The Ticket

Jimmy Carter wants Mitt Romney to be the Republican nominee

Carter (Charles Dharapak/AP)

Former President Jimmy Carter wants to see Mitt Romney win the Republican nomination and run against President Obama next November.

"I hope he wins," Carter said of the former Massachusetts governor in a Thursday night interview with MSNBC. "I'm not taking a position, but I would be very pleased to see him win the Republican nomination."

Carter, a Democrat, added that he thinks Romney would lose in a match up against Obama, and that he supports the president's re-election.

Watch the video here.


  • fast eddie 42 minutes ago
    Jimmy Carter was a better than good President who got caught up with the Iran hostage crisis, and a challenge by Ted Kennedy that literally split the Democratic party. 1968, 1972, and 1980 through 1988 saw a battle between pragmatic Democrats and bleeding heart liberals at its ideological worst. In 1992, Clinton changed the Democratic party back to pragmatism. I don't think Carter is giving Romney his stamp of approval, I feel he considers Romney the better of two evils. Read my columns on associatedcontent@fasteddiekc
  • JD 56 minutes ago
    by all means, if that's what carter said let's do it.
  • Tikboy about an hour ago
    Just stay in your cage, Jimmy Boy.....
  • Wasp Hopper about an hour ago
    Thanks to Carter's 'butt-buddy' America is falling prey to the UN's plans for a new world order. A 'white' marxist POTUS would have been stopped in his commie-lib tracks long before now.
  • Paul about an hour ago
    Jimmy Carter is a bad dream that just won't go away. Just think we still pay him. Can't he please just fade away.
  • wayne about an hour ago
    From the man who gave away the Suez Canal. Now you just gave a lot of ( none thinkers ) a reason to vote for the Republican with his eye on our Social Security checks. PEOPLE don't like your political stand. Stick to what you know.
  • Robert about an hour ago
    The second worst President in American history. I would surely want him to support me. Why would it make any difference to Carter anyway? He has already been surpassed by Obozo as the worst President ever.
  • Starman about an hour ago
    Unfortunately, B.O. has enough funding to buy the election. Hell, if he slipped me a $100K, tax free, I would vote for the culo.
  • Starman 2 hours ago
    I think Carter has been smokin' weed.
  • Wasp Hopper 2 hours ago
    Just wondering here,.. if any of you Carter/Obama zombies might have the ability to explain exactly 'why' any so-called 'Christian' would openly support a communist like Hugo Chavez or speak so highly about the new world order???... meanswile,.. so long as the marxist-muslim is in the WH he remains the most powerful, politically well connected 'Jihadi' the world has ever known!!
  • Christopher 2 hours ago
    I say we all vote for anyone of the nominees except romney just to #$%$ off jimmy carter.
  • Pauline 2 hours ago
    He needs to just go into hiding. worse president ever. BO, is a close second.
  • Wasp Hopper 2 hours ago
    The 'socialist' Jimmy Carter wants the 'socialist-R.I.N.O' Mitt Romney to be the GOP's pick for 2012....? I'm soooo shocked!!!.... ( not).
  • 2 hours ago
    President Carter as a former nuclear sub Captain tried and failed to turn America's attention to energy independence, he even suggested we wear sweaters instead of burning more coal. If we had followed his advice,9/11and Iraq and Afghanistaliban probably would not have happened and neither would our massive unemployment. Texas oilmen have polished up Texas and left the rest of America a real mess.Except for Ron Paul you might call all these primaries a Rat Race or an Oily Mess.Clinton signed the end of bank regulations ( Glass Steigel) causing the housing depression which wiped out 40% of Middle Class wealth(except in Texas). W took a balanced budget into a trillion dollar deficit to enrich Texas which feeds fuel to our tanks,ships and aircraft.With the Supreme Court matching Exxon up against Joe The (unemployed) Plumber, how the heck are we going to keep oil out of the White House except to keep Obama in? Even though he forgave BP for destroying an ocean floor, he is less oily than Clinton or W or Perry or Romney.I'll vote for Ron Paul and Obama will win his second term.
  • STUMPTHEUMP 2 hours ago
    Who is Jimmy Carter, OH YES THE DUMBEST AND MOST IDOIC PRESIDENT. JIMMY GAVE MOST OF THE US AWAY. Politically DUMB #$%$ Must have had some brains a nuke in the Navy.
  • jamesg 2 hours ago
    hahaha of course carter loves obama he is makking him look good. the loger obama is in the better carter looks.
  • Joe Thomas 2 hours ago
    carter:your peanuts are ripe,go dig them up,and have another billy beer
  • SHADOWMAN 2 hours ago
    When do we pull the plug on this old never was? The worst President since...oh well...there were never any worse.. Stop quoting him. Pull his passport and visa. Go home Jimmy Jane.
  • Charles J 3 hours ago
    sure he would like obama to win, then he would be the 2nd worst president we ever had instead of the worst like he was before obama was elected
  • Leo 3 hours ago
    Jimmy Carter

    Jimmy is smart knowing that Obama and his socialist democrats bringing this country into
    disastrous joining the wining GOP team.

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