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Expressindia » Star Power by Peter Vidal » Daily Horoscope
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March 21 - April 20
24 September: This is the time to behave in accord with your true nature, and not let others know what you are thinking. But in financial discussions, take the right people into your confidence.


April 21 - May 21
24 September: Sometimes it's in your interests to refuse to be pushed. It is fortunate indeed that you didn't agree to a final settlement some time ago, because what is now on offer could well be the genuine article.


May 22 - June 21
24 September: By all means off-load some of your family responsibilities, if only because now other people must shoulder their fair share of the burden. You need more time by yourself to pursue your own private interests.


June 22 - July 23
24 September: Hopefully you should now be able to establish considerably more control over career and cash matters. You may even be prepared to concede that a recent struggle was not such a bad thing at all.


July 24 - August23
24 September: Even when life is going well, make sure you aren't getting out of your depth. If you are already stretched to the limit, do not try to defend those who have only themselves to blame for their sticky predicaments.


August 24 - September 23
24 September: Your emotional needs and financial arrangements are under scrutiny. Differences over spending priorities may cause friction with partners. Stick to romantic encounters and you could have a splendid time.


September 24 - October 23
24 September: It may now seem inconceivable that you were ever distraught over an emotional problem. Now you may switch your attention to more immediate matters, like how to pay for your current plans.


October 24 - November 22
24 September: All your instincts and hunches urge you to keep major plans to a minimum, including travel proposals. Do not expect colleagues, friends or relatives to turn up trumps on your behalf.


November 23 - December 22
24 September: You may have come to feel that partners or close associates have only themselves to blame for a dilemma. However, that is no reason at all to be proud or to refuse to offer a helping hand.


December 23 - January 20
24 September: It seems to be some time since you were encouraged to prove just how strong-willed you can be. However, now you must realise that being assertive is not the same as being self-interested.


January 21 - February 19
24 September: Current planetary activity denotes that unenlightened individuals have been unable or unwilling to appreciate your true gifts. Ignore such insults and carry on with what you know to be right.


February 20 - March 20
24 September: Consider settling your differences. Accept an offer which allows you more freedom to practise your skills. It is not in your nature to take on a role that denies you the chance to be an individual.
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