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Lithuania - President Grybauskaitė: The future of Lithuania is in the hands of creative people

At the initiative of President Dalia Grybauskaitė, the Seimas and the International Cultural Programmes Centre, a forum for creative society has been opened for the first time in Lithuania.

In her welcome remarks, President Grybauskaitė said that a single discussion would not suffice for implementing radical changes and attaining the ambitious goal of building a creative society. It was, therefore, necessary to initiate a permanently working forum for creative society. The forum would have the objective of working out concrete proposals and supervise the actions taken to realize a vision of modern and innovative Lithuania.

Addressing members of the arts, culture, educational, and business communities, who came together to discuss possible actions for using and streamlining the potential of creative individuals to build a modern state, President Grybauskaitė invited all of them - artists, scientists and entrepreneurs - to make a joint effort towards this purpose.

"Lithuania's economic growth, its social well being, and the pride that its citizens have for their country will depend on our innovative ideas and our creative ability to translate them into reality," the President said, placing a special emphasis on the importance of interaction between culture, education, science, and business.

President Grybauskaitė underlined that it was necessary to stimulate, encourage and promote every single human potential, She pointed out that creativity needed to be taught in a multifaceted way and at all levels of the education system.

"To educate a creative individual - but most importantly an individual capable of working creatively together with specialists from other domains or cultures - we have to change our communicative approach and start seeing similarities instead of differences," the President said. "Only a well educated teacher can advance creativity and teach others the courage to make mistakes, to admit and correct them."

President Grybauskaitė pointed out that a creative person was the spark that drove Lithuania forward. Therefore, she said, we must seek ambitious goals, we must think and act as future disseminators of creative ideas not only in Europe, but also worldwide.

Among the other speakers at the opening session of the Forum for Creative Society: Linking Arts, Education and Business were Valentinas Stundys, Chairman of the Seimas Committee on Education, Science and Culture, Kęstutis Sadauskas, Head of the European Commission Representation in Lithuania, and Professor Gintautas Ma�eikis from Vytautas Magnus University.

The European Union has declared 2009 the European Year of Creativity and Innovation.

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