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What is 4G and What Does it Mean For You?

by Britney Baker

Britney writes for the Prepaid Hacks Technology and Finance Blog.  On of her latest reviews is on the Tracfone. After working retail and finding she needed more help to pay the bills, Britney began freelancing writing three years ago.   She moved into full-time freelancing after she began making more money than she did working at her job.  Britney adores gadgets and technology.  Her cellphone of choice is any HTC running the latest version of Android.  In her spare time you can find Britney challenging foes on her XBox game system.

For people who have not kept up with technology, the term 4G probably does not mean a whole lot.  This is a relatively new phrase to the general populace which doesn’t pay too much attention until things become more main stream. However, since this type of technology is the future, it should be embraced by users who will want to learn more about its wonderful capabilities. This is not a difficult process to comprehend, and once the basic elements are grasped, it can prove to be valuable for daily use.

The term 4G means 4th generation and this in a nutshell simply indicates that it is the newest form of wireless Internet available. So how does John Q. Public benefit from this technology? For starters, it is 4x faster than the current method in place — called 3G. For purveyors of the social media network, or music aficionados, the ability to download even large files at unbelievable speeds will make life more fun. This is comparable to the cable modems that many people have in their house. In addition, streaming videos can be enjoyed without the need for constant buffering messages on the screen.

A great number of devices have already been designed to make use of the 4G speed. This includes a wide variety of Smartphones, netbooks and other personal devices. A large number already have the capability built-in, but for others, an adaptor of some sort may be necessary in order to get the full complement.

This is not the only application planned for this new technology. There are numerous possibilities in the offing. Video conferencing is one of the best uses to date since it can hook up offices all over the country. Family members can now chat via video. As mentioned previously, music, movies and other entertainment areas are now more easily accessible. Being able to surf the web at high speed while on the go makes this type of technology a welcome addition to even the common user. This is a great advantage of the 4G network.

While it has not spread nationwide as of yet, the plan is for full coverage in every state. This will happen as the costs of installation decrease over time. Most of the major cities are already experiencing the high speed phenomena with more coming. For fans of new technology, this is good news, and for the average user, they will be able to comprehend what this actually means for them once they have a unit equipped with this high speed method in their hands. Before rushing out to buy a device, it is important to make sure that coverage exists in the desired area.

For moms, this new technology means that their kids will be even more connected than ever before to their friends and the world at large. True, high speed mobile internet access 24/7 means that they’re carrying around the equivalent of the home computer in their cellphones at all times – with all the concerns that that can bring to their parents. It will become harder to keep a watch of what kids are up to online. Now more than ever, it’s important to teach kids about safety and information-sharing on the internet, and encourage them to keep their parents involved in their online activities.

Editor’s Note:  Need help managing your kid’s cellphone usage?  The WellConnectedMom.com has a pretty thorough Primer to help you:

Teens & Cellphones – A Primer Part I

Teens & Cellphones: Manners A Primer Part II

Teens & Cellphones: Safety – A Primer Part III

Teens & Cellphones: Sexting – A Primer Part IV

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