AP US History: Chapter 25: America Moves to the City, 1865-1900

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Chapter 25: America Moves to the City, 1865-1900

  1. The tremendously rapid growth of American cities in the post-Civil War decades was a trend that affected Europe as well.
  2. The major factor in drawing country people off the farms and into the big cities was the availability of industrial jobs.
  3. One of the early symbols of the dawning era of consumerism in urban America was the rise of large department stores.
  4. Slums, dumbbell tenements, flophouses, the “Lung Block” all had to do with the negative parts of industrialization to the poor people.
  5. The New Immigrants who came to the United States after 1880 were culturally different from previous immigrants.
  6. Most Italian immigrants to the United States between 1880 and 1920 came to escape the poverty and backwardness of southern Italy.
  7. A “bird of passage” was an immigrant who came to America to work for a short time and then returned to Europe.
  8. Most New Immigrants tried to preserve their Old Country culture in America.
  9. In the new urban environment, most liberal Protestant rejected biblical literalism and adapted religious ideas to modem culture.
  10. The Darwinian theory of organic evolution through natural selection affected American religion by creating a split between religious conservatives who denied evolution and “accomodationists” who supported it.
  11. Settlement houses such as Hull House engaged in all of the following activities; child care, instruction in English, cultural activities, social reform lobbying.
  12. The place that offered the greatest opportunities for American women in the period 1865-1900 was the big city.
  13. In the 1890s, positions for women as secretaries, department store clerks, and telephone operators were largely reserved for the native born.
  14. Labor unions favored immigration restriction because most immigrants were all used as strikebreakers, were willing to work for lower wages, were difficult to unionize, and did not speak English.
  15. The American Protective Association supported immigration restrictions.
  16. The religious denomination that responded most favorably to the New Immigration were Roman Catholics.
  17. The new, research-oriented modem American university tended to de-emphasize religious and moral instruction in favor of practical subjects and professional specialization.
  18. The “pragmatists” were a school of American philosophers who emphasized that ideas were largely worthless and only practical experience should be pursued.
  19. Americans offered growing support for a free public education system because they accepted the idea that a free government cannot function without educated citizens.
  20. Booker T. Washington believed that the key to political and civil rights for African Americans was economic independence
  21. The post-civil War era witnessed an increase in compulsory school-attendance laws.
  22. As a leader of the African American community, Booker T. Washington promoted black self-help but did not challenge segregation.
  23. That a “talented tenth” of American blacks should lead the race to full social and political equality with whites was the view of W. E. B. Du Bois.
  24. The Morrill Act of 1862 granted public lands to states to support higher education.
  25. Black leader Dr. W. E. B. Du Bois demanded complete equality for African Americans.
  26. In the decades after the Civil War, college education for women became much more common.
  27. The University of California, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Chicago, and Stanford University were among the major new research universities founded in the post-Civil War era.
  28. During the industrial revolution, life expectancy at birth was measurably increased.
  29. The public library movement across America was greatly aided by the generous financial support from Andrew Carnegie.
  30. American newspapers expanded their circulation and public attention by printing sensationalist stories of sex and scandal.
  31. Henry George believed that the root of social inequality and social injustice lay in landowners who gained unearned wealth from rising land values.
  32. Henry George argued that the windfall real estate profits caused by rising land prices should be taxed at a 100 percent rate by the government.
  33. General Lewis Wallace’s book Ben Hur defended Christianity against Darwinism.
  34. Lewis Wallace- anti-Darwinism support for the Holy Scriptures; Horatio Alger -success and honor as the products of honesty and hard work;William Dean Howells- contemporary social problems like divorce, labor strikes and socialism;Henry James -psychological realism and the dilemmas of sophisticated women.
  35. Mark Twain, William Dean Howells, Stephen Crane, Kate Chopin are prominent post-Civil War writers that reflect the increased attention to social problems by those from less affluent backgrounds.
  36. In the decades after the Civil War, changes in sexual attitudes and practices were reflected in soaring divorce rates, the spreading practice of birth control, increasingly frank discussion of sexual topics, more women working outside the home.
  37. In the course of the late nineteenth century family size gradually declined.
  38. By 1900, advocates of women’s suffrage argued that the vote would enable women to extend their roles as mothers and homemakers to the public world.
  39. One of the most important factors leading to an increased divorce rate in the late nineteenth century was the stresses of urban life.
  40. The National American Woman Suffrage Association limited its membership to whites.
  41. The growing prohibition movement especially reflected the concerns of middle class women.
  42. The term Richardsonian in the late nineteenth century pertained to architecture.
  43. During industrialization, Americans increasingly shared a common and standardized popular culture.
  44. Baseball was not developed in the decades following the Civil War.
  45. Basketball, college football, bicycling, and croquet were sports developed in the decades following the Civil War
  46. American novelists’ turn from romanticism and transcendentalism to rugged social realism reflected the materialism and conflicts of the new industrial society.


  1. Holy cow this was yesterday. You my dear are absolutely amazing :) Much thanks <3

  2. Do you know where to find the rest of the chapters? I used Alexader's blog apstudyguide and that's how i found this blog. The questions my teacher uses are exactly the same as the facts listed on Alexader's blog word for word. So I was wondering where you guys find these lists of facts because i just got the highest grade in my class yesterday and broke the grading curve using Alexader's blog.. Hopefully yours will do the same (:

  3. Definitely post the rest of the chapters please! Alexander's blog is a huge help to countless people, but we need the rest of the chapters! You're awesome if you're gonna post the rest:)

  4. Umm i have a test on friday for chapters 25 and 26, the next chapters would be helpful! and keep them coming because my grades have drastically improved!!!!

  5. Keep the next chapters coming please! This blog has saved the grades of tons of people including me.

  6. Please post more chapters! It's super helpful though, thank you so much

  7. Thank you, now please go through 42! :)


  9. seriously, a lot of our grades depend on this. the rest of them would be soooooo amazing.

  10. This study guide has helped so much! I have given this link to many of my friends as well. My teacher uses questions exactly like some of these on here. Although not all the questions I have are on here, you still have helped tremendously! Keep the other chapters coming please! Thank You!

  11. Do you know where I can get CHAPTER 22-24??!?!

  12. You can find Chapters 1-24. excluding 22 at my site

