These Things Must Be Until All is Fulfilled... The Chosen Gathered, The Wicked Blotted Out... Behold a New Day

From Letters From God and His Christ

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2/27/07 From Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior - A Letter Given to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Question asked by Timothy, for his wife: Lord, why does there have to be so much evil and suffering in the world?

[From Jesus]
Beloved, your heart is heavy... Turn to Me.
Beloved, your tears I have numbered... Come to Me.
Beloved, you fear and lack understanding... Trust in Me.

All things set up by the Father, from the beginning, are put under the Father’s will, in accordance with the times and seasons in which He has chosen to reveal them...

Abide in faith, My child.
Seek not why... Seek God, by Me.
Live in Me... I am your Sanctuary.

Beloved, all must be fulfilled. All will come to pass and be finished in less than two weeks (less than fourteen years) time. Amidst great darkness, brighter does My glory shine. For one to be as I am, one must suffer as I suffered, and know what I know, and choose righteousness.
Beloved, none of the innocent have perished, though you do not behold them with your eyes. Have you forgotten My mercies, which endure forever? Beloved, My children must run to Me. They must give of themselves completely to Me, a complete forsaking of evil and the world. To live in the True Light, one can not do so without having knowledge of the dark. You are yet carnal, and so without the knowledge of the dark you would not have recognized the Light. The greater the evil, the greater does My glory become...

I am that Light which shines in the darkness!
Behold, I shall destroy it utterly!
Then, they will know... I AM THE LORD!
And there is none like Me!

Beloved, My children must choose God and RUN to Me. So then, evil is permitted only for this very short season, so all may be divided for the harvest. And that harvested shall be replanted in the Garden for eternity. Evil can not persist and be in eternity, lest the Garden and all therein be destroyed. So then, Beloved, I shall surely intervene with an outstretched arm, and I shall do so very quickly! Beloved, I have told you already, understanding is coming and shall be your meat for one week in the Lord. Amen.
So watch and wait with a kinked neck. For the day draws nigh, when you shall be huddled with your family, and in that same instant you shall be no more in the earth, nor of it. And that same moment you are changed, so shall your husband be changed... You and your beloved shall be taken, and he shall stand up and be set upon a rock, an unbreakable foundation, and another with him. He shall blow the trumpet! And be given power, the power of the Lord, even as the twelve were given, even as Elijah, even as Elisha... Yea, much greater things shall he do in the sight and hearing of men.

Trust in Me... I am with you.

What must be shall soon pass away, found no more in remembrance...

A new day....

One thousand years.


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