iCyte: Highlight Text On A Webpage & Save It Online

If you are researching a topic online, probably you simply bookmark the relevant visited pages as a way to store and organize the necessary information. While this is the common way to do things, it is not the most efficient way.

Enter iCyte. It is an add-on for your browser that lets you highlight text on a web page and save only the highlighted portion, annotate it, add relevant tags and save it online. You may also organize these bookmarks into separate projects and share them with others.

highlight text on a web page

To get started, install the browser plugin and get yourself an account. When you are at a webpage that has something you need for later, you may highlight a specific part or the whole webpage and click on iCyte button in your browser toolbar. Next you have to add the bookmark to an existing project or assign it to a new one. Then enter tags, optionally add notes and hit Save button.

You can then access all your bookmarks from your online account, organized by projects and by tags. All the bookmarked pages are archived on site’s servers, so you won’t have a problem of broken links.

web page highlighter


  • Web page highlighter for highlighting and saving text from any webpage.
  • Annotate and add tags to your bookmarks.
  • Access bookmarked pages online in your account.
  • Organize bookmarks into separate projects.
  • Share bookmarks and collaborate with other people.
  • Browser add-on available for Firefox and Internet Explorer 6/7.
  • Sign up for an account and install the browser add-on.
  • Fore more info watch demo video.
  • Similar tools: Ibrii, Markkit and AwesomeHightlighter.

Check out iCyte @ www.icyte.com


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