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    That muffin didn't cost taxpayers $16 after all

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Remember the $16 muffin, a sign of government spending out of control? It turns out that all the criticism was half-baked.

    The Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General is apologizing for erroneously concluding that a hotel charged the government $16 apiece for breakfast muffins.

    The IG's assertion last month prompted widespread criticism of government spending. A swift rebuttal came from Hilton Worldwide, which manages and franchises hotels including the Capital Hilton, the location for a Justice Department conference that served the muffins.

    At the time, the IG said it stood by its report that the muffins were indeed that pricey.

    On Friday, the IG's office reversed itself, saying that it had received additional information concerning food and beverage costs and that the department did not pay $16 per muffin at the conference by the Executive Office for Immigration Review.

    The additional information showed that the muffins were actually part of a modified continental breakfast priced at $16.80 and consisting of items such as pastries, fruit, coffee, tea and juice.

    "We regret the error in our original report," the IG said in a preface to its revisions. "After discussions with the Capital Hilton" and the Justice Department, "we determined that our initial conclusions concerning the itemized costs of refreshments at the EOIR conference were incorrect."


    • glenn about an hour ago
      How much did the resulting investigation cost?
    • MJ about an hour ago
      Even $17 for coffee/juice & assorted muffins is a lot... don't they get a group discount??
    • JohnL  •  Jackson, United States  •  about an hour ago
      For 17 bucks, there should've been some serious hash browns, sausage, eggs, biscuits, and pancakes involved.
    • Cliff about an hour ago
      The USDJ is charged with seeing justice is done in the country and it blows a muffin investigation? Then, there is "Fast and Furious." Holder claims he knew nothing until the big stink hit. A new AG would totally be in order now.
    • Linda America  •  Newark, United States  •  about an hour ago
      Why did they have to provide the Justice Department with breakfast? Can they not afford to stop at one of the million starbucks in DC and feed themselves?
    • FranklinS about an hour ago
      It was probably cheaper to pay $16 for a muffin than it cost the taxpayers to have the IG's office do an investigation.
    • JasonR about an hour ago
      Adding on the cost of the investigation by the justice department, each muffin will end up costing the taxpayers $300,000
    • Noods 34 minutes ago
      $16.80 is still an expensive breakfast.
    • seadog  •  San Luis Obispo, United States  •  about an hour ago
      ....and don't forget we didn't lose the $6.5 billion either ...
    • T. RUTH. about an hour ago
      Oh so it was only 10 dollars for a muffin and 6.80 for a cup of coffee. I feel much better now.
    • Jennifer  •  Phoenix, United States  •  about an hour ago
      It's still ridiculous. Right now, I am so cash-strapped I can't afford breakfast. Maybe government employees should do the same, or in the least pay for their own?
    • EMB about an hour ago
      Phew, glad to know our government spending is well under control.
    • John about an hour ago
      So, $16.80 for a muffin, a cup of coffee, and a glass of juice is a good deal?
    • miki 2 hours ago
      Wow it took all this time to figure out how much a muffin cost. Shouldn't u know this before they are ordered?
    • Rob C  •  Alpharetta, United States  •  48 minutes ago
      Hmmm- $16.80 for continental breakfast and I can get it FREE at most hotels for spending the night? What a crock......
    • boycott google  •  Memphis, United States  •  about an hour ago
      The real question is how much it cost us to determine how much them muffin cost? I'd wager around $10k+.
    • David about an hour ago
      $16.80 for a continental breakfast . . . Seriously? I'd expect steak and eggs for that price.
    • Clown 30 minutes ago
      a modified continental breakfast priced at $16.80 and consisting of items such as pastries, fruit, coffee, tea and juice. Every Hotel/Motel I've stayed at the continental breakfast was included in the price of the room. What makes it "modified," the fact "we tax payers" foot the bill?
    • SteveS about an hour ago
      Er.. we believe them now, right?
    • Raleigh  •  Belize City, Belize  •  about an hour ago
      Still, for $16.80, I can eat breakfast for a week.
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