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    • Ilias Kasidiaris assaults Liana Kanelli on Greek TV. (AP Photo/ANTENA TV)

      A slap may not damage, but it can wound.

      Ilias Kasidiaris is the latest offender to buzz the Web, after the deputy of the Greek Golden Dawn party—described as neo-Nazi extremists—slapped a female political rival three times on a live political talk show.

      The triple offense follows a few high-profile stingers on American soil, setting off searches on Yahoo! for "barrett slap," "barrett slapped," "tom barrett," "will smith slap," "will smith slaps," "will smith slaps reporter," and "will smith slaps reporter video."

      In the case of a celebrity versus paparazzi, it's often a question of defending privacy. In a political context, it can signal betrayal or a nation spiraling out of control. Even in an age of hair-pulling reality TV segments, cinematic violence, and trigger-happy headlines, a slap still has the power to shock.

      A look at recent high-profile slaps: A female "supporter" hit Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett when he was down, conceding Wisconsin's gubernatorial race to Scott

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      You may be guilty of a virtual smartphone crime and not even know it. Or at the very least, you're going against proper video-making etiquette. If you're shooting with your phone upright in "portrait mode," a comedic PSA wants you to put a stop to what you're doing and start going horizontal, or using "landscape mode."

      "Vertical Video Syndrome," the brainchild of the comedy group "Glove and Boots," has gone viral as it pokes fun at these videos for not being easy on the eyes, the neck, or even the wallet. The short feature, which uses "Sesame Street"-like puppets, has struck a chord with viewers annoyed with the egregious breaking of video etiquette. The puppets explain the slippery slope that acceptance of vertical videos could lead to such as tall and skinny movie theaters, YouTube videos being shown four at a time, side by side, to save on bandwidth, or even famed filmmaker

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    • As if the IPO fumble and lawsuit pile-on weren't a couple black eyes for Facebook, now comes an insult even more wounding: People are just bored with the social network.

      A Reuters/Ipsos poll counted 34% of its users slacking off, compared with six months ago.

      The most frequent Facebook users are aged 18 to 34, according to the survey, with 60 percent of that group being daily users. Among people aged 55 years and above, 29 percent said they were daily users. Of the 34 percent spending less time on the social network, their chief reason was that the site was "boring," "not relevant" or "not useful." Privacy concerns ranked third. (June 4, Reuters)

      Wait, wouldn't that mean people are bored with their friends? Is it really more IPO letdown? Could the introverts be rebelling? Or is it all of the above? Let's check out the status updates and a few reader comments along the way, and see whether the Facebook beatdown can get any worse (hint: It does).

      Dustin of Kansas City, Missouri

      [Related: Let

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    • Like" us on and follow Trending Now on Twitter: @Knowlesitall and @YahooTrending.

      When 22-year-old Army Sgt. Steve Flaherty of Columbia, South Carolina, was killed in the Vietnam War in 1969, his body was recovered, but not before the North Vietnamese government confiscated letters he had written to his family but hadn't yet sent.

      Now, 43 years after his death, the letters have finally made it home. Some of what Sgt. Flaherty described in the letters depict a brutal scene. He wrote, "It has been trying days for me and my men...we dragged more bodies of dead and wounded than I can ever want to forget."

      And in a letter to his mother, the soldier gives his family hope for his safe return, writing "If dad calls, tell him I got too close to being dead, but I'm O.K. I was real lucky. I'll write again soon." Unfortunately, Sgt. Flaherty never made it back home safely.

      U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on a visit to Vietnam on Monday, was given Sgt. Flaherty's

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    • Like" us on and follow Trending Now on Twitter: @Knowlesitall and @YahooTrending.

      In May, Russian BASE jumper Valery Rozov pulled off one of the most impressive ways to reach the bottom of a mountain while simultaneously breaking a world record. Rozov leaped from the top of the 4 mile high summit of Shivling, a mountain in the Himalayas, wearing  specially designed wingsuit and a parachute. After taking 6 days to climb the mountain, he fell at rate of 125 miles/hour, and landed safely after free-falling for 90 seconds. As for the rest of his team, it took them 3 days to descend to the bottom using the old fashioned method---walking.

      This is not the first time that Rozov has attempted such a daring base-jump. He once flew directly into an active volcano in 2009 in Kamtschatka, and he jumped from Ulvetanna Peak in Antarctica in 2010.


      Most people think they know a good value when they see one, but does

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