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How to Become a Cell Biologist

A cell biologist is not listed as an official field of endeavor, by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), but anyone employed as an aquatic biologist, a microbiologist or a physiologist would fall under the category of a cell biologist. Most commonly, cell biologists are either be involved in the investigation and study of one-celled organisms, especially those associated with disease and environmental problems, or they study the molecular structure of larger organisms, including plants, animals and fungi.

Difficulty: Challenging


    Education A Must

  1. 1

    Enroll in a challenging academic program at a top-notch university with a very strong scientific department. To be successful at gaining admittance to a good college, it takes full dedication during your high school years and also an enjoyment and understanding of advanced science.

  2. 2

    Begin your job search right after you finish your four-year college program, even if you are planning to pursue an advanced degree. You just might find the job that you are really interested in, especially if you are looking for employment in environmental areas or the natural sciences. If you find a challenging job, you should be able to return to school at a later date to pursue an advanced degree. Also, a job search will help familiarize you with the job market.

  3. 3

    Take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). These are advanced aptitude tests used to determine your readiness for post-graduate education in specific subject areas. Their importance is debated, but if you do well on this test in is a big benefit to your pursuit of an advanced degree..

  4. 4

    Find the master's program that is best suited for you goals. With a good academic record, competent GRE scores and some participation in outside activities related to your field, you should be able to find the school and study area that is right for you.

  5. 5

    Look for a job when you complete your master's degree or continue in a PhD program. A lot can be said for taking a job at this point and then applying yourself to a PhD after you have participated in the field for a while. Or you may find that employment at this level of education is something that you find rewarding. However, for some most research and teaching positions, a PhD will be required. According to the BLS, "Biological scientists with a Ph.D. often take temporary postdoctoral positions that provide specialized research experience. Postdoctoral positions may offer the opportunity to publish research findings. A solid record of published research is essential in obtaining a permanent position performing basic research, especially for those seeking a permanent college or university faculty position."

Tips & Warnings

  • Enjoyment and appreciation of science and logical thinking is very important for the pursuit of this career.
  • According to the BLS, the outlook for employment opportunities in the field of the biological science is expected to remain well above average until 2018.
  • Beginning with your entry into a four-year college, the sooner you commit to a science education, the more likely it is that you will eventually find employment as a cell biologist.
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