th of natural carbon atom (d) 1/12th of C-12 isotope of carbon.
Q.4: Molecules of the following elements are made up of only one atom of that element -
(a) iron (b) sodium (c) helium (d) chlorine
Q.5: Formula unit mass is used for the mass of the following compound -
(a) CaO (b) H2S (c) CCl4 (d) CH4
Q.6: Which one of the following does not represent correct molecular formula of a compound -
(a) 2CH3 (b) CH4 (c) CH3OH (d) (CH3)2
Q.7: A mole does not signify -
(a) atomic mass unit (b) 6.022 x 1023 ions
(c) 22.4 liters of gas at STP (d) gram molecular mass
Q.8: Which one of the following is not equal to gram molecular mass of hydrogen -
(a) 2 gm (b) 6.022 x 1023 atoms of hydrogen
(c) 6.022 x 1023 molecules of hydrogen (d) 1 mole of hydrogen.
Q.9: Which of the following does not represent molar mass of a substance?
(a) 1 mole of HCl (b) 6.022 x 1023 molecules of helium
(c) 16 gm of O2 (d) 44 gm of CO2
Q.10: Formula mass is not used in case of -
(a) NaCl (b) MgCl2 (c) CCl4 (d) CaO
Q.11: The unit of atomic mass is -
(a) gm (b) u (c) liter (d) mp
Q.12: a substance in which all atoms are alike is called an -
(a) molecule (b) ion (c) homogeneous (d) element
Q.13: Formula mass and not molecular mass is used for substance whose constituent particles are -
(a) ions, (b) similar (c) uniform (d) none of these
Q.14: How many atoms does one mole of S8 contain?
(a) 6.023 x 1023 (b) 96 (c) 8 x 6.023 x 1023 (d) 1
Q.15: Molecules without a charged valency are contained by only -
(a) metals (b) non-metals (c) gases (d) none of these.
Ans: 1-d, 2-b, 3-d, 4-c, 5-a, 6-a, 7-a, 8-b, 9-c, 10-a, 11-b, 12-d, 13-a, 14-c, 15-b.
Further study on this chapter
=> Atoms and Molecules | Class IX Science (Chemistry) | NCERT (CBSE) Textbook Exercise Solved [Read]
=> Class IX, NCERT (CBSE) | Chapter 3, Atoms and Molecules | Extrascore Additional Questions [Read]
=> Class 9, NCERT (CBSE) Science (Chemistry) | Chapter 3, Atoms and Molecules | Intext Questions [Read]

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