Choose To Be Happy by Opening Your mind To The Possibilities

Posted on October 5th, 2009 Debbie Bills No comments Print This Post Print This Post

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Determination and belief are the starting points for happiness within.  They obviously open you to new opportunities to do and be anything you desire, and you only need a subconscious thought to plant the seed.  How do we do this?

The first and most important element to happiness within is to…

Open your Mind

It is very clearly that a closed mind seals off creative solutions and eliminates any possibility for new opportunities.  A closed mind keeps you where you are in life, where you always have been and will continue to be.  A closed mind creates:

1. Constantly struggles to achieve or get ahead.

Constant conflicts and obstacles, the ever- present resentments that rear their ugly heads for each new situation you encounter.

3. Remorse of not doing or having what you truly dream.

4. The envy you feel each time you meet, read or hear about someone happier than you, knowing clearly you should be in that person’s shoes.

happy horses

None of these feelings are obviously conductive to happiness within.  Envision wild horses pent up in a corral.  They yearn to be free.  As long as the fences are up and the gate is locked, the wild horses that desire freedom more that life, itself, will never live freely.  What does this do to them?  They become angry and willing to trample the person who caged them, just to get free.  They blame and resent their keeper for their situation.  Each time they see other horses roaming free in the distance, all their anger, resentment and hatred surfaces; and they envy the freedom of the other horses.  Now, see these wild horses as you and your dreams for happiness, corralled and caged by your closed mind.  Can you see how, as the horses, you become angry, resentful, hating and envious?  Can you see how a closed mind and the emotions it provokes affect your reactions to situations?  Wild horses will kill their keeper for freedom and react viciously at seeing other horses that are free. What reactions do you have to situations, where you feel anger, resentment or blame?

All horses need to gain their freedom is to unlock and open the gate.  All you need do to be on your path to happiness within is to obviously open your mind.

When you truly open your mind, the anger, resentments, hatred and envy are gone; however, it takes some work on your part.  Let’s clearly look at how the mind works.

A thought, just like an action, is energy in motion.  Emotional thoughts carry even more energy.  When you create a thought, especially one you feel emotional about (such as your dream of whatever makes you happy), you have created energy that goes out to the universe and allows you to explore, create and grow the thought.  The process takes care of itself.

We all have thoughts, but we don’t all achieve our dreams of happiness.  That’s because thoughts may be negative or positive in nature.  Even thoughts you believe are positive may, in truth, be negative to happiness.    For example, your dream for happiness is to own a new home.  The thought you constantly hold is, “I want to buy a new home.”  This sounds like a positive thought, but it’s actually keeping you from getting your new home.  Why?   The phrase “I want” keeps you wanting to buy a new home, rather than actually buying it. So, you continue to want to buy it never achieving your goal.

Focus is another problem in how thoughts are formulated in our thoughts.  You constantly think about that new home you “want” to buy.  You look at different homes and floor plans, comb the for sale home classifieds, picks out the color you’ll paint the outside, look at landscaping ideas and so one.  You would believe that this is a positive focus, because it keeps the goal constantly in your mind and your actions are that of someone who is buying a new home.  The problem, however, is that the focus in on “getting”   verses “doing” Rather than moving toward your goal, you dreaming about it.

With an open mind, you plant the seed, distance yourself from it.  Be open to all possibilities without exception.  That means only positive thinking, no attachments, and no labeling.

An open and positive mind allows the universe to act upon your inner thought energy and create that happiness which you seek.  It’s like watching a little miracle take place.  It can astound you, when you realize its happening.

Start thinking those happy thought and the miracles are clearly going to start slowly appearing.

I will leave you this wonderful movie May You Be Blessed so you can watch the miracles slowly began.

You can easily leave your comments and I can instantly know if my words are helping with your happiness.  Thank you and don’t forget to pick up your BLESSINGS.

Debbie Dee

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