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Venezuela election: Chavez and Capriles contest poll

Incumbent President Chavez is challenged by Henrique Capriles, who represents a coalition of opposition parties.

Voters in Venezuela are going to the polls in what is predicted to be the country's most tightly contested presidential election in a decade.

Left-wing incumbent Hugo Chavez, first elected in 1998, is being challenged by opposition leader Henrique Capriles.

Mr Chavez wants to continue what he calls his socialist revolution while Mr Capriles has promised to restore economic growth.

Almost 19 million Venezuelans are eligible to vote in the election.

Mr Chavez - who is seeking a fourth term in office - was diagnosed with cancer last year but says he has now fully recovered.

As he cast his ballot in Caracas, Mr Chavez said the results of the elections should be respected.

At the scene

Long queues had formed at polling stations in Caracas before the sun had risen. One man told me he'd come straight from his night shift to vote. The queues lengthened as the day went on, with many eager to cast their vote in what is likely to be the tightest presidential election race here for over a decade.

Venezuela's computerised voting system is meant to be quick and efficient. But electoral officials say they are prepared to keep some voting centres open if there are still queues at 18:00 local time (22:30 GMT), when the voting is due to stop.

With everyone focused on the elections, the city is extremely quiet, with few cars on the roads. The sale of alcohol is banned during elections but as the day winds up, supporters on both sides will be getting ready to celebrate their possible victory.

"Let's support the results and let's support the people and let's support this democracy and the Venezuelan republic will continue on its path of growth," he said.

A colourful and often controversial figure on the international stage, President Chavez, 58, has nationalised key sectors of the economy.

Venezuela is a major oil producer and high oil prices over the past decade have allowed his government to fund health-care, education programmes and social housing.

He says he needs another term to complete his "Bolivarian Revolution" towards socialism.

However, Mr Capriles, 40, and the opposition say the president's policies have led to bureaucracy, inefficiency and shortages.

They also accuse Mr Chavez of authoritarianism, and of suppressing the judiciary and silencing critics in the media.

Mr Capriles says a lack of investment in Venezuela's crucial oil industry has led to a decline in production.

BBC Mundo correspondents in the capital Caracas say Chavez loyalists have been using trumpets to sound a "wake-up" call for voters.

Venezuela's presidential poll

  • Polls open 06:00 (10:30 GMT)
  • Polls close 18:00 (22:30 GMT)
  • Automated touch-screen voting system
  • Nearly 19 million registered voters; 100,000 overseas
  • First result expected around 01:00 (05:30 GMT) on 8 October
  • President elected for six-year term

National Electoral Council (CNE)

Mr Capriles' supporters were also banging pots in the street in what they called their "goodbye song" for Mr Chavez, our correspondents say.

Defence Minister Henry Rangel Silva said the armed forces had identified some groups planning to cause public disturbances but said violence was "unlikely", the state news agency AVN reported.

He also warned those who he said may be thinking of stirring up trouble that troops were on stand-by to quell any disturbances.

Queues formed early outside schools used as polling stations.

Gerardo Montemarano, who was already waiting to vote when the polls opened, brought a chair with him. "I knew there was going to be a long queue," he told the BBC.

About 100,000 Venezuelans, including about 2,000 in the UK and the Republic of Ireland, are registered to vote at diplomatic outposts around the world.

Hundreds of opposition supporters gathered outside the consulate in central London as expatriates cast their ballots.

"I don't support this government," said voter Rebecca Anaya. "I am here because I cannot live in that country. It's almost impossible. The security situation is the worst thing in the world."

BBC reporter Glen Campbell, who spent two hours outside the consulate on Sunday morning, says not a single voter identified themselves as a Chavez supporter.

Hugo Chavez waves to supporters after voting in Caracas (7 Oct) Mr Chavez waved to his supporters after casting his ballot in Caracas

However, he cautions that this is not very surprising, because by definition many of those who have left Venezuela are critics of the current regime.

Both candidates have been using social media to urge voters to cast their ballots.

Almost 140,000 soldiers have been deployed to guard more than 10,000 voting centres.

A week before the election, three opposition activists were killed during a campaign rally, while four people were injured in a shooting during a voting rehearsal in September.

From Saturday evening to Monday evening, the sale of alcohol is banned and only the security forces will be allowed to carry arms.

National Electoral Council (NEC) official Socorro Hernandez called on all parties and non-governmental groups to contribute to a peaceful election "and avoid any distortions".

While polls are scheduled to close at 18:00 local time (22:30 GMT), NEC President Tibisay Lucena said that the hours could be extended if voters were still queuing to cast their ballots.

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