Social Activist

This is an area that Rohit feels he has not made as much of a mark in - as of yet!

Issues that are close to his heart and that he would like to work towards include:

  • Orphans: Having lost his own parents at an early age, growing up and going through life without the privilege of parents, siblings, or any family, Rohit can relate to & empathize with under privileged children.
  • Entrepreneurship: To a large extent Rohit is of the opinion that education prepares you for a job, and he has a big bone to pick on that! He feels that the masses go through a constant struggle and are entrepreneurial by birth, it is the current education system that conditions people to look for a job & kills their creativity, rather than being able to channel it into creative enterprise. :(
  • Social Awareness & Political Consciousness: Currently Rohit is moderating and leading a discussion group that meets regularly and attempts to analyze and debate numerous issues of socioeconomic importance. Topics of discussion could be as varied as the system of taxation, capitalism, media as the 4th pillar of democracy, affirmative action, morality, theory of relativity,� what after death, the origin of the universe, evolution... The same sort of effect is also accomplished as part of numerous reading groups where a book is read & discussed routinely.
  • Mentoring: Combining his passion for entrepreneurship & compassion for the underprivileged, he has funneled his efforts towards sharing his experiences with bright, young and deserving individuals on the road to successful endeavors & ventures of their own, to help them succeed in their own personal & professional lives. If you are such an individual and would like to seek Rohit�s mentoring, get in touch with him, with a �why you?�

[CEO] [Inventor] [Speaker] [Entrepreneur] [Engineer] [Writer] [Traveller] [Photographer] [Film�Maker] [Social�Activist] [Discussions] [Contact]