Microsoft opens up social network
May 21, 2012

YouTube: 72 hours of video uploaded per minute

By Brett Molina, USA TODAY
Updated 11h 11m ago

Happy belated birthday to YouTube, which celebrates its 7th anniversary with a staggering new stat on video uploads.

According to a blog post from YouTube, users upload 72 hours of video a minute to the website. Not a typo. 72 hours a minute.

It's nearly double the same time last year, when users were uploading 48 hours of video every 60 seconds.

Users of the video-sharing site love watching clips, too. They're logging 3 billion hours a month viewing videos on the site.

"What started as a handful of videos shared among friends has transformed into a global platform delivering the next generation of channels to anyone, anywhere, and on any device," reads an excerpt from the YouTube post.

See photos of: YouTube

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