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Call of Duty: Black Ops – Shangri-La Strategy, Easter Egg, and Stuff! » BiG DaH's Kage

Call of Duty: Black Ops – Shangri-La Strategy, Easter Egg, and Stuff!

Ok… so here it is… the 3rd map pack from Treyarch featuring a whole new Zombie level called “Shangri-La” and the scenery is beautiful,  the zombies are ugly, and the monkeys are back again, but does it live up to past zombie map experiences? Well, I’m not quite sure yet because it’s only around 8am and I’ve had a few rounds solo, but here’s what I’ve found out so far…

Monkeys are always around except this time they’re not wearing power ranger pajamas like in Ascension, instead, they blend in almost perfectly with the background and are extremely hard to see when you’re concentrating on shooting zombies faces off. I found that out the hard way when a monkey came running around a corner and all I could do was hear it’s screeching little yelp and then I got smacked, luckily I was able to get away that time but I can see these little bastards becoming quite a pain in the ass later on when you’re hurting and need to just get away for a second.

Zombies are still combo hitting, so don’t expect this level to be any easier than Call of the Dead, with the exception of not having a roaming zombie (at least in the beginning) like George Romero was in Call of the Dead. Now I’ve heard that a flaming zombie is going to show up at some point to take over George’s role but I have yet to see it, which means that all you have to do is take some time in the first few rounds to explore and do whatever it is you want to do before things get insane.

So, another question we all were wondering was if Treyarch was intending to make this map harder than the ones before since that seems to be their motivation these days. I am going to say that yes, this map does appear to be delivered without vaseline, so don’t expect to run around in a circle too easily as I’ve only identified a few places where that might be possible, and even in those places there are entrances all around you. Another thing is that there is a new kind of floor you have to walk on inside one of the temples you first go into, it’s made out of mud with stone floors that appear only when the walls come down from the ceiling in a trap kind of way, hard to explain but you’ll understand as soon as you play it (I’ll also try to get some video up here at some point). The same room is also apparently tied to an Easter egg since there are some huge wheel type things on the walls with symbols on them that you can turn by pressing the usual action button (X on Xbox360, I believe it’s the box button on PS3).

The 3 rocks are back again as expected and to find them you’re going to need some sharp eyes or a little help from someone else (I happen to be someone else so you got lucky there). Here are some screen shots and rough directions on how to find them:
Rock 1 – It’s in the area where you first start out, but on the other side of the area from where you initially spawn. It’s tucked into some plants between broken pillars but here is a screen shot to assist in your search

Rock 2 – Located right outside the “mud room” before you go across a little bridge (or right after you come across the one heading back into the “mud room”)

3rd Rock – This little bastard is hiding behind an opening that you can’t go through on the opposite side of the map from the mud room. It’s in a room that I will better describe later, but to get to it you have to open two doors to get in the room it’s hiding in.

As always, once we know the map a little better I’ll update this page with more precise information on how to get to them, but basically Treyarch put the first one in the middle area, the second one on the “east” side and the 3rd one on the “west” side. Balanced and such so you can’t get to all of them unless you’ve gone a few rounds and made some cash. Pretty much like the others and how we would have expected it.

Initial Strategy

Now, for the strategy part of this… this map is definitely one where you won’t be camping very much (real shocker there eh?), there are entrances all around you to all the areas you can hang out in. I have noticed already though that you can use the water spouts you’ll find on the map inside the caves to act as elevators to shoot you back up to the main starting area. The reason why this is important is because I can see in the future a bit of a “Figure 8″ style running game with zombies chasing behind. Basically we can try to start off in the beginning area, run to the “east” side of the map, go downstairs into the cave, ride a water spout back up to the main beginning area, then run to the “west” side, go downstairs into the west-side’s cave, take the water spout back up from that side to the main area, then run over to the east side again, rinse and repeat. (I have yet to try this but will report back later on it’s success or failure)

I do expect to see some videos popping up on YouTube of people finding ways to run in a small circle to get the zombies in a “train” behind them since that’s one of the major strategies a lot of people like to use to get into the higher rounds, but I personally just think that’s a cheap way to go about getting far in the game. I mean, what fun is running around in a circle the entire time? To me, I think there has to be a more fun way to do it, and a more legitimate experience to be had. With this map, I can see all 4 people getting stuck and trapped in all kinds of areas, so the perks are going to be critical, especially Quick Revive since this is a real close quarters map. You’ll be finding yourself able to get to your downed buddies easier than in Call of the Dead since Shangri-La is so small feeling, but…. so will the zombies.  That’s why it will be important to be able to revive them as soon as possible.

Little Monkeys

On to the little monkey guys, these little wise guys are part of the whole power-up changing situation and who knows if anything else… Basically, when you kill a zombie that drops a power-up like InstaKill, Max Ammo, etc… the little monkeys that watch you from the beginning start freaking out and call in other monkeys who come to take that perk away.

Lemme try to explain it a little differently so it makes more sense…

1) You kill a zombie that drops a power-up

2) Monkeys watching you start freaking out

3) Other monkeys show up and try to take that perk away and / or kill you if you pick up the power up.

4) If they pick up the power up, depending on where you are in the map, the monkey will start heading back to the temple in the beginning of the game and try to get up to the top of it so you lose the perk

5) The entire time the monkey is running away with your perk, it’s changing every few seconds, so you can try to wait and get the power up you want or risk losing it altogether

Also, you can kill the monkeys by either shooting them or getting a “Nuke” power-up (the power up that looks like a bomb and blows up all the zombies). If you kill these monkeys I think it may stop them from calling the power-up changing monkeys but I’m not positive about that just yet because we didn’t get any power-ups after those monkeys were gone. They also re-spawned after what we think was triggering something else (we’re not sure what we did just yet).

One last thing to point out before I get back into it… xO JEE Ox noticed he had the golden rod down in the lower right corner of his screen when he was playing as Richtofen, in the area that the vodka bottle would appear in Call of the Dead’s Easter Egg or where anything you pick up appears on the screen in the other maps. We’re pretty sure this has something to do with the Easter egg on this map too.

Easter Egg

(Special thanks to  xO JEE Ox – S IP i IK E – NotStaffed – CommanderBly501 – Deej601 for being part of figuring this out!)

Speaking of “the” Easter Egg (assuming there’s only one), we think we’ve got it almost figured out but I don’t want to post about it yet until it’s complete. What we’ve found so far is that you’ll need 4 people to push some buttons that pop out in the starting area center ruin thing, then you’ll find yourself in an eclipsed Shangri-La, you need to make your way over to the “west” side and push a button that appears on a building with a statue on the side. Then you’ll hear some guys talking about being stuck in there  and they need help getting out (sound familiar?).  So, once you speak to them, you’ll notice some tiles appear on the floor with a bunch of symbols on them, one person needs to tell another person what symbol they’re looking at while the other person finds the same symbol on another tile at the other side of the map, with a little coordination, you can make the tiles disappear, but you’re timed during this.

It goes like this…

1) “John” stands on a tile and says “Ok, I have the Triangle” and then steps OFF the tile so it doesn’t change

2) “Peter” then runs around and tries to find the Triangle on the other set of tiles.

3) Once Peter finds the Triangle, he stays standing on it (you have to stand on them for the symbols to appear)

4) John then gets back on the same tile he originally saw the Triangle on and they both disappear.

After you do that, you’ll notice something starts to happen, a long pole with a silver ball comes out of the top of that building the guys are stuck inside of. If you go around and hit all the gongs on the map, (you’ll also notice some are duds that kill the “chord”), you’ll see a yellow glowing light and symbol on top of that building they’re in. You need to find the 4 gongs which make a sound (it takes a second for the sound to come in) and then when all 4 are ringing at the same time, the guys start saying the water is rising and could there be a way to open “the gates”. I think hitting the gongs comes after opening the gate they’re talking about since it seems to activate that bulb thing on top.

If you fall down the water spout elevator shaft right next to that temple building where the guys are stuck, you’ll end up downstairs in one of the box locations with a large trailer full of Element 115 meteors like the ones that start the hidden song. We’ve figured out up until this part when you have to stand on the pressure plate there and all the guys start saying they “need more weight” but you should just stand on the pressure plate.

3 people need to stand on that metal pressure plate while a 4th person comes down the water slide, when they hit the metal grate you’ll hear the guys saying it worked and they got free.

Then, hit the 4 buttons by Quick Revive again to make it eclipse and go find the box, hit the box and you should be able to get the new shrinking gun, head over to the top of the water slide and you should see a silver ball sitting in the pathway out there. Shoot it with the shrinking ray gun rifle (you need to make it eclipse and then hit the box to get this gun we think). This is where we keep getting stuck because we never get the damn gun out of the box (This is the part where we start cursing you Treyarch for once again introducing “luck” into a game. Seriously, this is f’ing stupid)

Also, we know people have finished the egg,  just sucks that the rest of us have jobs and school that prevent us from playing the game straight through because we had a great time figuring out what we did before anyone else had posted about it.

Speaking of people who apparently get to spend all day long on the Easter Egg (yes, I am slightly jealous of this!), credit goes to everyone who helped NextGenTactics figure it out and of course congrats to their crew on finishing it.  Here’s their video of the whole process they did and I’ll update the text part of this post with all the steps soon so it’s easier to just read and go do….

Oh, one more thing…. us guys here in the GamerKage crew don’t think this is the end (or perhaps the only) Easter Egg on this map…

We don’t know what it is, but we all feel like there’s something still missing, so we’re gonna keep looking around and messing with stuff, as usual we always welcome people to join in our search and fun so don’t hesitate to leave a comment or get on the forums with us at (or you can just click the link at the top right of the page).

So… what do you guys think about Shangri-La?

Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 Gaming News

52 Comments to Call of Duty: Black Ops – Shangri-La Strategy, Easter Egg, and Stuff!

  • Lawton Davis says:

    This Map is very hard to figure out a good strategy on but I hope we can figure out something that works.

    • Lawton Davis says:

      I am wondering along with the other zombie players who on earth made it to lvl 99 and how did they do this. I want to know what they used.

    • Sammy says:

      We made it with 4 guys to Level 22 last night. We figured out the pack a punch spinning statues. We held up on the bridge. The trick is to not open the other side of the waterfall. We ran out of ammo and traded in all our good guns for crap guns and then of course got ammo…

  • xO JEE Ox says:

    Ok, just for the sake of getting it up on the kage as soon as we find it, obviously DaH will update the post but there’s bragging rights to consider! The first steps of the Easter eggs are as follows:

    1. Turn on the power

    2. Where quik revive is there are 4 buttons on the Walls. Get each of your players to press 1 each at the same time and this will cause the screen to ripple and go dark, the cause of the darkness is a lunar eclipse.

    3. Head to the area with the mine cart and opposite the door that heads into the caves is a stone figure in the wall, there will be a button that looks identical to the buttons you pressed to start the eclipse, press it and a British guy will say they are trapped in “some kind of mechanism and would appreciate your help”. As soon as you’ve pressed the button you will notice tiles appear on the floor and symbols appear in them when they are stepped on.

    4. The symbol tiles are a little tricky so make sure only 2 of you do this stage and the other 2 keep any crawlers you have busy.
    There are 2 sets of tiles, one set is where you are standing now in the mine cart area, I’m not sure how many tiles there are but it’s 10-11, quite a few. The second set is on the other side of the map, go straight across the mud room and you will see 3 tiles here, the rest are over the bridge.

    Now, get 1 person to stand on a tile and say what symbol appears, then step off the tile and DO NOT MOVE, don’t press any other tiles. The other person steps on all their tiles until he finds the same symbol and STAYS STANDING ON IT, the first person then steps back on to their tile and they will both dissapear. You have to repeat this process until all the tiles have dissapeared.

    We havnt gotten past this stage yet thanks to Drs appointments and other inconveniences meaning we don’t have 4 people for long enough.

    Will keep you posted.

    Ps. The golden gongs around the map can be activated but only 4 of them do anything. When you hit a working one you will hear a constant high pitched tone in the background. Every time you hit another working gong, a new tone joins the first and you will make a chord. Hitting a gong that is a dud makes the tone stop, you can identify a dud gong by the funny sound your knife makes when you strike it. We don’t know what these have to do with anything yet but it might be worth going around the map and making a note of which ones are duds and which aren’t

    • luke says:

      the gongs must be hit in a correct order so that the four goes from low to high pitch, if it cuts out start again.
      your all stand on the pressure plate from the cart ( two there) and two just near the water slide exit.

      it takes a couple time but you must stand on it for a good 30 secs to a minute.
      after that it will go back day thats how you know its right.

      push the luner eclipse switches again and run to the top of the water slide, (to the left of the mudpit) there will be a crystal ball. shrink it down with a ray gun until you can knife it into the slide.

      that is that part done.
      now there is a gas leak and that is as far as we have gotten so far

    • C Mac says:

      “the guys start saying the water is rising and could there be a way to open “the gates”.

      There is a hidden button on the back side of the rock at the bottom of the waterfall that says do not hold. Press and hold x and the waterfall we’ll begin to gush hurting and slowing zombies directly beneath it. Sadly it only lasts for a second but this might help you solve your problem about the rising water.

      • joe moma says:

        before you hit the button, in the tunnle b4 that there 4 holes that u have to fill by putting spikemore’s in front of them and having zombies pass by them(shooting them does not work), that or use a ballestick knife

    • what about the four large turnable wheels in the room with the shifting floors and the mud. they all have different symbols on them but they seem to be some sort of numeric code. i’ve looked the symbols up online and put them up to different numeric codes form ancient times(including the tibetan which is where “shangri-la” is supossedly located) i’m having a hard time finding anything new on this. any ideas?
      x box gamertag = RUNJUSTINRUN

      • FalcoFury says:

        It’s just a pattern for which tiles you step on and how they affect which walls go up. My guess is nothing to do with any Easter eggs, but finding the best pattern could decide how far you get.

  • JoeMShire says:

    Continuing off of xO JEE Ox’s post. Once past the tiles, they will ask you to stop flowing water. To do this, have 3 people at the bottom of the waterslide, where the meteorites are, and stand on a pressure plate, while the last person slides down the slide. Then, the eclipse will go away. You need to activate the eclipse again and go over by the waterfall, the one where you can press a button that says “don’t hold x”. There should be something smoking at the top of the waterfall. Shoot it down with a raygun or just throw grenades at it. It will fall down, go over to this shiny object. This is where you’ll need the 31-79 JGb-215. Shoot the object as if a zombie and it will shrink. Give it a good knifing and it will fall down the waterslide. Follow it, it should now be at the geyser, ride the geyser and the ball will shoot up and be placed on another pole like the others. Theres more i know but add me on live so we can finish this thing.- JoeMShire

  • Craig says:

    i was playing this map earlier on 4 player and found a little staff. it kina looks like the golden rod when it is on my screen down the bottom next to my grenades does anyone know what this is?

    • xO JEE Ox says:

      That’s the Golden Rod Richtofen asks you to find in the last step of the Call of the Dead Easter Egg. Richtofen always starts Shangri-La with it but we haven’t figured out what it’s for yet, I’m guessing it for a later stage in the Shangri-la Easter Egg

      • joe moma says:

        i dnt think it does but wen u step on the mine cart a pole on the left, like the part on the top opens up like u can put sumting in it, mabey that has to do with sumthing idk?

  • FreeStriker says:

    Okay just a random possibility and I would hate it if I’m right but is it not possible that while the perks in this map change places that the gongs might also change places?

    • xO JEE Ox says:

      I can’t confirm that the gongs change places in 4 player games but I can conform that they change places when playing with less than 4 people. When I played solo the working gongs were in different places to when I played multiplayer, but this could just be to make it easier for one person to hit them all.

      I don’t really know what difference it makes tho since I havnt been able to figure out how to start the eclipse in solo.

  • frmguy says:

    i was wondering what does the elevator shaft have to do with anything and im not talking about the the elevator shaft water slide the elevator shaft where the elevator is how do u get the elevator to come up?? need help

  • Chris says:

    Let me help you out a little. The step where the guys are talking about getting out you have to take the four people and ride down the slide, Then they guys will say it’s working his leg is free. Then we hit the four gongs and got another rod to come up from another section in the map, also we noticed if you shoot the first rod it makes a path to the second one so I believe there are more rods to find and also rictofen(sp?) has a golden rod in his inventory like the easter egg in call of the dead, but we tried this thing for like 6+ hours last night and that’s what we’ve found.

  • Gaming101 says:

    NextGenTactics has all the steps of the Easter Egg put together. Check out their channel on Youtube or go to their website. The whole thing is a total of 13 steps!

  • nick says:

    There is also a small valve that can be turned in the mine tunnel that runs from the room with the mine cart. Maybe it will help with the gas leak?

  • Anybody says:

    i cant figure out the order if the damn gongs. anybody know how to get them?

  • Jacob says:

    Ok i don’t know much about this but you said the the ‘water was rising’ i think i might know how to get the water out. If you go onto the river and under the waterfall there should be a large rock right in the middle of the river that is made out of bricks. if you go up to it a thing will come up on your screen saying ‘Do Not Press’ i certainly did not listen to that because i couldn’t help myself but to press it. As soon as i pressed it a ton of water came knocking all of the zombies down ( don’t worry the water won’t kill you). After you do that if you try to do it again it will say that it is refilling so maybe the water comes out of the place that they are stuck and if you keep on pressing the button the water will never get too much. and you get a friend to keep on pressing the button why another friend stands on the pressure pad with you so there is enough weight and maybe with the water out of there you will need less weight.

  • Just wondering if you guys or anyone knows what the tape recording is about? Its location: if your looking at the MPL its on the left side of the building the MPL is on, on the ground.

    • joe moma says:

      i thimk it just like fills u in about the easter egg im not sure but ive had ppl tell me that there are more around the map that explain how to do the easter egg

  • trav says:

    what does he golden rod do for you, is this part of another easter egg or part of the big easter egg or is it just a novelty item that ooks cool at the botttom of the screen

  • RotaryOliver says:

    I just love this map !
    But when u play Solo, u still can activate that spining statue (The one u turn on, in the power room) :P Just stand on the stones, there come up in front of the 4 spining statue (They are placet: 1. were u start, 2. On one at the sites of the brigte, 3 down in the power room and 4. I can’t remember xD) :P When u do that, the stones stay down :D So there i somthing u can do in Solo too :D:D

    (Xbox 360 gamertag: RotaryOliver)

    • FriedPie says:

      if you get four people to stand on all for of the pressure plates(like the one in front of the quick revive at the start of the map)it builds the stairs at the beginning of the map. (turn the power on first) And the PACK A PUNCH is located at the top of those stairs. But you have to be quick because the stairs turn into a water fall when the timers on the side of the stairs reach the top…(they look like big gears the roll up the side of the stairs)

    • xO JEE Ox says:

      The spinning Totem opens up the pack-a-punch.

  • ARC_10_1 says:

    ima make life easier for you:

  • crazy alex says:

    need help add me on xbox live gamertag:WordlessRogue

  • Knife Master72 says:

    does anybody know if u can do the easter egg without having 4 people

    • craig says:

      You need 4 people for the part where you have to press the stones in the walls around Q R, and I do not think there is any way to do this with 3 or less people.

  • George says:

    A good tactic for the map is camping at the water slide. If it gets too busy, take the slide and go to the minecart. Do the same thing and go to the water slide. Repeat. Another way is have people run circles in different parts of the map (one in the starting room, one in the water slide exit, and one around the MPL rock.)

  • jonathan says:

    well…. to start off. i got the little shrink gun like round 3(so im preety sure you dont need the eclipse for it) and secondly.. this map is hard as hell. i can BARELLY get to round 11 and thats with a ray gun and the shrink gun.. so just sayin

    • reaper6496 says:

      Does any1 else find it harder 4 player than 1 or 2 player cuzz I do find it easyer with less players don’t know why plit scrren is better cuzz u always know where your partner is lol

  • Channibelle says:

    Hello could someone tell me if it is possible to press the four buttons which are at the beggining of the zombie map just using 2 players?

    • joe moma says:

      you cant, u need 4 ppl to activate the eclipse, or at least no body has found a way.

      (xbox gamertag: SiL3nt X CoNeJo recruiting new clan members must be willing to change gamer tag, we are 17-0 message back for deats)

  • bob says:

    u guys should just stop with the damn easter egg and find good stradegies because people have already done it i read this on my psp [xbox much better than ps] and u guys are waisting ur time

  • Deadlywho says:

    The 3 rocks that there is screenshots of. What is their purpose? Do you collect them, if so how? (ps3 player)

  • craig says:

    I tried all possible combinations to activate the stones on the wall by Q R using two players, and unfortunately it cannot be done. You need 4 people for this part.

  • Gibbed says:


    1. hold off in first room till round 4-5 for points.
    2. exit towards the power heading west.
    3. buy bouie knife then juggernog.
    4. one hit zombies till round 9 (make a crawler.)

    by now you should have enough points and brain power (hopefully) to make a stratigy.


    1. upgraded ballistic knives = one hit up to round 13-14 = massive points
    2. shreikers=2 knives
    3. even if napalm zombie is small, he can kill you.

  • zombie slayer122 says:

    u know u can restart this and get more than one focusing stone

  • promainia says:

    i have found a wat to run little cirkels its somewhere inside but have to be carefull if you do that and high concentration because they still can come from all sides so basicly you can do it and kill ^^

  • can i do the easter egg with 2 people??

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