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Let your users hilight your page


Offer web based Hilighter to your site users


Allow users to Hilight and Share the relevant content


Increase your reach & site traffic


Add a button like this one on your own blog, or web page.


Benefits of Adding Hilighter

  • Whenever visitors come to your site: with 1-click they can start hilighting stuff what is of relevance to them.
  • If they choose to: they send the hilights off to their own friends and family, bringing them in-turn back to your website - increase your reach & site traffic.
  • When new visitors come to your webpage, it displays in its ORIGINAL pristine condition - the way YOU INTENDED it to display.



Click inside the box and copy the code to embed this in your web page


















Download a ZIP file of all of the Roohit buttons in GIF, PNG, and PSD (Photoshop) format.
























You automatically make a Shiny URL for each page you hilight: Email it (or link it from your webpage), and show the page with your hilights!