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Instant Highlighter: Save and Share `parts` of web-pages

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Makes Your Web-Site/Blog VERY VIRAL!Add a highlighter pen to your blog: anyone can then make ‘highlights on any part of your page’ andeasily postthem to any Social Networking & Bookmarking site (Facebook, Twitter, LinkdIn, Digg, etc.) Each post auto includes atiny URLlinking other readers back to your highlighted page.)

  1. No Signupneeded by anyone.
  2. No Downloadneeded by anyone.
  3. FREE(and fast!) NO FINE PRINT.

Highlight as you surfand directly post highlights to your website.Ever blogged about something you read online? Shared a link? Or, linked to another webpage?Now automatically embed/quote a part of that page – easily. No need to “join”, or pay, NO FINE PRINT :) Totally customize the look/feel. Very, very COOLTo Try it:

  1. On this page itself, or on any other webpage, simplytype before the URLaddress ( and your mouse cursor instantly changes into a highlighter pen. We recommend youadd a buttonso that you won’t have to type each time you want to highlight.
  2. Select any text and watch it instantly gethighlightedin color!
    • Mouseover any highlight to post it to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn orany social network- along with a customizable auto-generated tinyURL – for others to link back to the samehighlighted page.(Yes, itworks instantly for everyone!Try it!)
    • You can make Comments, add Tags, keep it Private, and much more.

  1. Upload theroohit-pluginfolder to the/wp-content/plugins/directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to ‘Settings’ and click theROOH.ITlink to personalize components.

For your computer:Simply drag and drop thisHighlight It!link onto your browsers Favorites Bar and have instant access to the highlighter. Highlight, save, and share any page automatically. [Learn more]

What if I only want to display the highlighter?

Go to Settings, then theROOH.ITpage on your installation to disable the AutoPublish widget.

Can I change the graphics?

Yes. Go to Settings, thenInstant Highlighterpage and pick from a large selection of highlighters. You can use an icon, or a small/large pen – whatever you like!

Can I customize the AutoPublish widget to match the look and feel of my website?

Yes. ebay suppliers . home heater repair PA . Go to Settings, thenSidebar Penpage. Pick the colors, animation speed, size etc. how do i attract women . to suit your liking.

Does support any other platforms besides WordPress?

You canadd a highlighter to any webpage: on your blog, on your website, in your forums postings, in your classifieds listings, on yourProfilePage, incommentsyou make on the Internet. is supported virtually everywhere!

Instant Highlighter: Save and Share `parts` of web-pages
Downloaded 4 times

9 Responses to “Instant Highlighter: Save and Share `parts` of web-pages”

  1. January 26, 2012 at 10:13 am #

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