Web Design Graphics Label with Variations

Web Design Label with Variations

Original Label




Variation 2

Label 2

Variation 3

Label 3

Variation 4

Label 4

Variation 5

Label 5

Variation 6

Label 6

Variation 7

Label 7

Variation 8

Label 8

Learn how to quickly manipulate images for the above effects and more at the Ycademy Web Design Graphics Training.

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Fonts and Typography

Fonts and Typography Basics

Fonts determine how your text looks. We need to look at fonts on a micro level (glyphs, font family and so on) as well as on a macro level (text blocks, positioning of text, text size, indent and so on).

Fonts and CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is most often used to define fonts on a website. In order to make the best use of your style-sheet, we need to know a bit more about fonts.

Font Families

CSS recognizes 5 font families:

1. Serif

2. Sans-serif

3. Script

4. Monospace

5. Fantasy

These 5 generic category or family names are recognized by the browser and the browser will display default fonts for each of the generic families. Each family has many different typefaces allowing us to define exactly the font we want to display.


A serif is the tiny stroke at the end of the main strokes of a font character. Serif fonts are used mainly in printing as characters are easier to read there. In Web Design, this is not true, namely for small font sizes as most monitors don’t have the resolution needed for clear display of the serifs.



Typical Serif fonts are Times, Georgia, Times new Roman.

Sans Serif

Sans-serif fonts are fonts without serifs (the little strokes at the end of the font strokes). “Sans” is French for “without”. Sans-serif fonts are ideal for the web as they are generally rendered better by our browsers and monitors, namely in small sizes.

Sans Serif


Typical sans-serif fonts are Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma.


Script fonts remind of cursive or handwriting. They are mainly used for decoration. Like all fonts they can only be read by computers on which these fonts are installed, which is less the case with script fonts. To make sure that they are displayed as intended by the web designer, they are often represented by images. Use with caution these fonts.



Typical script fonts: Corsiva, Lucida Handwriting.


Monospace fonts look like typewriter fonts. All fonts have the same width even the i and the w. Monospace isoften used for codes and pre-formated text.



Typical monospace fonts: Courier, typewriter.


Fantasy fonts are “decorative” fonts like script fonts, however they are rarely found on computers and therefore best used in images. Typically found in Headings, Logos and artistic creations.

Typical fantasy fonts: Dali, Chopin Script, Hancock.



Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Web Design Workshop 4 – Navigation

Web Design Workshop 4 – Navigation

This Workshop will add style to the navigation and sub-navigation of our website. We start from the style-sheet as elaborated in Web Design Workshop 3. You may download the style-sheet from the Web Design Workshop Materials section.

The Goal of this Workshop is to style the navigation and sub-navigation of the Semiomantics XO RC site.

1. Navigation and Sub-Navigation

Navigation and sub-navigation have to do with usability and accessibility of our site, one of the most important criteria of good  Web Design. Your site must be easy to navigate and the content should be easily accessible by anyone.

Semiomantics XO distinguishes between a Navigation and a Sub-Navigation Menu, whereas navigation concerns Categories and sub-navigation accesses Pages.

2. Category Navigation

The Page navigation is defined as per lines 111 – 163:

#navigation {
clear: left;
background: #FFFFFF/*url(images/nav.png) repeat*/;
float: left;
width: 100%;
z-index: 100;
position: relative;
margin-top: 20px;

#navigation ul * {

#navigation ul {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;

#navigation ul li {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
list-style-type: none;
float: left;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 24px;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
position: relative;

#navigation ul a {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 0 15px;

#navigation ul a:hover {
color: #444;
background: #c5c5c5;
text-decoration: none;
#navigation ul li:hover ul { display: block; z-index: 1000;}
#navigation ul li:hover ul ul { display: none; }
#navigation ul ul { position:absolute; top:24px; left:0; background:#d1d1d1; display:none; list-style:none;}
#navigation ul ul li {position:relative; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; width:159px; margin:0; }
#navigation ul ul li a {display:block; padding:0 7px 0 12px; color: #555; background-color:#d1d1d1; border-right: 0; font-size: 12px; }
#navigation ul ul li a:hover {background-color:#c5c5c5}
#navigation ul ul li:hover ul { display: block; }
#navigation ul ul ul { left:159px; top:-1px; display: none; }

Block 1

#navigation {
clear: left;
background: #FFFFFF/*url(images/nav.png) repeat*/;
float: left;
width: 100%;
z-index: 100;
position: relative;
margin-top: 20px;

The block is about self-explanatory except maybe:

z-index: 100; z-index defines the stack order of an element; an element with a greater stack order is always in front of an element with a lower stack order.z-index only works on positioned elements (position:absolute, position:relative, or position:fixed).

On my black white gray and red color scheme I select dark gray for the background of the menu tabs: #222222. Alternatively there is a background image available as well. You may edit a new image and load to your wp-content/themes/xo/image folder.

I will just use the background color element.

#navigation {
clear: left;
background: #222222/*url(images/nav.png) repeat*/;
float: left;
width: 100%;
z-index: 100;
position: relative;
margin-top: 20px;

Block 4

This block defines the font, font size, line-hight and the position of the navigation bar. Change to taste considering that navigation must be clear and easily readable.

#navigation ul li {
font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
list-style-type: none;
float: left;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 24px;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
position: relative;

Changes: none as much as I am concerned.

Block 5

#navigation ul a {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 0 15px;

The block defines display of each category tab as a block (not a table) the font weight (bold, normal), font color, the vertical border line delimiting each tab (border-right) as well as the padding (horizontal right in this case).
I change font color to white (#fff) and the border to red (#B30000)

#navigation ul a {
display: block;
font-weight: bold;
color: #fff0;
border-right: 1px solid #B30000;
padding: 0 15px;

Block 6

The block defines the hover effect we want to achieve in the navigation bar, by defining hover effect fora single navigation block (tab).

#navigation ul a:hover {
color: #FFFFFF;
background: #B30000;
text-decoration: none;

We now see the following navigation:

Navigation Style

… and the hover effect:

Navigation Hover Style

3. ol, ul, li

ol, ul, li stand for ordered list, unordered list and list item.

You encounter these tags namely in menus, navigation and such like, often with included display and link styling.

Block 7

#navigation ul li:hover ul { display: block; z-index: 1000;}
#navigation ul li:hover ul ul { display: none; }
#navigation ul ul { position:absolute; top:24px; left:0; background:#d1d1d1; display:none; list-style:none;}
#navigation ul ul li {position:relative; border:1px solid #FFFFFF; width:159px; margin:0; }
#navigation ul ul li a {display:block; padding:0 7px 0 12px; color: #555; background-color:#d1d1d1; border-right: 0; font-size: 12px; }
#navigation ul ul li a:hover {background-color:#c5c5c5}
#navigation ul ul li:hover ul { display: block; }
#navigation ul ul ul { left:159px; top:-1px; display: none; }

This block will define how our menu, namely the drop-down menu will display sub-category tabs.

The #c5c5c5 colored hover background of the tabs is not in line with my project, nor is the font color of #555 or the background color #d1d1d1.
Let’s change to display the drop-down boxes with a black background and white text, hovering to the same red and white display as we use in the navigation menu bar:

#navigation ul li:hover ul { display: block; z-index: 1000;}
#navigation ul li:hover ul ul { display: none; }
#navigation ul ul { position:absolute; top:24px; left:0; background:#000000; display:none; list-style:none;}
#navigation ul ul li {position:relative; border:1px solid #B30000; width:159px; margin:0; }
#navigation ul ul li a {display:block; padding:0 7px 0 12px; color: #FFFFFF; background-color:#222222; border-right: 0; font-size: 12px; }
#navigation ul ul li a:hover {background-color:#B30000}
#navigation ul ul li:hover ul { display: block; }
#navigation ul ul ul { left:159px; top:-1px; display: none; }

You can see the final result of the category navigation style on the demo site HERE

You may download the style-sheet from the Materials section to start the next session, Web Design Workshop 5 – Sub-Navigation (Page Navigation).

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Web Design Workshop 3 – Site Title

Web Design Workshop 3 – Site Title

This workshop is based supposes that you are equipped as per Web Design Workshop 1 and Web Design Workshop 2. Also you have taken care of the Basics by defining your Purpose and Goals as well as by establishing a Project Charter Document.

To make our job easier we start from a known template, the brand new Semiomantics XO release candidate. The goal of the entire workshop is to be able to adapt the Design of Semiomantics XO to your needs and preferences, or as the case may be to your customers’ taste.

1. Start with a blank page

To start with, let’s reset our design to next to zero and start with a white page:

Style Zero

This is what my sample site looks right now: there is no content on the site and the style zero is applied. You can find the reference Make Money site HERE.

To reset your style to get the same look, please download the style-sheet fom Web Design Workshop Materials and load according to instructions.

Then reset XO settings from your dashboard under the Semiomantics XO menu:

1. Header: Disable Logo, Disable User Login, disable 468×60 Header Add.

2. Frontpage: Disable “Display Laterst Story”


Under Appearance, Widgets: take out all widgets.

Add a blank Text Widget to the sidebar (s) you may have selected.

Now your page should look similar to the above example, displaying Title, Tag line and Footer notes. (If you have already loaded content, then your posts and pages will be visible as well.

2. A Blank page is not a Blank Page

While you see a blank page, you know better! The appearance is misleading as behind the blank or white page there is a whole array of Web Design elements at work already. In order to keep our course simple, we will take care of the design elements step by step as we meet them and as we introduce them to our new site.

3. Keep it simple and to the point

Good Web Design is the Art of maximum communication with a minimum of means. Based on our Project Charter we know the Purpose, Goal and Target audience we want to reach and therefore we also have done a study about the expectations of that target audience.

If you want to sell chocolate you need to live up to the expectations of chocolate lovers: a blue and white yogurt site is most likely not what they expect; however a creamy chocolate brown scheme with images triggering all the senses stimulated when actually eating chocolate would create immediate empathy.

Don’t forget, web design is not art for art, it is communication in function of a targeted audience and a targeted goal. So, always step back and klook at your progress from the side of a targeted visitor.

A good web designer is someone who has the skill of abandoning his belly-button views and to slip into the skin of the targeted audience to then use his technical skills to communicate with that audience through an interface called the web site displayed in browsers or feed and other reading devices.

4. The 5 Elements of Web Design

I have described the 5 Elements of Web Design earlier. Now we want to start looking at some of these elements in relation to our site and to the style as defined by our style-sheet.

Even on the above featured blank page we are in presence of some visible building blocks. The most visible being the Title and sub title of the site (Name and Tag-line). This implies already that we have a clue about fonts, colors, shapes and images if you want to use a graphic header. Also we have to be able to define some layout elements, such as the site width and height of the header.

As you see, the 5 building blocks are present even on a “blank page”.

5. The Layout of Semiomantics XO RC

The XO RC theme makes it easy for users to select a pre-configured layout.

Select your site width, the number of sidebars and one of 4 options for the layout of the front or home page. Select the position of the Name of the site in the header (Left, right or center).

For the purpose of this exercise and in function of my Project Charter and Project Development, I will choose a with of 800 pixels with one sidebar of 360 pixels wide on the right side.

The reason why I select these settings: I want my site to be easily visible on any screen size and resolution as well as I want my site to be quickly easily readable by mobile devices. The use of just 1 sidebar will give a look of a 2 column theme. The front page layout will be option 3 or 4; I will decide once I see content on the site. The site name is displayed on the left.

6. The Site Name

The display of the name is defined by the style sheet: Font, Font Size, Font Color and Hover display.

This is the default code on your style zero style-sheet, lines 84 – 99 :

#title {
font-size: 48px;
margin: 20px 0 0;
margin-left: 5px;
padding: 0;
line-height: 34px;

#title a {
color: #222222;

#title a:hover {
color: #666666;
text-decoration: none;

Now, what does all this stuff stand for?

#title {= identifies that the following block concerns the Title. The block’s definition is between the {}.

font-size: 48px; = font size

margin: 20px 0 0; = Margin from top 20 px margin from right 0 and magin from bottom 0

margin-left: 5px; = Margin from left 5 pixels

padding: 0; = padding 0

line-hight:34px; = line hight 34 pixels

Next block:

#title a { = this concerns still the title; the letter “a” indicates that this has to do with the hyperlink associated with the title

color: #222222; = color of the title code #222222 (very dark gray) according to hexadecimal color code.

} = end of the block.

Next block:

#title a:hover { = still concerns title with a hyperlink, but this time the hover effect: when you pass your mouse over the title, the style changes according to the definitions in the hover block.

color: #666666; = is the color displayed when you pass your mouse over the title, here a medium gray #666666.

text-decoration: none; = means there is no decoration, such as underline, bold, italic or such like.

} = closes the block.

At the end of every command line there is a “;”! A block opens with “{” and is closed with “}”.

Also: there is no font definition in the block.

7. Change Style of the Site Name

According to my project, the my site design will show black #000000, white #FFFFFF, gray and red # B3000o to set accents. My Gray tones will be #222222, #333333, #666666.

For the purpose of this exercise I have selected web friendly fonts for my site: Georgia, Times, Arial, Verdana and Tahoma as well as “sans-serif and serif” for browser defaults.

I choose Georgia, alternatively Times,  dark gray for my title and hover to red. The font-size will be reduced to 36 pixels, the line size as well as the position and margins I leave unchanged:

#title {
font-size: 48px;
margin: 20px 0 0;
margin-left: 5px;
padding: 0;
line-height: 34px;

#title a {
color: #222222;

#title a:hover {
color: #B30000;
text-decoration: none;

What remains to be done: we need to add the font. As we give a choice by priority, we call for the font-family in the title block by adding a line as follows:

#title {
font-family: Georgia,  Times, serif;
font-size: 36px;
margin: 20px 0 0;
margin-left: 5px;
padding: 0;
line-height: 34px;

#title a {
color: #222222;

#title a:hover {
color: #B30000;
text-decoration: none;

My Title displays now as desired in Georgia 36 pixels and when passing the mouse over it the hover color is well my red #B30000.

Note: Ihave reduced the font-size considering that I will work with an site width of 800 pixels where the font size 48 pixels for Georgia or Times appears to be big: I reduce by 25%  by changing the ‘fon-size’ from 48px to 36px.

Title Hover Effect on Georgia 36 px

8. Change the style of the Tag-line

On our style-sheet the default block looks as follows on lines 102 – 108 on the style-zero style-sheet:

#description {
font-size: 14px;
color: #333333;
margin: 10px 0 0;
margin-left: 10px;
padding: 0;

I change font by adding a line defining the font-family, font-size and color.

#description {
font-family: Verdana,  Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 18px;
color: #000000;
margin: 10px 0 0;
margin-left: 10px;
padding: 0;

Note: The name of the site and the tag-line together inform about the content. I consider them both as important, whereas the tag-line contains more information. In the original version of the style-sheet, the huge Main Title steals the show of a weak tag-line, in fact, most visitors won’t even notice it. If the tag-line should not be noticed, better don’t publish it. If however it is like in my case, part of your message to your visitors, increase it’s importance to a standard granting the necessary visibility.

Note 2: The margin-left is of 10px originally, while on the Name of the site, the corresponding margin is of 5 px;  personally I prefer to align Title and Sub-Title at the same level; I change thus the margin left to 5px to be in line with the Name of the site.

Style-sheet style-header.css

The style-sheet as it is after these manipulations can be downloaded from the Materials section. Workshop 4 will start based on this new style sheet.

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Web Design Basics

Web Design Basics

Web Design Basics discusses some basic rules when planning, implementing and publishing a website. We divide the content into various phases which lead to the final result, a content rich user-friendly website with attractive looks.

In practice we experience that web master start from the wrong end, by initiating the process based on a graphic design idea or a feature seen somewhere else. Web Design is a process by which a concept is translated into an interface browsers or feed readers can interpret.

I will not go into all the details about the planning phase and organization of the web team in charge of elaborating a site as most readers here are one man or women shows. But we will recommend a plan of action which can be followed and implemented by anyone, the purpose being that you don’t lose your time and energy due to an inappropriate sequence of action.

Web Design is part of the web development process and needs therefore to be embedded in the more global context of Web Development.

So, for the time being, forget your HTML editor and Photoshop and start  … the right way.

Drawing Board

1. Purpose, Goal, Target

The number one most important element when initiating the process of creating a website is the planning phase and namely the definition of

- the Purpose of the Site

- the Goals

- the Target Assessment

Without a clear mission statement your project risks to drift off focus, fall short or reach beyond the defined goals. When working for a customer, the planning phase is crucial to work efficiently and without looping on ever returning basic questions which may not have been defined or taken into consideration in the planning phase.

Purpose and Goals are discussed with the development team; if you are a one man show, then make sure you write down your goals and purpose as if you had to communicate with a team. Document every step you are going through all the way through the process of your site creation.

2. The Project Charter Document

This is the most crucial document resulting from your planning phase. You define what you want to do and why and how you intent to reach your goals and how you will measure progress and performance. The Project charter defines the technology and content needed, the time frame and budget.

The Project Charter is the blueprint for your development as well as the touchstone you will use to keep the process in line with the agreed goals and result to be delivered to your customer. Focus creep is your biggest enemy during the elaboration of your website, meaning that when you are busy with all the details you may lose focus and get lost on side-tracks which most often entail failure of the project.

If ever someone hires you for a site project, never, never skip the two above steps. Spend as much time on them as needed, but once the charter in place, don’t change it and deliver what has been agreed upon. That’s what your customer pays you for. If the customer desires to change things there after, look for a corresponding new budget.

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Web Design Workshop 2

Web Design Workshop 2

The following is not strictly speaking a subject of the present Web Design Workshop, however if you are using a Semiomantics script, here some important tips and rules about how to plan and implement the site to reach quick complete indexing.

1. Create a Category Tree pertaining to your main topic

On the first category level, create 3 to 5 main categories under your main keyword. Then add the subcategories and as the case may be, add sub-sub-categories and so on.

Your keyword search will help you. A less thorough way is to find inspiration on Google under your main keyword; look at the bottom of the search page for related searches for example.

Alberto Giacometti in his Workshop

Alberto Giacometti in his Workshop

2. Create Tags pertaining to your categories

Create a tag with every category name and then expand to synonyms and related terms.

3. Create Links to your other blogs and publications

Set up your links under link category My Publications and enter your web site links.

Add to the blogroll http://yorgoopublishing as your content will be published there and a link back will be established.

4. Redirect your About page to your Cashflowin profile

Edit the About  page and replace all content with your active cashflowin link; select the Template: Redirect.

5. Create a Contact page

Under Pages Add a New Page, call it Contact and select the Contact Template – publish.

Then edit the file contact.php in your XO theme folder via FTP.

6. Create a Post with the Blog Name as Title

Describe the purpose and future content of your blog by creating a sort of index, whereas each category name links to the relevant category (link: http://yourdomain.com/category/categoryname).

Example: HERE

Add this post to all categories and add all tags created to the post!


7. Add posts to all categories

Now you start adding posts to each category, may be one per day, till all categories have at least one post. Then start insisting on your main keyword.

In any case your site should be indexed within 24 hours from publishing.

8. Check Google daily

As you are Targeting Google Top 10 positions, check your performance daily and look for progress; insist where you see success and don’t abandon till you reach top 10 ranking.

That’s it for today!

Note: Syndication

If you apply the YORGOO Publishing Concept, load the  feedwordpress plugin to your Author blog and syndicate your new niche authority site into your main author site to a category corresponding to the name of your new blog. Add all necessary tags to the syndication, representing the main categories of your new blog.

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Web Design Elements

Web Design Elements

The elements of design are the building blocks.

We distinguish 5 basic web design elements:

1. Lines and Linework

Lines can be horizontal or vertical, they can be borders or elements to delimit a a space. Lineworks increase the readability of the website.

Example: sidebars are often delimited by a vertical line, headers by horizontal lines.

2. Shape

Shapes mark the contour of a space. usually they are rectangular or square, but any shape is possible by embedding images into the design.

Examples: Boxes in the sidebar for widgets, menu tabs, form fields.

3. Texture

Texture gives your design the feeling of surface. Texture adds a visual effect which can be natural or artificial.


Texture Magnified 8x8 pixels

Texture Magnified 8x8 pixels

Texture Visual Effect

Texture Visual Effect

The above images show that texture is defined “by the pixel” to lead to the desired effect. The second image represents the visual effect achieved by the defined texture of the first.

4. Color

Color is the most visible element of Web Design,however it is not a necessity. I like to start design without color to introduce it later to strengthen the design elements or to emphasize.

Color can be used in many ways: foregrounds, backgrounds, titles, text, borders, JPEG images for photos with millions of colors or GIF for flat color images.

Color will always remain a matter of taste. In as much as I am concerned, I prefer black and white web design plus a color to put accents in text or links; for the rest the design is a support for the content. Images as part of the content attract the eye of the visitor.

5. Direction

Direction gives Web Design motion. The visitors eye is guided to see what the designer wants him to see.

Example: Horizontal headers, vertical columns colored elements displayed on key spots to which we want to attract the visitor. Direction influences the movement of our eyes when scanning a page.


Example: on the screen shot above, the focal point is the post content index. The eye passes from the top left site name to the post title and then to the index and then continues downwards. Note the font color in the sidebar is lighter than in the content area. The eye pursues it’s scan downwards.

By placing a colored graphic element on the top right of the site, you would immediately distract the visitor: this is why top right ads are so successful.

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Web Design Workshop

Web Design Workshop by Yorgo Nestoridis

The Web design Workshop delivers an introduction to Web Design with a practical application to a WordPress based Theme from Semiomantics. The training units can however be applied to any other (WordPress based) site.

Web Design Workshop 1


To start with we need to load a new WordPress Site to our Host. (Recommended ChiHosters at $35 per year; if you also need a domain, add $12.95 per year)

Self  Hosted WordPress allows you to intervene at all levels of the site script and to apply web design to taste.

If you have a semiomantics script to start with, use the XO, Ycademy, NewsCast or YORGOO Booster Theme, by loading the Theme Folder into your new wp-content/theme folder.

A whole Workshop Materials pack, including Semiomantics XO Theme is available, please contact me.

You will need a text and code editor, such as PSPad (free download) and image editing software, such as Photoshop, Fireworks, Paint Shop Pro or GIMP (free Download). An HTML editor, such a Dreamweaver or Frontpage can help. The better your skills with the code and image editors, the better your result will be.

Alberto Giacometti

Step 1

Create a sub-domain on your host and call it webdesign.

Create a MySQL database.

Manually load the latest WordPress Script (download fromWordPress).

Edit the wp-config-sample file and rename it wp-config. (set permissions to 666 – change later to 644)

Create a .htaccess file in your sub-domain root folder. (set permissions to 666 – change later to 644)

Set wp-content permissions to 777

Run install from http://yoursubdomain.com/wp-admin/install.php

Step 2

Configure WordPress step by step:

Edit general Settings: Punch in a Name and a tagline (Example: name of your sub-domain and in the tag-line a related key-phrase)

Edit Posts: delete the hello World Post

Edit links: delete all preloaded links

Edit each tab under settings, namely:

Permalinks: select custom and enter /%category%/%postname%/

Writing: enter at the bottom the ping list as per HERE

The other tabs should be self-explanatory.

Step 3

Under Plugins select Add New and install the following Plug-ins:

All in one SEO


XML Sitemap


Configure the plug-ins according to semiomantics recommendations.

Set Permissions:

.htaccess to 644

wp-config.php to 644

wp-content to 755


Step 4

Load your Semiomantics Theme from Appearance.

Add some widgets to make it look like a blog.

Under Post Add New: Add a first post, presenting your new site, it’s purpose and goal.

Add a few categories pertaining to the chapters of this workshop.

Under Post Tags add some tags pertaining to your categories.

Under Links: Add a few links to your other websites.

Step 5

Check out your site and make sure everything works to satisfaction.

Web Design Workshop 2

Our second trainings unit will deal with Web Design Basics. Whatever we retain from each of the subsequent units we will apply to this new web site.

Look forward to an exciting journey!

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Web Design

Web Design by Yorgo Nestoridis

The present website is devoted to Web Design Basics. The content is designed to help beginners to find an entry point into the world of Web Design starting from scratch. The site will tempt to answer questions you may not have wanted to ask.

The site will deal with technical aspects namely and less with the creativity process which is yet another world. But then, you don’t need to be a creative mind to do web design. Web design is before all a skill anyone can learn.

What is Web Design

Web Design is:

“… the skill of designing presentations of content (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that is delivered to an end-user through the World Wide Web, by way of a Web browser or other Web-enabled software like Internet television clients, micro-blogging clients and RSS readers.” (Wikipedia)

When you build a Website, you start with an idea, then you define your goals and you write down your plan. Web design is just one element of your Website, an element which translates your purpose into an efficient communication item. Web design is the make-up, the skin. Web design is defined by the creative team working on a website whereas the creative work is clearly defined so that the designer can translate the ideas and visions of the creators using his technical skill.

As you see, Web design has not much to do with Creativity. The Creative Process is about finished when the order is shipped to the Web Designer for execution. Web Design is the execution of a plan, of a concept, of the result of market studies, feasibility studies, of creative ideas.

If you are looking for a web designer, look in the first place for a technical mind who knows how to code and how to use the best tools available to implement your plan, your needs in graphic design.

Alberto Giacometti

Web Design Basics

Under Web Design Basics we will discuss:

- Web Design Elements

- Web Design Layouts

- Web Design Navigation

- Web Design Colors

- Web Design Fonts and Typography

- Web Design Graphics and Images

- Web Design Accessibility and Usability

Web Design Style

Under Web design Style we will namely develop topics pertaining to the coding language we use to translate the concept into visual reality:

- Web Design HTML

- Web Design CSS

- Web Design XLM

Web Design Workshop

Our Web Design Workshop delivers a training program for beginners designed by Ycademy. The Course is applying the gained knowledge to a WordPress based website. All needed materials are available for download from Semiomantics.

Web design Graphics and Image Gallery

You will find a Gallery of Graphics and Images under Graphics and Images. You may use these Images for your personal use.


The Showcase will feature some of our Creations.

Contact Me

Feel free to contact me using the contact form. Also use the comment form on posts and pages to intervene on a specific topic. Thank you.

Author: Yorgo Nestoridis, Media Marketing & Publishing, Founder of YORGOO Publishing, YORGOO Press and Semiomantics.

If you enjoyed reading the above, please consider following future tips and strategies by RSS reader, Email delivery, or Kindle subscription.

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Posted in Web Design, Web Design Accessibility and Usability, Web Design Basics, Web Design CSS, Web Design Colors, Web Design Elements, Web Design Fonts and Typography, Web Design Graphics and Images, Web Design HTML, Web Design Layouts, Web Design Navigation, Web Design Style, Web Design Workshop, Web Design XML | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment