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    Not age appropriate for kids under 8, age appropriate for kids over 10; suggested age 10.

  • Is it any good?

  • Common Sense says

    Every kid should see this Bogart classic.

Why We Rated This on for Ages 10 and Up

What to watch out for

  • Violence:

    Characters in peril.
  • Sex:

    Not an issue.
  • Language:

    Not an issue.
  • Consumerism:

    Not an issue.
  • Drinking, drugs, & smoking:

    Much of the action takes place in a bar, Rick drinks when he is unhappy about seeing Ilsa again.

What Parents Need to Know

This review of Casablanca was written by Nell Minow

Parents need to know that kids may need some of the political and historical context explained to them, especially the meaning of the shot at the end, of the Vichy water in the garbage.

Families Can Talk About

Talk to your kids about the media in their life. We have more tools and tips that can help
  • Families can talk about how some of the best-remembered lines of this movie indicate the casual corruption of Casablanca. What does it mean to say "We haven't quite decided if he committed suicide or died trying to escape" or "I'm shocked to find gambling going on in Casablanca" or "Round up the usual suspects"? What does Rick mean when he says "We'll always have Paris" and that they didn't have it until Ilsa came to Casablanca? How does knowing that she really loved him change the way he looks at the world? Was Ilsa right to stay with Laszlo in Paris? Was she right to leave with him to go to Lisbon? Why? What do you think Rick and Renault will do next?
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More on Casablanca

What’s the Story?

Set in French-controlled Casablanca in the early part of WWII, CASABLANCA follows hardboiled American nightclub owner Rick (Humphrey Bogart), who agrees to hide some stolen (and highly coveted) transit letters, which are used to by refugees to leave the country and escape from the Nazis. Police Captain Renault (Claude Rains) and Nazi Major Strasser (Conrad Veidt) are tipped off that Rick might have the letters, and they put the pressure on him. Strasser is also hunting escaped Czech resistance leader Victor Laszlo (Paul Henreid), who arrives at Rick's with Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman). Rick and Ilsa have a history, and Rick is still deeply angry at the stunning beauty. What ensues is a story of love, betrayal, sacrifice, narrow escapes, and the most memorable airport tarmac scene in film history.

Is It Any Good?

Probably the most famous Hollywood movie of all time, certainly the most quoted, and the most frequently cited as an all-time favorite, CASABLANCA won Best Picture, Director, and Writer awards at the 1943 Oscar ceremony. The definitive rebuttal to notions of the "auteur" (one author) in film, the romantic drama was put together in pieces by many different sources, with script pages completed just moments before the cameras rolled. The performances by Bogart and Bergman are so subtle and complex because the actors themselves had no idea how it was going to end.

Almost every frame of the movie is an icon, and it has been endlessly copied and parodied. The Woody Allen movie Play It Again, Sam (rated PG, but not for kids as the entire plot is about seduction) is an affectionate tribute to Casablanca and other Bogart movies.

Movie Details

Studio: Warner Bros., Director: Michael Curtiz
Run time: 102 minutes
Theatrical release: 11/26/1942, DVD release: 11/17/1998
MPAA Rating: NR

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Most Recent Reviews

  1. Parent Reviewer
    Kids ages: 6, 10, 12
    I rate this title on for age 9 and give it 5.0

    Probably the best movie Hollywood ever made!

  2. Teen Reviewer Age 17
    I rate this title on for age 10 and give it 5.0

    One of the best movies ever created.

    No concerns. Content wise, I think it'd be fine for most 8 year olds, but they probably wouldn't get the whole premise and backdrop of the film. Plus they might think that romance movies are boring. By the way, this is a romance movie, in case you haven't watched it. There is almost no actual action in the movie. Just in the beginning and end, and about 80% of the movie takes place in Rick's saloon/bar/thingy (it is called different things throughout the film). I don't remember any swearing (which was nice), there is quite a bit of kissing (but it's not the junk on movies today. The people actually do it because they love each other and they aren't high off of hormones), and no easily visible blood when there are the few shootings and a wound in the movie. Here's looking at you: have your kids play it again and again. It will be the start of a beautiful friendship between them and classic cinema.

  3. Kid Reviewer Age 11
    I rate this title on for age 9 and give it 4.0
    • My concerns are:
    • Drinking, smoking, or drug use

    Great movie.

    A classic! I'm trying to see all old romantic classics, and this movie is really good. The bad thing about it is it's long and alot of the movie is in a bar. Besides that this is a movie everyone should see:)

  4. Teen Reviewer Age 16
    I rate this title on for age 12 and give it 5.0

    Play it Sam

    Humphrey Bogart blew me away! This movie is a classic and will remain so for years to come. There are also a lot of famous quotes. I think anyone under 12 would get bored, so it is best for teens

  5. I rate this title on for age 12 and give it 5.0
    • My concerns are:
    • Drinking, smoking, or drug use
    • My highlights are:
    • Positive messages
    • Good role models

    Here's Looking at You, Kid

    Ok, so the movie is set in a bar, and for younger kids this would be an issue. There's really no over the top drinking involved. There are some scenes with a gun. I think this is a great love story and one without being gritty or oversexed.

  6. Kid Reviewer Age 12
    I rate this title on for age 7 and give it 5.0
    • My concerns are:
    • Drinking, smoking, or drug use


    Great movie, it's one of the classics!!!! i think anybody could see it, and if you see it in black and white, you can't really see the smoking!=.

  7. I rate this title on for age 12 and give it 4.0
    • My concerns are:
    • Excessive violence
    • Drinking, smoking, or drug use

    Complex but intelligent Best Picture winner

    Hearing all the catchphrases from this single film for years now in 1 hour and 45 mins is pretty cool, or at least for a movie buff teen like me. I probably would've eventually seen this even if it hadn't won Best Picture because of its iconic status. It was very good, but complicated and hard to follow at times. "Casablanca" didn't need a sex scene, but longing looks and brief kisses to show love. That's how cinema's REALLY made. Great acting, great plot, great movie; Bogart steals the show.

  8. I rate this title on for age 10 and give it 3.0

    A little boring but still good

    It's a classic, no doubt, but wait until your kids are older to watch it. It's not that bad, but the plot it complicated to understand a little ones might get bored. A lot of drinking and smoking, but its accurate for the time period.

  9. Adult Reviewer
    Lives in Idaho
    I rate this title on for age 11 and give it 5.0

    The Ultimate Cinema Classic!

    To set kids free from the stereotype that a black and white film is a "boring" film, have them watch Casablanca. I teach a class on media and worldview (for middle school students), and I love to introduce my students to classics such as Casablanca. Teaching them to appreciate landmarks in cinematography is important, and films like this serve as a perfect springboard.

  10. Parent Reviewer
    Lives in Nebraska
    Kids ages: 15
    I rate this title on for age 11 and give it 5.0

    A Wonderful Cinematic Achievement

    It's hard to imagine that CASABLANCA, the film that tops so many film lists and is so immortal, was seen as average when it was filmed. When it was released it surpassed all expectations, and it now lives in hearts and minds as a classic. Almost everyone knows everything about the plot, so I'll skip straight to the innapropriate content. Two men are shot (one at the beginning, one at the end) but it is very brief and non-graphic. There is no language. There are some kisses and it is implied that Captain Renault is exchanging exit visas for sex with female refugees (only passing, non-explicit reference). Rick is a self-proffesed drunkard and is seen drinking and smoking.

  11. Adult Reviewer
    Lives in Louisiana
    I rate this title off and give it .0

  12. Adult Reviewer
    Lives in California
    I rate this title on and give it 4.0

    i see why it's a classic...

    Bravo! This movie may be a little slow for kids, but the romance is there and carries the movie through the end. plus, its a fun way to show how movies used to be made..

  13. Teen Reviewer Age 16
    I rate this title on and give it 5.0

    One of the best films ever made. I mean, what's not to like? There's drama, romance, intrigue, action, humor, etc. The characters' stories are compelling, the script is brilliant and witty, and the actors bring it all to life. If you haven't seen this classic, go do so. Now!

  14. Adult Reviewer
    Lives in Connecticut
    I rate this title on and give it 5.0

    Not so interesting for younger teens

    The movie is completely appropriate for any age content-wise. (Mild peril, anger, and kisses are as bad as it gets) but the story is too old and confusing for kids under 13.

  15. I rate this title on and give it 5.0

    a timeless classic

    My partner and I watch this movie at least once every couple of years and enjoy it each time as well or better than the first time..even though there is drinking and Rick and Ilsa's relationship was one of those 'doomed' ones, it is a great love story and the historical value is priceless. I would encourage all kids to make this part of their library and our little girl who is seven, likes it a lot, even though she sleeps through most of it!

  16. Adult Reviewer
    Lives in Ohio
    I rate this title on and give it 5.0

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