ezeebeez blogzone


bees, beekeeping and everything related!

Bee decline linked to falling biodiversity

May 25th, 2010


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Infections link to bees decline

May 25th, 2010


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Millions of bees released in fatal US car crash

May 25th, 2010


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Our bees are buzzing off. But why?

May 25th, 2010


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Beekeeper dies after being stung

May 16th, 2010

Please click on the link below to read full text


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Bee Hotels?

May 16th, 2010

Click on the link below to see the text of the article,


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Aid Boost for Beekeeping

May 16th, 2010

Click on the link below to see the full article


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Australian Swarm

May 16th, 2010

Click on the link below to read the full story


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ROBOBEES?(yes seriously)

May 13th, 2010


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Welcome to the ezeebeez blogzone

May 11th, 2010

This blog is being produced as a learning resource for aspiring or established bee-keepers. I know I certainly learn something new about bees on a daily basis, so I hope you can learn something too!


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Please feel free to utilise these pages for your own learning & knowledge, or to refer a friend to these pages. Please note however, that all content in this website is subject to copyright. If you wish to use or distribute content please contact info@ezeebeez.com to request permission to reproduce articles etc.

Please also note that the site owner is not responsible for the views of subscribers, which may be contained in comments. No abusive language or behavior will be tolerated. Anyone displaying this type of language/behavior will be excluded, without warning. The owner of the website reserves the right to monitor, amend or delete any posts, without exception, and to add to the terms and conditions at any point. By signing up to this blog you accept the terms and conditions, both those listed above and in the attached documdnts in the Blogroll (on the right) and agree to abide by them.

OK, that’s that bit out of the way. As you have probably arrived here via the main site, to this page, you will be aware that we are a reletively new venture. We aim to become a leading player in Western Europe of bee keeping equipment and supplies. However this is only part of our goal. We also want to promote beekeeping to the public, and to prospective and current beekeepers.

We hope that this blog and the forum will help to familiarise people with the principles of conventional and natural bee keeping methods, and break down the barriers so that the merits of each system are appearant to all.

Why not add this page to your favourites as we will be adding content regularly to the ezeebeez blog. The forum will be set up in early 2010, so that we can all share our views, and learn from each other, and to allow our customers to discuss anything related to bee-keeping. The online shop will also be opened in early 2010.

Please feel free to sign up and leave a comment. The next post will attempt to describe the history of beekeeping.



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