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    Chris Stevens, U.S. ambassador to Libya killed in rocket attack, served as envoy during revolution

    Chris Stevens speaks to local media in Benghazi, Libya. (Ben Curtis/AP file)
    Click image for more photos.

    Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya killed along with three others in a rocket attack outside the American Consulate in Benghazi was "a courageous and exemplary representative of the United States," President Barack Obama said in his initial statement Wednesday condemning the attack.

    Initial reports said the slain embassy staffers—who also include foreign service information management officer Sean Smith—were trying to flee the consulate building when they were fired upon by protesters apparently angry over a film they say insults Prophet Muhammad.

    However, U.S. officials told The New York Times and CNN on Wednesday that the attack may have been planned by a group that "had either been waiting for an opportunity to exploit like the protests over the video or perhaps even generated the protests as a cover for their attack."

    [Also read: President Obama's statement on attack in Benghazi]

    According to the Associated Press, a Libyan doctor who treated Stevens said the diplomat died of severe asphyxiation from smoke inhalation and that he tried for 90 minutes to revive him.

    Stevens, 52, was the first U.S. ambassador killed in the line of duty since 1979, when Adolph Dubs, U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, was gunned down in a kidnapping attempt.

    "Throughout the Libyan revolution, [Stevens] selflessly served our country and the Libyan people at our mission in Benghazi," Obama said. "As ambassador in Tripoli, he has supported Libya's transition to democracy. His legacy will endure wherever human beings reach for liberty and justice. I am profoundly grateful for his service to my administration, and deeply saddened by this loss."

    Stevens, a California native and U.C.-Berkeley grad, was a 21-year veteran of foreign service, the White House said.

    "I had the privilege of swearing in Chris for his post in Libya only a few months ago," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a separate statement. "He spoke eloquently about his passion for service, for diplomacy and for the Libyan people. This assignment was only the latest in his more than two decades of dedication to advancing closer ties with the people of the Middle East and North Africa.

    [Related: 'Innocence of Muslims': The film that sparked deadly U.S. Embassy attacks]

    "As the conflict in Libya unfolded, Chris was one of the first Americans on the ground in Benghazi," Clinton continued. "He risked his own life to lend the Libyan people a helping hand to build the foundation for a new, free nation. He spent every day since helping to finish the work that he started. Chris was committed to advancing America's values and interests, even when that meant putting himself in danger."

    In response to the attack, the United States is "deploying elite Marine counterterrorism teams to Libya," Foreign Policy reports. The Pentagon is sending Fleet Anti-Terrorism Teams, or FAST teams, a U.S. defense official told the magazine.

    "It's especially tragic because Chris Stevens died in Benghazi because it is a city he fought to save," Obama said later Wednesday morning in hastily arranged public remarks in the Rose Garden of the White House.

    Speaking at an impromptu press conference in Jacksonville, Fla., on Wednesday, Mitt Romney condemned Tuesday's attacks as "disgusting" and "outrageous," but he also attacked the Obama administration for standing by a statement issued by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo that he claimed was an "apology" for American values.

    [Related: Romney attacks Obama for sending 'mixed signals' on Middle East violence]

    Late Tuesday, Romney issued a statement saying it was "disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks." On Wednesday, he stood by his criticism of the White House.

    Here's Stevens' bio from the U.S. Embassy website:

    Ambassador Chris Stevens considers himself fortunate to participate in this incredible period of change and hope for Libya. As the President's representative, his job is to develop a strong, mutually beneficial relationship between the United States and Libya. Ambassador Stevens was the American representative to the Transitional National Council in Benghazi during the revolution.

    When he's not meeting with government officials or foreign diplomats, you can find Ambassador Stevens meeting with Libyan academics, business people, and civil society activists, exploring Libya's rich archaeological sites, and enjoying Libya's varied cuisine.

    After several diplomatic assignments in the Middle East and North Africa, Ambassador Stevens understands and speaks Arabic and French. He likes the Facebook page of the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli and hopes you will, too.

    "I had the honor to serve as the U.S. envoy to the Libyan opposition during the revolution," Stevens said in May in a video introducing himself to the Libyan people as the new U.S. ambassador there. "And I was thrilled to watch the Libyan people stand up and demand their rights.

    [Slideshow: Gunmen storm U.S. consulate in Libya]

    "Growing up in California I didn't know much about the Arab world," Stevens continued. "I traveled to North Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer, worked as an English teacher in a town in the high Atlas mountains in Morocco for two years and quickly grew to love this part of the world.

    "We know Libya is still recovering from an intense period of conflict," he added. "There are many courageous Libyans who wear the scars of that battle."



    • RM  •  1 hr 29 mins ago
      I hear only crickets from the "Arab American" community.
      • Ray 1 min 38 secs ago
        Arabs represent only 1% of Muslims in the world and Libians are not Arab....That being said... as an America Muslim I know what their intent was, albeit mis-guided because the deaths of the Ambassador and his staff are extreme and Un-Islamic!! The Quran says to defend your the since that you have the right to practice your beliefs, and fight against oppression. Not Kill someone, innocent of the insult, because you didn't like what they said. Those who died had nothing to do with the movie , and even those of did, don't deserve death under Islam. The Prophet himself was mocked during his on life and he never attacked anyone for it...ignorance from a people who claim to follow Islam.
    • Ray  •  2 hrs 54 mins ago
      I am offended once in awhile but I haven't killed anyone over it. I must admit I do not understand a religion that condones this behavior.
      • R 55 secs ago
        @ Blake - if everyone in this world was an atheist, it wouldn't change a thing. There would still be killings and wrongdoings because you lot aren't supposed to believe in either a good or an evil, right? That would set open the floodgates for total chaos if those two ideas were removed from the human consciousness altogether.
    • Sidney  •  2 hrs 50 mins ago
      Why can't they say it was an assassination?
      • Fearless 8 mins ago
        @seven7 yeah and everybody and their dog wants to live here! Including people who say we're the big satan! How would you like to live in one of those horrible nations?
    • Paul C  •  2 hrs 41 mins ago
      Protesters? How can this article use that word. These are not protesters. Protesters you signs and bull horns. Terrorists use rockets. Call them what they are. I see no religion of peace. I see a religion of "blow you to pieces to shut you up". Say it isn't so.
      • Charles 4 mins 26 secs ago
        Oh it's so and you sound primed to be on the receiving end of an RPG or shiek's knife infidel!! What did you say yore address was??? Do you have any plans for the middle east? Got some virigns I wanna introduce to you, infidel
    • Jerry  •  3 hrs ago
      Thoughts and prays to the family of Chris Stevens. RIP Chris. Thank you for dedicating your life to serving others.
      • Ravenmichelle 30 secs ago
        Insulting Islam may be bad to muslims as insulting Christianity is bad to Christians. It goes BOTH ways! In America we have FREEDOM OF SPEECH..if we choose to insult relion or political views it is our RIGHT!! I may feel it is ignorant or wrong, but have NO RIGHT to take life over an insult. PERIOD!!
    • Use your brains, ppl!  •  2 hrs 58 mins ago
      Gee an attack on a US Embassy on 9/11. Who would have expected it?
      • A Yahoo! User 1 min 43 secs ago
        Larry, you are an idiot. You can actually watch how the President and your boy handled this and still make that comment. You clearly arent getting any oxygen in "the bubble". Brain wave activity has obviously ceased altogether.
    • james  •  2 hrs 41 mins ago
      Rest In Peace Brave Ambassador.
      • Timothy 7 mins ago
        @Hatesollieb, because you're supposed to work at work, pray at home or at church, and let the rest of us be free of your superstitions.
    • srgalactica  •  2 hrs 18 mins ago
      You gotta be pretty extremist to get this upset over a movie. I say we pull US troops out of every country that pulls #$%$ like this and let them fend for themselves. We don't need to be the world police.
      • Bombadil 34 secs ago
        Ronald ...why are you saying that Obama makes us look like a bunch of little #$%$s, you know nothing about what you are talking about. Obama sent seal team 6 into a sovereign nation and by their standards killed one of there citizens "Osama Bin Laden" , that is a act of war. Let me say it again to send your Army into an other country to kill someone is and act of War.You know deep down inside that it is Bush that makes look like little #$%$s he should have went in and cleaned house, not run to where the oil is in Iraq. So why you are look upon like a little #$%$ it is not because of Obama.
    • JamesBond007  •  2 hrs 0 mins ago
      May he rest in peace and my heart and feeling to his family.And thank you for his service to us...U.S.A......God Bless.
    • Awilli  •  1 hr 36 mins ago
      Call your congressmen and tell them that the American people want all foreign aid to these countries STOPPED NOW!!!!!!
    • terryt  •  1 hr 17 mins ago
      I'm not sure what the US will do ,but I damn sure know what Israel would do
    • juan  •  1 hr 54 mins ago
      If another country is making a movie where they insult jesus christ or even God. I dont think americans will storm their embasy and murder people. There should be consequences for this #$%$
    • gamey doubletake  •  1 hr 18 mins ago
      Why do we even try to help such mean, vicious, confused people? Let them rot in their own angry stench. Since 1972, the Muslims/Arabs have done NOTHING but cause death and conflict. Their contribution to mankind's harmony & progress is sadly LESS THAN ZERO.
    • Goldn Wst  •  1 hr 39 mins ago
      I keep reminding myself it was as Clinton says, a Small and
      Savage Group, but it looks like the whole bamn country was
      involved from the pictures...
    • J  •  1 hr 51 mins ago
      Good thing we supported those Libyans in their revolution. That freedom of expression is really working out for them
    • Pecos Pat  •  2 hrs 12 mins ago
      Those Muslims really make it tough for the Muslims that live here in the U.S. I avoid them because I'm afraid to say anything the wrong way.
      But to kill an innocent man for the sake a holy book is pure insanity. Our good book is mocked on a daily basis and people keep on living because forgiveness is one those golden rules we extend everyday. If muslims want act like idiots on a daily basis my respect for them is lost.Provoke founded prejudice and you will be subject to absolute isolation.
    • Fu Kobama  •  1 hr 26 mins ago
      I asked my stock broker what to invest in. He advises canned goods and ammo. I am following his suggestion.
    • Sluggo  •  34 mins ago
      We need a DECISIVE response to this attack!
    • HockeyLady  •  2 hrs 39 mins ago
      Cutt off all aid, kick all their representatives out of the USA and load the drones. Egypt knew one day in advance--can't be a coincidence that this was on 9/11
    • Dinka m  •  2 hrs 6 mins ago
      I dont hear any Libyan official apologizing ...
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