Busy bees are the buzz in Hutch

02 Jun

HUTCHINSON — Bees around central Kansas seem all abuzz in recent days.

However, it’s typical behavior this time of year as they try to find a new summer home after months in hibernation

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Concern as wild bee population drops

02 Jun

From RTE news. And well done to Michael Gleeson on the 6 o clock news


Hope to breed ‘hardy’ Welsh bee

02 Jun

Hopefully more hardy than their rugby players!!  Only Joking, well done Ospreys!

read the article here


Bee a giant part of Manchester Day parade

02 Jun

Manchester Day parade 10 volunteers needed to control giant bee

To read more click here


Apiphobe opens new apiary

02 Jun

SOUTHPORT MP John Pugh had to overcome a fear of bees to attend the opening of a new apiary.

To read more click here


Decline of bees cannot go unchecked

02 Jun

Article from Somerst beekeeper Tony richards

To read the article click here


Perks of the Job??

01 Jun

A policeman in New York, who is a beekeeper, reaps the rewards… is that benefit in kind?

Police Control Bee Swarm In Lower Manhattan –

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Bee Vs. Car: Who Gets More Miles Per Gallon?

29 May

Got this recording from US radio .


Make sure your speakers are turned on

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Asian Hornets invade France

29 May

Tourists are being warned to steer clear of Asian hornets that are colonising France, after swarms of the aggressive predators attacked seven people

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Beehive theft on the rise

29 May

Reports from Germany that beehive theft is on the rise, and beekeepers resort tom the use  of Sateillite Tracking Systems

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