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$395 Need a Clean, Quiet & Comfortable Office Space To Work? Call Us Now! (sunnyvale) (map)

Date: 2009-11-02, 10:59AM PST
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Tastefully designed office for rent, very clean, quiet and comfortable.

Rent an Office
1. Regular price $470/month - month to month lease
2. For November and December $395/month
3. 1 office left
4. Large office Can fit 2 people easily

Rent a cube
1. $150/month/cube
2. 1 cube available
3. If you are interested for a longer set up call and let us know - we can provide a discount

Facility Details
1. free dsl/internet included - elite dsl level from ATT - this is the 2nd level business class dsl
2. free janitorial service included
3. shared waiting area
4. Well lighted office
5. Brand new - just finish construction last december
6. Very private and quiet - low foot traffic - all tenants don't have visitors
7. free Heat & a/c included
8. free drinking water

9. Fully furnished, offices has 2 tables

1. corner of lawrence and central expressway
2. walking distance to 24 hour fitness
3. walking distance to costco and caltrain
4. walking distance to fry's electronics
5. office is right next wells fargo
6. other places of interest that are walking distance include thai restaurant, ichaat indian restaurant, fedex/ups service, eye doctor, dentist, subway, indian buffet place, kebab place.

Current Occupants
1. Internet Marketing firm
2. Medical Art firm
3. Facebook app developers/programmers
4. and maybe you?

Contact info
1. Email us
2. call - Harris - 408-621-2097

lawrence at arques (google map) (yahoo map)
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PostingID: 1448233128