"If we are Blinded by Truths of Real trauma of this Life we deny our chances to change. "

56 years old
United States

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Last Login:7/30/2008
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    Silvershaman's Interests
Music ..

.. I enjoy playing Classical guitar music, electric guitar, acoustic guitar.All music forms entertain me. Dylan,Cash,Guthrie,old folk music. All delta blues raw. Hendrix Experience, Cream, 60's 70's heavy. I experiment, and work in between forms I am doing recordings on parlor guitars now. I am now working on meditative wave form recording. >Silvershaman & The Ring
Movies I enjoy movies.I enjoyed the Tolkien series. I read the books first. I read Papillion first then saw the movie. In both cases the movies were done well enough to depict the books. The Matrix, In cold blood, 007, SciFi. Old black & white Samurai, foreign film. Most interested in Independent film and short film makers.
Books Doreen Virtues'books, alternative healing methods, herbal medicine,crystal power, human physiology, parapsychology, paranormal phenomena.Palm readings,Cheirology, Astrology, The study of and research religions and religious practices and original evolutional processes of spirituality. Modern Shamanism. Precognition, remote viewing, reflexology, acupuncture,use of essential oils.
Heroes Ganesha, who has help me and many others, on many occasions. He is depicted below. His special energy removes obstacles and opens pathways that block our destiny to accommplishment and projects. All the ascended Archangels, Jesus, Buddha, and the Millions of other spirits of the light team that help to heal and raise the energy of the Mother earth. "Loree & Chris" my spirit guides. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Groups: SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGAcoustics PondLightworker's WayMetaphysical TherapyL.I.G.H.T.Spirit@Play*~*Dream Interpretations*~*Osho

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     Silvershaman's Details
Status: Married
Here for: Networking, Friends
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: Decatur
Body type: 5' 5" / Average
Religion: Other
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Smoke / Drink: No / No
Children: Proud parent
Education: College graduate

Silvershaman Early having Coffee arelaxing before walking

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Cicada Meditation Ancient Insect Angeloids Advanced Species.  (view more)

Definition of Devine Love  (view more)

If you need help and a clearing or thing you do contact me.  (view more)

Control by other people and groups / how to regain that!  (view more)

Removal of ET’s Earthbound, and Negatives and Devices  (view more)

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   Silvershaman's Blurbs
About me:
I am a musician artist. I have played guitar for 40 years. Art is an enjoyment that I found I could do after my daughter Leslie and my son Dave encouraged me to try my hand at it. It had a good effect on me. They have both changed and influenced my life in many positive ways. I am double Simian Palmed. Head and Heart line are together. I am a Shaman and What is Shamanism? excerpt from website quote ; ; Over tens of thousands of years, our ancient ancestors all over the world discovered how to maximize human abilities of mind and spirit for healing and problem-solving. The remarkable system of methods they developed is today known as "shamanism," a term that comes from a Siberian tribal word for its practitioners: "shaman" (pronounced SHAH-mahn). Shamans are a type of medicine man or woman especially distinguished by the use of journeys to hidden worlds otherwise mainly known through myth, dream, and near-death experiences. School of Wisdom (1 or more tented arches) If you have one or more tented arch you are here to develop your ability to use what you learn. To learn to be a participant, not just an observer, to move from evaluation to action, to take the plunge, to be at stake. Issues are to do with commitment. It also has to do with good judgement without judgemental ness, insight without over rationalisation, learning to laugh at oneself/ lightness of spirit. Other area of interest include; the practice and study forms of metaphysical energy , paranormal communication and energy sensing. I use dowsing techniques to find water or lost objects. I like to study reflexology and Cheirology and Palmistry. I am intuitive and have also had visions of knowledge that people were looking for certain things or people. I can hold metal objects to see what information that I can get from the object or see it play out a type of movie in front of my eyes, I am not sure how the history or the events are placed in objects by the holder but it makes for interesting conversations. I have a confirmed encounter with a large UFO profile in a local news paper by other observers. I was underneath this object for what seemed to be a few minutes but was much longer. My life has not been the same since. I am Ordained through Universal Life Ministry.I am a well practiced Exorcist. I am an Energy healer medium, Reiki Master and a practictioner of other forms or energy shifting and spiritual releasement therapy. I am an Empath, Medium and use Crystal energy, dowsing and magnetic healing. I visualize the human aura during healing sessions. Other gifts I've received include Clairaudiance, Clairvisual, and Spirit channels. I work to assist with others Past life trauma healing, current life trauma, soul fragmentation correction. Angelic protector identification, spirit guide identification and connection. I use hypnotism to assist my mind and others to achieve altered states of thinking and psychic levels of communication and connection. This is a place to visit if you need insight into our ability and why Light Workers are here: Silvershaman Namaste
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psychic test, psychic development and psychic readings Send me an IM!
Who I'd like to meet:
Other like minded people of a spiritual sense and nature. I am very open. I would like to meet other musicians and guitarists and those who are doing home recording with Electric guitar and acoustic guitar to exchange recording ideas. Ascended masters and Archangels. I channel them so I know how many there are and meet very many as I continue my work. We call them the Light team. People with the ability to understand purity of heart, and the ability to have a sense of the importance of forgiveness and know it. Meet people that help others and help the world to be a better place. Happy people with optimism and focused on there purpose and opened minded and willing to share and help and others learn about important aspects of spirituality.

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 sOnYah.NeT©Puzzle MaskEdHER! 

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Silvershaman's Friends Comments
Displaying 50 of 213 comments  ( View All | Add Comment )

Jul 29 2008 4:26 PM

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Hey Silvershaman, I just bought you as my PET!
Click here to find out how much I think you're WORTH!

Welcome back tp Crystal's Ball!

Angel Girl

Jul 27 2008 10:47 PM

Hi Amazingly Talented and Heavenly Blessed Peaceful Earth Angel Warrior Friend of Mine~SILVER*SHAMAN~***JAMES***~, I wanted to Thank you for all the Unconditional Love, Support and Beauty You Bless and Bestow Upon Me! I Can feel All the Love and Time You put into Your Heartfelt Messages and Pictures You Share with Me! I LOVE AND APPRECIATE THEM ALL!!! I Thank Heaven for Blessing Me and Our World with Having “YOU” in It, Such A Sweet Divine Heavenly Heart and Soul! Like the Freshness of a Summer Breeze, Scent of Roses in the Air; I don’t see Transparent Wings yet I know my Angel is There. He doesn’t Fly or Fade Away, as sometimes Angels do. There is no Skepticism at All; the Angel I speak of is You. A Friend so Kind and so Dear, Someone I Dearly Love, Sent for me to Cherish from Heaven Above. Please Know You Are So Special, Our Friendship Means so Much To me Today, Tomorrow and Always. Close Friends we’ll Always Be! You’ll Forever Be A Part of My Life and Me, My Cherished Infinitely Talelented and Heavenly Blessed Peaceful Earth Angel Warrior, Beloved Friend, and Adored Spiritual Brother~SILVER*SHAMAN~***JAMES***~! Take Time to Enjoy the Beautiful Summer that Surrounds Us! Be Free, Let Loose and Have Fun Being the Fabulous and Amazing You.
Nurture your Inner Child and Mind, Body and Spirit! Have Fun Taking Flight with Your Sacred Heart and Soul! Always in my Prayers! Forever embedded in my Heart! Wrapping you in Angel Wings of Love and Compassion! Always here for You! Love & Blessings, “AngelGirl”, Kristy!

Is Online

Jul 26 2008 10:11 AM

Hello Silvershaman
have a lightfull weekend.:)

Jul 26 2008 12:00 AM

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I just kissed you.

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Jul 22 2008 9:19 PM

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I just kissed you.

Click here to kiss me back!


Jul 18 2008 1:33 AM


Jul 17 2008 5:06 PM

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Hey Silvershaman, I just bought you as my PET!
Click here to find out how much I think you're WORTH!

You are mine once again!
Sending you nothing but LOVE-cuz that's all we need!
Namaste my dear friend!

conscious creation

Jul 17 2008 1:29 AM

hey silvershaman, how are things. Are you feeling all of this new energy. im feelin really weird lately but not in a bad way. Im so sensitive, i get way to much energy and feel like most of me is non-physical. i feel like my energy wants to rid the body and be free like shaking snow of your boots or soemething. do you have any remidies for grounding. love the page and light.
Much love and light my friend

Jul 16 2008 6:02 PM


Jul 15 2008 1:31 AM

Renunciation has both sadness and joy in it: sadness because you realize the futility of your old ways, and joy because of the greater vision that begins to unfold when you are able to let go of them. This is no ordinary joy. It is a joy that gives birth to a new and profound strength, a confidence, an abiding inspiration that comes from the realization that you are not condemned to your habits, that you 'can' indeed emerge from them, that you 'can' change, and grow more and more free.
--Sogyal Rinpoche

Have a beautiful rest of your day my friend....(and thanks for the birthday wishes !!)
Peace, Love & Blessings,
~ Linella ~

Jul 13 2008 11:14 AM

Hello James. Here is the first opened sunflower from my garden to you.


Jul 9 2008 8:26 PM


Sending you rays of peace and love to my dear friend.

sOnYah.NeT©Puzzle MaskEdHER!

Jul 8 2008 6:32 AM

Wishing Well.
sOnYah.NeT©Puzzle MaskEdHER!

Jul 8 2008 6:32 AM

Wishing Well.
Bunny Sings Wolf

Jul 7 2008 4:02 AM

Hello Shaman buddy -
the time arrives and we keep busy
doing as love shows us.
As my dream songs have taught,
"Love is a POWER greater than fear"...and so it goes until the hundreth monkey learns to dance to that song, tee hee....

Have a blessed week,
Mitakuye Oyasin,
Bunny Sings Wolf
http://www. bunnysingswolf. com/stonemedicine. htmlPhotobucket
Priestess Order

Jul 6 2008 12:11 PM

tulip flowers,  Image Hosting
Hi my dear shaman brother.
Sending some net flowers your way.
Wishing you a summer of unconditional love in all its creations.
Shaman Pirjo

Jul 5 2008 12:44 PM

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Your presence is a present to the world.
Your unique and one of a kind.
Your life can be what you want it to be.
Take the days just one at a time.

Count your blessings not your troubles.
You'll make it through whatever comes along.
Within you are so many answers.
Understand, have courage, be strong.

Don't put limits on yourself.
So many dreams are waiting to be realized.
Decisions are too important to leave to chance.
Reach for your peak, your goal, your prize.

Nothing wastes more energy then worrying.
The longer one carries a problem, the heavier it gets.
Don't take things too seriously.
Live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.

Remember that a little love goes along way.
Remember that a lot... goes forever.
Remember that a friendship is a wise investment.
Life's treasures are people... together.

Realize that it's never too late.
Do ordinary things in an extraordinary way.
Have health and hope and happiness.
Take the time to wish upon a star.

And don't ever forget...
for even a day... how very special you are.

(Kim Murray)

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Hugs Marta
Angel Girl

Jul 5 2008 11:34 AM

Hi Amazingly Talented and Heavenly Blessed Spiritual Brother~***Silvershaman***~, That I Love and Hold so Dear. You are an Amazing Being that Sheds Limitless Beauty, Love, Joy, Unconditional Love and Support, You Bless me Each Day as You will Forever have Mine. ~***Love our Heavenly Mother Earth***~ Believe in tomorrow, let us protect our beautiful Earth. To remind us that Heaven is all around us. Heavenly Blessings are a special gift that Mother Earth blesses us with each and every day. Celebrate the beauty and nature that surrounds us from Heavenly skies to clear cleansing rivers and oceans. We continue to celebrate our life, all creatures big and small, all we love and the universe in its entirety. Give thanks to our Heavenly Creator for the universal power and energy that is provided to us daily. Our Angels and The Universal Heavenly Love and Light assists us daily leading us on the path of Healing, with Love, Wisdom and Willpower, so that tomorrow the Earth will once again be looked upon as the Garden of Eden.
I love writing and it feels so worthwhile sharing it with you My Beloved Sacred Spiritual Brother! Wrapping you in Angel Wings of Serenity and Bliss! Always in my Prayers! Forever in my Heart! Love and Miss You!!! Always here for you! Love & Blessings, "AngelGirl",Kristy! PS: Spiritual Brother please do something Very Special for Yourself that you wouldn’t ordinarily do for Yourself! You deserve this and only the BEST life has to offer You~***Silvershaman***~!!!

Jul 3 2008 10:19 AM


Jul 3 2008 1:22 AM


Jul 1 2008 2:22 AM

"Shamanic ecstasy is the real "Old Time Religion," of which modern churches are but pallid evocations. Shamanic, visionary ecstasy, the mysterium tremendum, the unio mystica, the eternally delightful experience of the universe as energy, is a sine qua non of religion, it is what religion is for! There is no need for faith, it is the ecstatic experience itself that gives one faith in the intrinsic unity and integrity of the universe, in ourselves as integral parts of the whole; that reveals to us the sublime majesty of our universe, and the fluctuant, scintillant, alchemical miracle that is quotidian consciousness. Any religion that requires faith and gives none, that defends against religious experiences, that promulgates the bizarre superstition that humankind is in some way separate, divorced from the rest of creation, that heals not the gaping wound between Body and Soul, but would tear them asunder... is no religion at all!" - Jonathan Ott

Jun 30 2008 12:46 PM

Priestess Order

Jun 30 2008 9:40 AM

Hi my dear shaman brother.
roseforfriend, friendship, english,  Image Hosting
Love and light,
Shaman Pirjo

Jun 28 2008 12:56 AM


Jun 28 2008 12:40 AM

Hello to my Dearest friend James-Shining Brightly Silvershaman!

May your weekend be filled with all you love dearly! I hope that this summer is bringing you more and more of the great I am you are! You are such a dear soul that shares so much that makes the heavens proud!! I love you forever and always!

Sending you the biggest
((((((((((((((((BEAR HUG))))))))))))))
YET for you and your dear family!!

Namaste James
Namaste Silvershaman

Jun 27 2008 3:17 AM

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To block this app and all communications from it, click Here.

Hey Silvershaman, I just bought you as my PET!
Click here to find out how much I think you're WORTH!

Hello my dear friend, you're finally all MINE! hehehehehe


Jun 25 2008 10:32 AM


Jun 22 2008 1:30 PM


Jun 21 2008 10:43 PM

Priestess Order

Jun 21 2008 4:04 PM

happy summer reflecting sunris,  Image Hosting
Hi my dear shaman brother.
Here in Sweden we have had our yearly midsummer celebrations this weekend.
Wishing you a lot of joy.
Shaman Pirjo

Jun 20 2008 1:03 AM


Jun 19 2008 5:57 PM

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Many people think that to be patient in bearing loss is a sign of weakness. I think this is a mistake. It is anger that is a sign of weakness, whereas patience is a
sign of strength.
For example, a person arguing a point based on sound reasoning remains confident and may even smile while proving his case. On the other hand, if his reasons are unsound and he is about to lose face, he gets angry, loses control and starts talking nonsense.
People rarely get angry if they are confident in what they are doing. Anger comes more easily in moments of confusion.
~His Holiness, The Dalai Lama~

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Much Love Marta

Jun 18 2008 1:56 AM

God gives rose to girl

Thank you my dearest friend for being the change the world is in need of!

Jun 16 2008 1:32 AM


Jun 15 2008 10:59 AM

Angel Feathers Tickle Me

Jun 15 2008 3:41 AM

sOnYah.NeT©Puzzle MaskEdHER!

Jun 14 2008 5:15 PM


Jun 13 2008 8:14 PM

Angel Feathers Tickle Me

Jun 11 2008 10:29 PM

“AFFAIRS” are unacceptable. That is because affairs, by the most popular definition, involve a breaking of a promise, a shattering of a sacred agreement, and the deepest breech of trust. Whatever experience you “let yourself have” must be had in integrity. That is, if you wish to let yourself demonstrate, in a sexual way, your love for a person other than your spouse, you must first tell your spouse of your decision, so that everyone at the table has five cards. If you have five cards while you are dealing your beloved partner four, then you are way out of integrity, by my lights.

Angel Feathers Tickle Me

Jun 11 2008 9:59 AM


Is Online

Jun 10 2008 1:02 PM

Hello Silvershaman,
have a wonderful day :)
Light and Love
۞cosmostrologist۞ {rip murphy}

Jun 9 2008 12:50 AM

Thank you.
What a wonderful picture! I hope your day is going tremendous as well!

Jun 8 2008 7:21 PM

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I know something wonderful.
Would you like to hear it?
Today is Best Friend Day!!!!
We all like to be happy, don..t we ?
But not many people really are.
Do you know why?
I t is because they have no learned the secret of happiness. They think that getting a lot of thing is the way to be happy. But when they get these things, their happiness does not last.
…I found the important part of this secret. This cost no money… you no get this at a store….
…my secret are YOU my Myspace Friend !!!!
And I stopping by to say:
I am honoured to have you for a friend,
YOU are more worth like all jewels.
Happy Best Friend Day
Much love Marta

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Jun 6 2008 5:32 AM

i hope you have been drinking some good TEA! :D
sOnYah.NeT©Puzzle MaskEdHER!

Jun 5 2008 9:49 PM

Wishing you a fabulous day.


Jun 5 2008 10:28 AM


Jun 5 2008 12:50 AM


I hope your living each day to the fullest!
Sending you and your family LOVE always and forever!
Thank you for being my friend
۞cosmostrologist۞ {rip murphy}

Jun 4 2008 7:39 AM

Wow you got some pretty sweet guitars there my good friend. How do they play tone wise? What year is your strat? I have a 99 Big Apple strat with Seymore Duncan pickups it's pretty damn sweet sounding. Currently my favorite at the moment. That's cool your son plays indie music. I'm actually starting a band soon that plays indie/psychedellic/prog rock but it isn't going too well. Is he in a band that I can check out? I tried to find your band's myspace but I'm guessing all you have up is on your myspace you use for personal....I couldn't find it haha. Thanks for the well wishes brotha, I send you the same. I like your profile and band name. I too am an aspiring shaman that has a universe of information to learn haha. One book I'm kinda reading/waiting on reading is Shamanic Experience. It's really interesting I'm actually going to start over reading it so it's nice and clear. That's awesome you recorded all ghetto style for you first time! Do you have a board and stuff now? I have a little Boss 16 track recorder that's pretty groovy. I have to like jimmy rig alot of mic stands and stuff but the sound's amazing. Well nice chatting with you. I'm out. Much love. Jordan.

Jun 4 2008 12:04 AM

Angel Girl

Jun 3 2008 3:41 PM

Hi My Blessed Friend, that I love, cherish and miss!!! Wishing you each and every day to be surrounded by Divine Love and Light! So each day is truly “Heaven here on Earth”, for you and all you hold dear! ~~~Our Heavenly Creator invented Angels before He made everything else. Angels are Our Heavenly Creator’s helpers and messengers. They tell people what Our Heavenly Creator wants them to know. There are all kinds of Angels. Big Angels. Little Angels. Boy Angels. Girl Angels. And some Angels you don’t know what they are. Some Angels have wings. Some don’t have wings. Some wings are “VERY BIG”. SOME ARE “teeny tiny”. All Angels have halos of light around them. This is their energy showing and it is very beautiful. Angels have names. Some have important-sounding names. Some have names like yours. Ask your Angel what its name is. Your Angel will tell you. Yes, you can talk to your Angels. It is very easy to chat with an Angel. Angels are always with you to listen and visit with you.
Angels will even talk back!~~ Remember that you are always surrounded by an Infinite number of Angels to watch over, guide and protect you now and forever! You are deeply loved “JUST THE WAY YOU ARE”!!! Wrapping you in Angel Wings! Always here for you! Love & Blessings, “AngelGirl”, Kristy!
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