Symptoms of H.Pylori

As you may or may not know, H. pylori can cause many different symptoms. Because each of us is a unique individual with a different genetic blueprint from everyone else, our reactions and symptoms will not be the same. However there are some characteristic symptoms that tend to affect most people.

Even if you don’t have symptoms that are related to your digestive system, H pylori could still be the cuplrit. I recently spoke with someone who had no less than 17 distinct symptoms that were a complete mystery until she was diagnosed with H pylori! If you read this posting through to the end, you’ll see that list of 17 symptoms at the end.

Incidentally, I had the following symptoms until I cleared my H pylori.

Heartburn, constipation, low energy in the mornings, feelings of nausea and sickness in the mornings, muscle loss.

H pylori could be contributing to your symptoms if you are suffering from:

1. Heartburn / acid reflux. If you have these symptoms on a regular, or even infrequent basis, H pylori could be the cuplrit.

2. Diarrhea/Constipation/Bloating. Because H pylori interferes with acid in your stomach, you can’t digest food properly. This can lead to any digestive symptom.

3. Fatigue and Low Energy. Your immune system has to work very hard to fight infections. If H pylori is present, it creates a 24/7 stress on your body that uses up a lot of energy, making you feel tired. Because you may not be able to digest your food properly, your body won’t get the required fuels to maintain energy levels. This could also make you tired.

4. Nausea & Vomiting. Many people experience nausea when they are infected with H pylori. You may also feel sick, particularly in the mornings (sometimes mistaken for pregnancy morning sickness) or may even vomit as a result of the infection.

5. Unexplained Weight Loss. It’s really tough to digest your food properly – especially fats and proteins – when you have H pylori. This can lead to muscle loss, which is not healthy weight loss. If you are trying to gain muscle or tone your body, an infection such as H pylori could be a big block to your progress.

6. Difficulty Losing Weight. This is a mysterious one that needs a bit of explaining. Any infection is a stress on your body. So if you have H pylori, your body is, by definition, under stress. Its response is to produce a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol can either cause weight loss or weight gain, depending on the person. It promotes weight gain around the middle (’apple’ shape) but also causes muscle loss.

7. Hormonal Symptoms – PMS, etc. If there is too much cortisol due to the H pylori infection, the entire hormone system can become affected. In women, this can lead to PMS/PMT, mood swings, irritability, cyclical headaches, lack of interest in sex. Some of the same symptoms can occur in men, with the addition of impotence. It really is amazing what a digestive infection can do to your body!

8. Depression/Anxiety. H pylori can cause these symptoms due to a variety of effects on the body. Your mood is regulated by hormones and chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. These chemicals are made from fats and proteins, which may not be digested properly when the stomach is infected with H pylori. A very important mood chemical called serotonin is actually largely made in the digestive system, so any damage to your stomach and intestines can lead to a shortage of this important chemical.

9. Oral Infections / Gum Disease / Coated Tongue / Bad Breath. Although the H pylori loves the stomach and small intestines, it will also be present in your mouth and can weaken your immune system so that other bacteria grow in your mouth.

10. Sinus Problems. Your sinuses are joined to your digestive system, so any irritation to the digestive system can cause sinus problems. Constant blocked nose, painful sinuses, colds and infections can all indicate H pylori.

And now, the moment you’ve been waiting for, the 17 symptoms experienced by one woman who had H pylori (this list is written exactly as she wrote it and there may be grammatical errors).

1. tension headache 
2. chronic fatigue 
3. brain fog/confusion 
4. chills 
5. joint pain 
6. chronic bloating 
7. belching 
8. flatulence 
9. abdominal cramping 
10. bottom of feet hurt in the morning 
11. weight gain (5 lbs in one week) 
12. girl thingyl yeast infection 
13. body ache (like the flu) 
14. frequent urination 
15. swollen/painful lymph nodes (neck, groin, armpits) 
16. drowsiness 
17. sinus pressure

-Dave Hompes

If you have any other questions or are interested in my services, please visit my website at

Joshua Rubin

16 Responses to “Symptoms of H.Pylori”

  1. joeigold Says:

    my sister had a h-pylori infection and these were her exact symptoms cronic fatigue, dizzyness, confusion, rapid heart beat, cronic thirstiness, weight loss, sinus infections, headaches. After eating anything these symtoms became worse. She was mis- diagnosed for a year with the following: food allergies. anxiety disorder, anorexia, acid reflux, along with many others she can not remember. After a year she was corretly diagnosed. At that time the h-pylori level was so high she had to complete six weeks of treatment rather than the normal 10 days.

  2. Jessie Says:


    Here’s a very good authority site and articles

  3. chekita Says:

    how often do you feel hungry with h pylori?

  4. tricia Says:

    My 3 yr old daughter is positive for H.Pylori. I am trying to find out why the bottom of her feet hurt so bad every morning. I just came across your 17 symptoms and see it there. My daughter has done 14 days of antibiotics and is still in pain. We see a GI next month. I hate that she has to wait that long!

  5. kristen Says:

    I just got H.Pylori. i was doulbe over the limit on where you should be. I have the same symptoms. but the bottom of my feet dont hurt. i am always tired, dont eat much, i drink like 4 – 5 bottles of water a day (which i never done). The worest i think is haveing the nasty taste in your mouth. It is hard to taste your food. i dont get the chills though but i do sweat. I am on the 14 day antibiotics and i hope it works… i been having stomach problems now for at least 10 years.

  6. Tricia Says:

    HELP! I have been sick for 8 weeks and have lost 13 pounds, most of it being muscle. I have just been diagnosed with H.Pylori and I am on 14 days of 3000 mg. of antibiotics a day. I am sicker than ever! I have 4 children all under 7, full time worker and love working out. All of this has been put on hold because of this nasty thing. I have been taking probiotics with my antibotics. Is this good or bad? I have heard both sides.

  7. sheryl Says:

    I am having a endoscopy this week. Been having pain in upper left quadrant of abdomen for 3 -4 years. Had gallbaldder removed 17 years ago. GI specialist is thinking ulcer. I have bad taste in mouth always, bad breath, stomach growls continously, gained lost of weight, can not lose the weight, do not eat alot. need more info.

  8. Michele Says:

    My 12 year old has been diagnosed with H. Pylori. She has completed her 14 days of meds but is still having symptoms. She has been sick for months and has been in and out of doctors. They are giving her another 2 weeks before they decide whether or not to send her to a GI. It is a hard thing for kids to deal with, especially active ones.

  9. Rita tessler Says:

    Can you please tell me what medication any of your children were on. My daughter has been put on metronidazole and does not tolerate the medicine. Is there a natural way to clear up this problem.

    • joshrubin Says:

      I don’t have children and would personally not put them on any! If you are interested, give my office a call to set up a consult. I can’t just give supp recs over the internet, as I don’t know anything about her issues. What we would do is have a one hour consult so I could learn more and then give you personalized recs and supp recs based off our consult.


  10. janis Says:


  11. Kellie Says:

    I was diagnosed as having a B12 deficiency and told I will have to give myself injections for the rest of my life, because my body does not digest B12, I was then sent to a Gastro doc who did an upper GI on me and called me yesterday to tell me I have H. Pylori, I have most of the symptoms listed on your site. I am suppose to pick up my triple cocktail of meds today and begin taking them for two weeks. My Gastro doctor thinks that because of the H.Pylori that this is the reason for my B12 deficiency. What do you think? Are these two related? Is this common? From what I have been reading on the internet I have read that H.Pylori is related to stomach cancer, How common is it for a person with H.pylori to get this cancer?

    • joshrubin Says:

      B12 def can come from many places: food, the gut, metabolic pathway issues, etc. But, in my clinical opinion, if you have HP and a B12 def, the B12 def is coming from the HP. HP affects the parietal cells (produce HCL) in the gut. The produce intrinsic factor from the foods you eat, which in turn makes B12. So, if your parietal cells are not working, sec to HP, you can’t produce enough B12. You can take all the B12 you want, but if you don’t erradicate the HP, you are working backwards.

  12. Azfar Hussain Says:

    I was suffering from most of the symptons for last 4 years. Few days back, I was finally diagnosed with HP and right now, I am on Amoxilin, Omeprazol and clarithromysin and Cimitidine.

    I hope to get rid of it after 14 days treatment.


  13. EKL Says:

    Alternative treatment for Helicobacter Pylori:

    I tested positive for HP six weeks ago after suffering from irritable bowel, acid reflux, and a dry cough for over ten years. I’ve also been prescribed a lot of antibiotics over the years that exacerbated these symptoms, so I wasn’t enthusiastic about the conventional medical treatment for HP. Despite my doctor’s concern and discouragement, I made myself a deal: I would first pursue an herbal treatment with a professional who was trained in Chinese herbals and then follow through with the lab; if I tested positive again for HP, I would try the conventional antibiotics.

    I’m happy to say that after completing a 21-day herbal formula, I tested negative for HP last week. The cough and irritable bowel are gone, and the acid reflux has decreased (I have another digestive problem that causes it). I want to pass this information along because I was unable to find any information about the use of Chinese herbs for HP and it was difficult for me to challenge my doctor’s expertise. If you’re also interested in using Chinese herbs to treat HP, I strongly encourage you to see a trained herbalist and to follow through with the recommended labs. — E

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