office 365 key en ucuz sohbet hattı rokettube iş kurmak RoohIt: Showcase of some user pages using highlighter button and/or Widget

Your instant web highlighter++

Collect, Share & Discover cool highlights.


★ Drag button to Bookmarks Bar to get your own Highlighter

Without installing anything


Alt + V + T + B to show Bookmarks Bar.
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The Problem: Information Overload

The Web2.0 revolution is fuelled by sharing and collaboration. Perhaps the most common interaction is people sharing web pages with each other saying “FYI” or "check this out." Yet this interaction is broken: there is no easy way for this sharing to take place efficiently – users routinely send links to each other - links which either breakdown, or expire, or worse: that people on the receiving end never click through to.  And when they do, they get frustrated trying to figure out what it was that the sender wanted them to take a look at on the shared page. Most of us no longer click on links in e-mail because we don’t trust them to be safe from viruses, malware, phishing and the ilk.

Have you ever emailed anyone a link? Ever copy-pasted parts of a web page to email? Noticed how the context gets lost and credibility is not an absolute?

Solved: Micro-Information

  1. Add a Favorite/Bookmark that launches the highlighter; or
    add a button inside the Google toolbar.
  2. To try it: prepend before any web url address e.g., or
In the world of print media, one routinely uses a highlighter pen to quickly draw attention to specific portions of interest. To solve the problem on the web, we have created an instant web “highlighter a No-signup, No-download, Free and fast tool that in-situ allows users to selectively highlight text on any web page; make various kinds of annotations on the page; and share these highlighted pages such that all recipients can view the highlights, make new highlights, and keep track of existing highlighted snippets. All without having to install anything, or “join” another new service.

By the user simply selecting text, the tool automatically does a slew of things behind the scenes:

With just a single-click the user can:

The Business

The business is built drawing from "instant-user-gratification" characteristics common to the most successful consumer Internet websites such as Google and Yahoo. It is Rohit’s contention that any successful consumer Internet offering needs to be free, fast, requiring no signup and no download of its users.”

For Web Publishers (site-owners)

3rd RoohIt also solves the very interesting, and hitherto intractable: granularity problem for all web publishers. Publishers can now offer a web-based highlighter to their viewership. Typically in the Article Tools section, the user would see a highlighter pen.

Upon clicking the button:
        1. User's mouse cursor changes to a highlighter.
        2. User can now point his mouse anywhere in the article, “Click and Drag” and s/he will instantly see the highlights in-situ.

The user can then forward the article on to his/her contacts with the relevant portions highlighted. The recipients all see the entire article in their email program, with the highlights intact. This initiates pointed discussions amongst this group of people, driving more of them back to the publisher's website, and to this particular article.

As publishers are struggling to gain more mindshare, RoohIt increases publishers' Reach and Retention! Besides being a value-added service for the millions of News articles, Blogs, and Social networking profiles, Forums, Classified posts published everyday; it offers the owners of these pages a unique mechanism to get business intelligence on what is truly of relevance to their reader base. It is a very effective distribution mechanism constantly driving more traffic back to their website. This seemingly obvious tool has been missing because of a technology gap that RoohIt has successfully managed to bridge: the Patent Pending technology is a combination of an easy to use front end - a complex set of end-user interacting applications - and a scalable backend engine driving a comprehensive repository.

AutoPublisher for Bloggers

Bloggers are routinely writing about ‘stuff they read on other websites.’ What we have done is created a “My Highlights Ticker”, so a user can automatically add this widget to their Facebook, Blogger, Wordpress…any web service, or any web page at all - and have highlights they make anywhere on the www, automatically get posted to their own web-page. Using a remote control panel, they can personalize the look and feel of this Ticker to match the look-and-feel of their own website for a completely seamless experience.

About the founder

Rohit Chandra earlier founded - perhaps the earliest Social Networking website ever. Under his leadership the company attracted millions of users, formed 200+ corporate partnerships, signed-on in excess of 75 paying enterprise customers, hired and retained a blue-chip Executive Team. Starting from his garage, he took it to 3 rounds of funding (working towards S-1 with investment bankers). Over the course of 4 years, the company was written up in more than 300 top-tier analyst and media articles: WSJ, NYTimes, Forrester, Jupiter, Business Week, etc.

Rohit is also the owner, and inventor of the Personalized URL that has seen wide-spread adoption by hundreds of millions of users. Rohit’s PURL invention enables companies to prepend a user-name to the domain to create a personalized URL for user data such as

Tags: Web2.0 | Widget | Button | Web highlighter | Social Bookmarking | Tools | Utilities | Bookmarklet | Sharing | Free | Blog | Archive | Highlight | Annotation | Social Networking | Web | email | E-mail | Startup | Software | Technology | Search | Semantic Web

Definitions: MicroBookmark, MicroBlog, AutoCollect, MicroShare, MicroBlog, AutoBlog

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