18 Nov 2011 @ 4:27 AM 


Step #2: Get visitors to that site through your affiliate link

That’s it. No ‘magic button’ needed. Just follow both steps and money flows to your bank account on near-autopilot.

But as we both know, getting that kind of traffic to your site is easier said than done…

Or is it?

The fact is, super-affiliates quickly and easily send swarms of traffic to a converting offer using high-octane automation tools.


You see, ‘marketing gurus’ will tell you to write an article promoting a product and submit it to Ezinearticles.

If you’ve been doing this, you probably realize how weak this strategy really is.

These ‘gurus’ blindly repeat what other ‘gurus’ say work (and maybe it did in 2005, but not anymore). Their methods are out-dated and about as effective as using a horse and carriage to travel around the world.

What you really need are automation tools acting as ‘jet-engines’ to turbocharge your marketing campaigns. Instead of wasting countless hours writing and submitting articles to one directory, you can start creating unique articles and distributing them to hundreds of article directories with the click of a button.

That’s the reason I became the number one affililate for RichJanitor, and why that site became more popular than Pepsi, Burger King and Budweiser. I was using a jet engine while the competition was still messing around with a horse and carriage.

Sucks for them, but great for me ;)

Now, for the first time ever, I’m releasing my powerful automation tools to a limited number of serious affiliate marketers. These tools can mean the difference between measly $10 a day earnings and life-changing $10,000 days (I routinely see these, and they never cease to brighten my day!).

And not only that, I’ll also include 22 high-converting products you can start promoting today. These are proven money-makers and you’ll receive my entire blueprints including keywords, marketing materials and traffic generation techniques….


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Posted By: Sebastian
Last Edit: 18 Nov 2011 @ 04:27 AM

Categories: Salud y Finanzas


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