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You are here: Home > Message Boards > Parents of Preschoolers >  Eating Problems > 9 month old baby, plz help me with india
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  Eating Problems: 9 month old baby, plz help me with indian fooddiet
Name: shwetha
Date: 2007-08-14
Hi, I posting this from UK, till today I've been feeding vegetable puree and fruit puree, my baby doesn't like to try our food. Experienced moms Plz post me some reciepes so I can try them out.
Looking forward for the replies.
thank you
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Name: shwetha
Subject:  txs megana
Date: 2007-11-21
dear megana,
txs for the reciepes, i am trying on my baby, he likes fried moongdal with rice, like a kichdi.

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Name: Meghna
Subject:  Few Receipies
Date: 2007-09-05
Hi ,Here are few Receipies:
1. Give her dals(tuhar,moong etc).Fry dal in ghee & put some salt ,turmeric & jeera, if you fry the dal , babies usually like it.
2. Give her vegetable soup , at least one time a day. Boil some small quaninty of beans, tomatos, cabbage, carrot ,potatos etc. and then grind it , after grinding fry it in ghee and put some salt.
3. Try suji/Rawa, make upma, appa or handawi with it. my daughter likes it too much.
4. If your Kid has sweet tooth, you can even try wheat flour (aata) halwa. Its tasty and rich in carbohydradets.
5. Also give fruits raw /juice at least once a day. For taste change make fruit salads and fruit custard/simply put some fruits in milk and sugar , and give it to her.
Hope all this helps. My advice to you is at least give your child soup and fruits one time a day.And meals could contain any thing which is made up of rice, atta /suzi/rawa.Hope this helps!!
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Name: sunny
Subject:  Food
Date: 2007-08-24
Eat togeher anything and she will try especially rotis, Parathas or Rw Carrot ino small pieces and eat Kids copy
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Name: shwetha
Subject:  txs sunny
Date: 2007-08-24
txs for the advice, i tried that he comes to our plates he holds roti r chapathi and throws it back! I also tried to give finger foods while feeding him, he likes that now. Sunny plz will u give me some recipes u´ re kid love to eat, so that i can try it on my baby. thank you

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