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EPA's Gun Control

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  • Carlyfornia, Here We Come
  • The Cali Cartel
  • It's Groundhog Day In The Middle East
  • End Of Child's Play
  • Old Problems Best Solved By Old Solutions

Posted By: Horse328(280) on 8/29/2010 | 1:06 PM ET

I'm kind of suprised the EPA isn't going after all that CO2 from the gun powder. I'm sure deer season is a major cause of global warming.

Posted By: Jayde5(1015) on 8/28/2010 | 6:26 AM ET

Woodpiggie(10) - " ... pack the courts with leftist judicial activists who would declare a "green ammo" mandate"... Oh, if only he WOULD, like previous administrations have! The result would have nothing to do with what you fear luckily, but if only Obama WOULD stop trying to get along with the GOP that will obstruct and slander him no matter what, oh what a wonderful thing that would be! With what he has been doing, keeping some of the Bush illegal policies, I would think you would love him!

Posted By: Woodpiggie(10) on 8/28/2010 | 1:30 AM ET

First of all, let's disabuse ourselves of any thought that Obama, the serial lier and rabid antigunner, would not pack the courts with leftist judicial activists who would declare a "green ammo" mandate, lead ammo ban, to be constitutional. Next, lets look at a few of the obvious consequences of such a law: 1) Only the wealthy could afford to be serious recreational shooters. 2) The frangible copper bullets needed to achieve a humaine hunting kill will soon come under attack.

Posted By: Jayde5(1015) on 8/27/2010 | 11:46 PM ET

Follow Up Point- let me say upfront that I am a gun owner so no need to try to insult me with any of the typical rhetoric. That said, remember when people were panicking and buying up all the amo? - Um - there was NEVER any legislation to ban guns. notice, nothing ever came of that - on another note - have a look a this. http://wonkroom.thinkprogress.org/2010/08/10/gop-birthright-citizenship/

Posted By: Jayde5(1015) on 8/27/2010 | 11:37 PM ET

Everyone - "nvironmental Protection Agency today rejected a petition from environmental groups to ban the use of lead in bullets and shotgun shells, claiming it doesn't have jurisdiction to weigh on the controversial Second Amendment issue." http://politics.usnews.com/news/washington-whispers/articles/2010/08/27/epa-surrenders-to-nra-on-gun-control-issue-epa-rejects-attempt-to-regulate-lead-in-bullets-after-nra-protests.html - they REJECTED this- NO BAN, NO NEW LAW we need to ignore ???

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